7. Abai‟s works urge people to labour and to struggle for reorganization of life. A lot
of his poems are dedicated to new attitude to the family, to the parent‟s duty, to the
education of young generation. Abai described nature, life and traditions of simple
people poetically. The most famous work of Abai is “Words of Edification”. The
Kazakh poet, philosopher, composer, and educator Abai Kunanbaev is one of the best
known Central Asian poets and is greatly revered by the Kazakhs. Revering Abai as a
symbol of the nation‟s spiritual wealth, we reread his lines over and over again.
„Look deep into your soul and ponder on my words
To you I am a puzzle, my person and my verse.
My life has been a struggle, a thousand foes I braved,
Don‟t judge me too severely- for you the way I paved.‟ These heart-felt
sorrowful lines sound as a welcoming message to the generations to come…
Taken from „Encyclopedia of World Literature in the 20
Reading for main ideas
Circle the best answer for each question. Write the number of the paragraph where
you found the information. Then discuss your answers.
1. What a source of constant inspiration was for Abai?
a. autumn colors of Shyngystau
b. cloudy sky and foggy earth of Semei
c. inaffably beautiful nature of Shyngystau
2. Where did young Abai study when going in search of knowledge?
a. in Shyngystau
b. in Semei
c. in Kaskabulak (жаттығу қысқыртылды)
Reading for details
Think about the information in the text . If a statement is false, rewrite it to make it
Example: It is the road Shakarim and Mukhtar used to take when going in search of
knowledge to
(Shyngys). Semei.
1. Every year, in winter and summer, his father‟s aul moved over to Kaskabulak
valley. (жаттығу қысқыртылды)
Reacting to the reading.
1. Think about what you learned from Reading, and give the best answer to complete.
1. Kaskabulak is located near Semei, at the foot of a hill washed by a mountainous
river. It was here, in a traditional Kazakh yurta, that Abai was born on August 10,
1845. Abai had happy childhood, because .... .
2. Abai‟s works urge people to labour and to struggle for reorganization of life. A lot
of his poems are dedicated to new attitude, to the family, to the parent‟s duty, to the
education of young generation. Poet‟s soul is very delicate. When Abai grew older he
saw people‟s ... and ... . “Words of Edification” ... ... .... . (жаттығу қысқыртылды)
2. Discuss these questions with your classmates.
1. Do you think that Abai is a great person of Kazakh nation just because of good
upbringing and education?
2. “His power is so great that hardly does he move his shoulder when every word or
wish of his is obeyed. When he starts talking, his face loses the touch of sternness and
despotism, and the bais surrounding him are not good enough even to wear his
shroud”. These sentences are about Abai‟s father Kunanbai. What can you say about
this description? (жаттығу қысқыртылды)
3. Focus on Vocabulary (бұл бӛлімде идиомалармен жұмыс, синоним, сӛз
құрамы т.б. қамтылған)
4. Focus on Writing (бұл бӛлімде Write a factual report, Paraphrase sentences,
Compose a short story, Write a report on research т.б. тапсырмалар қамтылған)
Paragraph Development
Read the following paragraph from “Look deep into your soul …”Then discuss the
questions with the class.
Writing Topics
Write a paragraph about one of the following topics. Use some of the vocabulary,
grammar, and style that you learned in this unit.
1. I read Abai‟s poems with great interest.
2. Read the poems of Abai about four seasons of the year: „Summer‟, „Autumn‟,
„Winter‟, „Spring‟ and describe one of them.
3. Choose one of the poems you like in your native language and give the summary
of that poem.
Research Topic
1. Use the Internet or library to find materials about A. Kunanbaev in the English
language and prepare a composition about Abai‟s philosophy, fables, and epigrams.
2. Prepare a newspaper article about A. Kunanbaev – The great Kazakh poet.
Қолданылған әдебиеттер:
1.Қазақстан Республикасының мемлекеттік жалпыға міндетті білім беру
стандарты.- ҚРБжМ.-Астана 2006
2. «Қазақстан Республикасының 2015 жылға дейін шетел тілдері білімін дамыту
концепциясында» магистранттардың шетел тілін меңгеру деңгейіне қойылатын
талаптар одан да жоғары - ред.басқ. ф.ғ.д., проф. Кунанбаева С.С..-
Алматы:2004.-9 б.3.
3. «Жоғары оқу орнынан кейінгі кәсіби оқу бағдарламаларын жүзеге асыратын
4. Sandra McKay Western Cuture and the Teaching of English as an international
Language// English Teaching Forum.-2004.- Vol.42/2
5. Закон РК от 27.07. 2007 г. І 319- III ЗРК Об образовании.- Юридический
вестник в Казахстане № 177-20077- 24 б.