Golgi Bodies (or) Gogi complex: The sac like structures, which are present in a
cell to manufacture, store, packing and shipping the materials throughout the cell.
Lysosomes: They are the membrane bound organelles, which contains digestive
enzymes to break down macromolecules. Lysosome plays a vital role in protecting
cell by engulfing or destroying foreign bodies entering the cell.
Cytoplasm: They are the jelly types of organelles, which are present in the inner
region of a cell. It plays a vital role in keeping a cell in a stable and keeps the cell
organelles separate from each other.
Chromosomes: The rod shaped structures, which are composed of proteins and
DNA. All human cells contain 46 numbers of chromosomes.
Cell membrane: This membrane plays a vital role in helping a cell to
communicate with the external environment and also in transporting proteins and
other molecules throughout the cell.
Cytoplasm: A jelly types double membrane organelles, which are
present in the
inner region of a cell. It helps by keeping a cell in stable and protects the cell
organelles by separating them from each other.
Приложение 2
Схема-конспект к уроку «Лишайники»
Lichens – a group of organisms that are symbiotic associations between a fungus
and a green alga or blue-green bacterium. The fungal partner (mycobiont) usually
makes up most of lichen body and the cells of the alga or bacterium (phycobiont)
are distributed within it. The phycobiont photosynthesizes and passes most of its
food to the fungus and the fungus protects its partner’s cells. The lichen
reproduces by means of soredia, isidia, or by fungal spores, which must find a
suitable partner on germination. Lichen are slow growing but can live in regions
that are too cold or exposed for other plants. They may form a flattened crust or be
erect and branching. Many grow as epiphytes, especially on tree trunks. Some
species are very sensitive to air pollution and have been used as indicator species.
Lichens are classified as fungi, usually being placed in the taxon of the fungal
partner; some authorities group them together in the phylum Mycophycophyta.
Lichenology – science study lichens.
Where they live?
What are their structures?
Fungus + alga
Crustose Lichen
Foliose Lichen
Fruticose Lichen
How they eat?
Water, minerals
Fungus Alga
Organic substance
: genus Cladonia
Carragheen moss (Irish moss) - ирландский мох
Cup moss, reindeer lichen - ягель, олений мох
Қосаева Райхан Балтабаевна,
директорының тәрбие ісі жөніндегі орынбасары,
№10 дарынды балаларға
арналған облыстық
«Білім-инновация» лицей-интернаты,
Қызылорда қаласы
Всегда обучение и воспитание составляли неделимое единое целое.
Высококультурная личность молодого человека формируется посредством
воспитания духовно-нравственны качеств. В данной статье особая роль отводится
национально-духовным ценностям в воспитаний ученика. Освещена работа по
внедрению национальной идеи «Мангилик Ел» в сфере образования.
Education and upbringing has always been two parts of an indivisible whole. The
higly cultrured personality of a young person is formed trough the education and moral
qualities. In the article, a special roleis given to national-spiritual values in the education
of the student.The work on the implementation of the national idea «Mangilik El» in the
sphere of education is highhighted.
Бүгінгі тез өзгермелі демократиялық қоғам адамнан жоғары деңгейдегі
мәдениеттің, ғылым мен техниканың түрлі салаларында терең мамандануын ғана
емес, қоғамда өмір сүріп, тіршілік ете білуді талап етеді. ХХІ ғасырдың жан-
жақты зерделі, дарынды да талантты адамын қалыптастыру бағытында
тағылымды тәрбие беру – кемел келешектің кепілі.
Әл-Фараби: «Тәрбиелеу дегеніміз- адам бойына білімге негізделген
этикалық игіліктер мен өнерлерді дамыту» деген қанатты сөз қалдырып кеткен