Тамыз 2008
Служба главного экономиста совместно с юристами и бух-
галтерией сейчас ведут работу по согласованию с государс-
твенными органами нового тарифа на услуги по переработке.
Основной проект, которым сегодня «дышит» завод, ко-
торый вселяет надежды в сотрудников и из-за которого
я захотела прийти именно сюда, – это проект модерни-
зации. Проект прорывной. Если он будет осуществлен, то
будет достигнут переход на высокие евростандарты, а это
окажет прямое влияние на снижение экологически вред-
ных выбросов от автомобилей.
Сейлхан Джусупбеков – технический директор от
Каз МунайГаза. В администрации завода его напарником со
стороны CNPC является Ван Юдин – директор по перера-
Сейлхан Абдуалиевич, сегодня, когда завод нацелен на модер
низацию, что реально мы имеем на заправках и каким в буду
щем должен быть выпускаемый НПЗ бензин?
Сейчас у нас в наличии бензины Аи-92 и Аи-96, приближен-
ные к стандарту Евро-2. Цель заводских специалистов – весь
прямогонный бензин сделать высокооктановым. Это значит,
выделяя легкую фракцию, получать компонент бензина с окта-
новым числом 94-95, а уже потом добавлять некоторые присад-
ки. Это должно значительно улучшить экологическую обста-
новку в наших городах.
Второй аспект – давайте не будем кривить душой! – тот бен-
зин, который производится на казахстанских заводах, после
отгрузки его на нефтебазы «меняет» свое октановое число. Мы
знаем про недобросовестность наших посредников.
Султангазы Жаркимбетов – начальник отдела экологии и
охраны окружающей среды.
Султангазы Усипбекович, в каком направлении идет рабо
та по уменьшению выбросов?
Минимизация отрицательного воздействия завода на окру-
жающую среду – основная цель работы нашего отдела. Ведь
НПЗ воздействует на атмосферный воздух, есть выбросы, сбро-
сы–стоки, твердые отходы.
У нас имеются трехступенчатые очистные сооружения. За-
вод строго придерживается лимитов, полученных от Ми-
нистерства охраны окружающей среды. Лаборатория вод-
но-воздушного контроля, где работают 27 человек, ведет их
круглосуточный мониторинг. Мы планируем и внедряем
новые природоохранные мероприятия. Например, с целью
уменьшения загрязнения подземных вод пруды-накопители
на территории завода были выстланы полимерной пленкой.
Еще в 2003 году была внедрена дезинтеграторная установка
по утилизации нефтешлама.
Как показывают замеры нашей лаборатории и разовые про-
верки Гидромета, выбросы в санитарно-защитной зоне не пре-
вышают установленных нормативов. После внедрения проекта
модернизации эти показатели должны стать еще лучше.
Айтбек Сагиевич Аухин
– начальник товарно-транспорт-
ного управления ПКОП.
Работает на заводе с 1985 года. На его плечах лежит ответст-
венность за обеспечение стабильной работы по организации
отгрузки и отправки железнодорожным транспортом вырабо-
танных на заводе нефтепродуктов.
Айтбек Аухин относится к числу тех руководителей, которые
успешно сочетают требовательность и отзывчивость в работе с
Тамыз 2008
Azamat Akishev
– commercial vice-
president from NC KazMunaiGas
What are the special features of the current
management system?
As you know, the executive council took a
decision to have the refinery managed by two
state companies – KazMunaiGas and СNPС.
After 11 years experience in the KMG system,
I also represent KMG’s interests within PKOP.
I’m usually sent where something new is
being set up, to improve, strengthen and
support. I manage finances, the accounting
department, the departments for ecology and
work safety, and also control the operating
process from a legal standpoint.
How often do you get to hear that the
refinery has raised its fuel prices again?
It’s important to remember that we don’t sell
our own products; we just provide oil refining
services. PKOP does not own the oil. It accepts
oil from third parties and charges refining
tariffs. That’s all. The sector is regulated by the
Antimonopoly Committee. We apply to have
tariffs changed and can be refused. Up until
last year the Shymkent refinery had not raised
its prices for three years. We are regularly
calculating costs and have all supporting
documentation for any costs we incur. Refining
costs have increased and in order to not operate
at a loss we need to keep a balance. Overall
increase in oil product prices is due to the
increase in global oil prices.
Muratbek Madikhodzhayev
– director
of human resources and administration
You’ve been working for the company for
10 years and know its business like nobody else.
We have a remarkable team: both vice-
presidents have extensive experience of
managing large companies. The main
advantage of this set up is the combination
of education, practical technical and
financial experience. The chief process
engineer, Sergey Pilipenko, is a doctor
of engineering science. The director for
economics and planning, Aliya Dykanbayeva,
has a master’s degree in economics from
American University in Washington. On the
Chinese side her colleague is Zhang Igun,
the financial director, who speaks Russian
fluently and who also has many years’ work
experience in the oil sector. With a team like
that we can do anything.
Aliya Dykanbayeva
– director of
economics and planning
How have you been able to adapt to your
new position?
You could say that I have returned to the
company I started working for. A lot was
familiar as, together with colleagues from the
PKKR financial department, I participated in
the development of a whole series of corporate
procedures. Therefore, I found it easier to fit in
with working at the refinery.
The financial department is a well-
coordinated team. Apart from the accounting
headed by Bayan Saduakasova, it includes the
purchasing and material resources managed
by Wang Jian Yong, the economics headed
by Erzhan Atakulov, and also the IT and
telecommunications managed by Sergey
Vostrotin. In total we have more than 160
employees. Many of them have been working
at the refinery for a long time.
What in your opinion are the most
burning financial issues at the refinery?
I’ll point out the most obvious. Raw materials and
materials are purchased to ensure that technical
divisions receive the provisions they need to carry
out major repairs in October. As joint chairperson
of the tender commission I try to ensure that we
operate without intermediaries and enter into
contracts directly with manufacturers for annual
purchases. As the refinery was initially designed
according to GOSTs, the main suppliers of spare
parts are from Russia and the Ukraine. However,
we are developing business relationships with
Kazakhstan manufacturers, trying to increase their
share. The economics division, lawyers and the
accounting departments are currently negotiating
new refining tariffs with the state authorities.
The modernization project is currently
the main driving force at the refinery, and
the reason why I’m here. The project is a
breakthrough. If it takes place we will be
able to transition to Euro standards, and this
will have a direct impact on reducing vehicle
Seilkhan Dzusubpekov
– technical
director from KMG. His colleague from CNPC
is Wang Li Jun – PKOP Executive director.
Today, when the refinery is about to
undergo modernization, what are we
currently getting at the fuelling stations
and what will be getting in the future?
We currently have Аi-92 and Аi-96 fuel,
which is close to Euro-2 standard fuel. The
objective of refinery experts is to ensure that
all directly distilled fuel is high-octane. This
means that when distilling light fractions, we
need to obtain fuel with an octane figure of
94-95, and then add certain additives. This
should significantly improve the ecology in
our towns.
Fuel produced at Kazakhstan refineries
“changes” its octane level once it is shipped to
oil plants. We are aware of our intermediaries’
unscrupulous business practices.
Sultangazy Zharkimbetov – head of
the ecological protection department
What work is being done to reduce
The reduction of negative impact on the
environment is our main goal. The refinery
creates emissions, discharges and generates
solid waste. We have a three-stage treatment
centre. The refinery follows strict limits received
from the Ministry for Ecological Protection.
The water and air monitoring laboratory,
which employs 27 people, is responsible for
24-hour monitoring. We are planning and
implementing new environmental measures.
For example, polymer films have been placed
in the refinery’s gathering ponds to reduce the
pollution of underground water. A disintegrator
was installed in 2003 to recycle oil sludge.
Laboratory measurements and Gidromet
one-off inspections have shown that emissions
in the sanitary protection zone do not exceed
standard levels. Once the modernization
project has been implemented, these figures
should become even better.
Aitbek Aukhin
– chief of commodity
transportation group
Нe has been working in Shymkent Refinery
since 1985. His main duty is to establish stable
loading and supply of oil refinery products
with rail way transportation. Aitbek Aukhin
is one of those successful managers who can
demand and as well be a man of heart with
his people.
a company’s priceless capital is people, their potential, knowledge, skills and commitment. these
qualities lead to a company’s effective development and prosperity. munaishy briefed PKOP
leadership on how to achieve the company success.
let staff tell you!