«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
increased several times, which indicates the activation of multilingual activities
of the University teaching staff.
The higher the interest in new professional, personal, cultural, scientific
contact skills with native speakers, with the achievements of science,
technology, culture of different countries, the higher the status of
multilingualism as a tool for establishing professional communication for
effective exchange of experience and, as a result, personal professional
development of a specialist [14].
As it is known, Kazakhstan has started large-scale financing of external
academic mobility programs for students of Kazakhstan universities. During the
academic period, they will be trained abroad at the expense of the state. In the
world practice, Kazakhstan is the only state that provides funding for academic
mobility. There is no doubt that educational programs within the framework of
academic mobility of students should be integrated into the system of
multilingual training. This is an effective way of training multilingual staff, as
the academic mobility program involves students of all specialties, all regional
universities of the country. Training in three languages and, as a result, their
knowledge will contribute to the academic mobility of students, their ability to
freely navigate in the international space, culture and traditions of different
peoples. Academic mobility in Karaganda state technical University is carried
out by means of the following mechanisms:
departure of students for theoretical and practical training abroad on
educational programs;
organization of the summer semester for individual educational programs
with the invitation of teachers and students from other universities to ensure
organization of internships for teaching staff in other universities of
Kazakhstan and abroad in order to expand academic exchange.
To date, agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of
academic mobility of students and faculty are available with the following
universities and research centers near and far abroad: Technical University
(Louisiana, USA), Technical University (Slovakia), Bolton University (UK),
Rochester Institute of Technology( UK), Prague development center (Czech
Republic), Czech Technical University (Czech Republic), Warsaw University of
Technology (Ecole Poland), Warsaw technical University (Poland), Fraunhof
Institute, technical University of Applied Sciences, University of applied
Sciences, technology, business and design HOCHSCHULE WISMAR, Institute
of Geotechnology and surveying (Germany), Moscow Institute of steel and
alloys, Tomsk Polytechnic
University, Tomsk state University, etc.
The subject of these agreements is cooperation between partner universities
to ensure academic mobility of students, undergraduates and doctoral students in
the field of science and education.
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
One of the effective ways of primary training of multilingual staff is the
inclusion in the list of basic disciplines of standard curricula of such disciplines
as "Professionally-oriented foreign language", "Professional Kazakh/Russian
The study of the state of multilingual education in KSTU and the analysis
show that there is an acute problem of insufficient language training of teachers
of non-linguistic disciplines, the lack of domestic textbooks in English on major
disciplines; the lack of a permanent system of training abroad of teachers
conducting classes in a foreign language. In order to find effective ways to train
multilingual staff, it is necessary to solve the following problems:
non-compliance of existing qualification requirements and characteristics
with the requirements of a multilingual specialist;
lack of normative and program-methodical support of multilingual
lack of a unified concept of training of multilingual specialists on the basis
of competence-based approach;
insufficient study of the experience of foreign countries in the
implementation of
multilingual education;
the lack of a mechanism for evaluating performance of multi-lingual
specialist. Thus, the language policy of Kazakhstan puts forward a " reasonable
transformation of language culture
on the basis of equal use of three languages: state, international and
international communication " and allows us to gradually enter into a mobile
mega-cultural world.
Lanson T. a Short History of Language. Oxford Umvemty Press, 2002.
Education in a multilingual world: UNESCO Guidance document. Paris,
2003. - 38 p. - [ER]. Mode доступа:http://www.unesco.org/new/ru/media-
Teaching and Learning: Towards the Learning Society // European
Commission's White Paper, 1995 Brussels: the
European Union, 1995.
[AYR.] Access mode: www.bonynetwork.eu.
Nazarbayev N. Ah. New Kazakhstan in the new world // Kazakhstanskaya
Pravda. - 2007. - March 1. - № 33 (25278).
Nazarbayev N. Ah. Social modernization of Kazakhstan: Twenty steps to
the society of Universal Labor // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. - 2012. - July 10. - №
Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 30 August 1995. — [AYR.]
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