use of the collective intelligence of diversified professionals and the integration of their activities to
gain new knowledge. At the same time, one of the highly effective approaches is the creation of
digital models of spatial objects and territories, as the final result of declarative knowledge, with the
use of information, especially geoinformation technologies.
The purpose of this report is to show the potential of geoinformation technology for solving
environmental problems based on the infrastructure approach to the creation, formation and devel-
opment of spatial data. For this goal, we conducted a series of research projects aimed at system-
analytical study of the country's largest environmental problems.
Figure 1 shows the digital model of the Aral Basin [1], which later served to identify many
spatio-temporal causes of tragedies with the use of advanced methods of vector, attributive and ras-
ter analysis.
As one example of the present seasonal dynamics Koksaray water (figure 2) [2].
Discovered in this study using digital models, phenomena and processes allowed a constructive
look at the function of the water basin and take adequate measures to regulate the water loss from
the source and water consumption by users. We also developed geoinformation systems of ecologi-
cally tense territories: areas of falling parts of carrier rockets launched from the Baykonur cosmo-
drome [3] and the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (SNTS) [4], some fragments of which are
shown in figures 3 and 4.
Figure 1 - Fragment of the geographic information system of the Aral Sea basin
Figure 2 - Seasonal variation of the water in the Koksarai counter-regulator
Figure 3 - 3D model of areas of falling parts of carrier rockets
Figure 4 – 3D model of the Degelen mountain massif of the SNTS
The system-analytical approach, using digital technology, made it possible to identify the
main trends in the movement and neutralization of toxic substances in time and space at selected
points of contamination with Heptyl.
In the SNTS, we established that by 2012 the total amount of the area contaminated with arti-
ficial long-lived radionuclides above the Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) does not ex-
ceed 0.07% of the total area of the landfill. In addition, there is an intensive migration of radionu-
clides in the water-soil-plant-animals system, which contribute to their noticeable natural disper-
sion. The need for the correct creation, adequate formation and sustainable development of the
NIPD, we are justified in a separate concept [6].
The systematization of the above R & D and other studies led us to the development of a permanent
geoservice (Figure 5) [5] on the principles of the creation, formation and development of a national
spatial data infrastructure (NSDI) [6,7].
Thus, the paper presents the results of studies of individual ecological tensions in Kazakhstan using
digital models of territories: the Aral basin; Koksarai counter-regulator; regions of the fall of parts
of carrier rockets launched from the Bayқңңyr cosmodrome; the former Semipalatinsk nuclear test
site. Systematization of the executed works led to the development of an infrastructural approach to
the creation, formation and development of spatial data in solving environmental problems. In the
end, the idea of creating and forming the National Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Republic of
Kazakhstan was put forward.
Researches are executed, according to the contract №242 for grant financing from March
27, 2018 under the project "Development of spatial data infrastructure 2.0 on the example of agro-
industrial agglomeration".
Figure 5 - Territorial, permanent geoservice [5]
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УДК 378.147:574(043)
Бакирова КульжаханШаймерденовна,
д.п.н., проф.,Казахский национальный педагогический
университет им. Абая, Алматы, Казахстан,
Зейнолла Сауле Жанатовна,
Филиал по г.Алматы Академии государственного управления при президенте РК, доцент
Кукамбаева Джанат Киреевна,
Представитель МОН РК, зам директора департамента планирования и координации
Нурмуханбетова Галия Ашимхалиевна
Международный университет информационных технологий, ассоц. проф.
Ажибаева Асель Ауэзовна,
Казахстанско-Немецкий Университет, доцент
Аңдатпа: Мақалада болашақ педагогтардың кәсіби мәдениетін арттыру мақсатында
студенттердің экологиялық мәдениетін қалыптастыру мәселесі сөз болады. Білім беру ауқы-
мында тұрақты дамуға деген мақсат-мүддеге қол жеткізуге қатысты ЮНЕСКО-ның Орталық
Азиядағы арнаулы жобаларына сәйкес жүргізіліп жатқан іс-шаралар сөз болады. Мақалада
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