The National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin Астана

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12. Krynetskogo I.B.  Ctrukov B.A.  textbook "General Physics", Moscow, 
"Infra-M", 2008 59ps 
13. Pinsky A.A., Grakovsky G.Yu. "Physics", Moscow, "Infra-M", 2006, 560p 
14. Bardovsky G.A.  Bursian E.V.  textbook "General Physics", Moscow, 
“Vlados-Press”, 2001. 296p. 

The extracurricular on Chemistry in educational institutions is conducted in the 
following branches: practical (chemical experiment, interesting experiments, creative 
work, research, synthesis of substances, etc)  and theoretical (study of theoretical  
issues  and  history of Chemistry, the solution of complicated calculation  tasks  with 
cross-curricular content, work with literature sources, preparation and writing essays, 
reports, etc). 
Extracurricular on Chemistry is a continuation of the educational process which 
began in the classroom.  Its various forms and types supplement and deepen pupils’ 
knowledge as well as contribute to maintaining a sustainable interest in the study of 
To do this one should solve some objectives: 
-  to study the pedagogical, psychological and methodological literature for 
setting and organization of individual extracurricular on Chemistry; 
- to study this problem according to teachers’ experience (to do a questionnaire 
among teachers); 
-  to
develop a methodology for organizing and conducting individual 
extracurricular on Chemistry; 
- to
check the proposed recommendations by pre-forming experiment. 
Guidance from a  teacher can be either face-to-face  or with the help of invited 
experts for this purpose from other institutions, pupils, upper secondary school pupils 
and others. 
An important objective of the extracurricular on Chemistry is to develop pupils’ 
ability to work independently with literature and skills of experimental work in the 
During  the extracurricular on  Chemistry much attention  is  paid to intersubject 
communications which is particularly important in professional orientation of pupils 
and understanding of the role of Chemistry in human life.  Both as in teaching 
Chemistry  and as a whole, the content becomes defining  during  the  extracurricular 
which is selected  randomly.  Its topics are very diverse. Nevertheless, the content of 
extracurricular on Chemistry  is subject to strictly  defined criterias: scientificity, 
availability, relevance and practical significance, interest, etc. 
Depending on the content,  one  should choose the form  and  kind  of 
extracurricular on Chemistry adequate to it: 
mass - event devoted to Chemistry

academic competition, oral book, week (ten 
days, a month) on  Chemistry,  quiz, hour  on Chemistry,  lecture-concert, conference, 
excursion, chemical society, etc.; 
group  -  circle activities on Chemistry, publishing of wall newspaper, stand 
making, etc.; 
individual  -  working  with literature, doing  reports,  abstracts,  some  research, 
making an equipment for classroom on Chemistry, etc. 
It is also possible to conduct a patronage work in primary grades, making 
models, tables, charts, didactic material and other guides  for chemical cabinet, 
preparation of demonstration experiments for lectures, lessons, events devoted to 

Chemistry, special extracurricular activities, solution of complicated tasks when 
using individual and group forms of extracurricular according to interests.  
This division of forms and kinds of extracurricular is largely conditional as, for 
example, the preparation of the event devoted to Chemistry or CAS activities  on 
Chemistry requires a hard individual work of each participant, has an impact on the 
direction and nature of their work. It shows the mutual integration of different forms 
and types of extracurricular, all its elements are connected and influence each other. 
Thus,  extracurricular  on  Chemistry is a specially  organized form of activities 
with  pupils having a strong emotional impact.  It develops pupils’ outlook and 
imagination, encourage them to self-education,  improvement  of  their knowledge, 
promotes their ingenuity and creativity This work is very diverse according to its kind 
and content, has a sense of interest, generates  an  interest  towards  the subject.  It 
requires a careful organization. 
The teacher of Chemistry has great opportunities for  arousing pupils’  interest 
towards  the  subject, development of cognitive activity of pupils, implementation of 
labor education in the study of Chemistry. 
When planning and carrying out individual  extracurricular,  the teacher should 
take into account several aspects: psychological characteristics of upper secondary 
school  pupils, the possibility of a rational organization of educational process, 
ensuring an individual approach to pupils, etc.  
The complex of abilities on Chemistry includes many components.  First of all, 
it is logical thinking, the ability to abstract and generalize, associative thinking, the 
ability to keep  factual material  and terms  in memory, etc. Other  specialists  as 
physicists, biologists and geographers also need such abilities.  Chemical direction is 
determined by a special curiosity shown in the knowledge of substances, processes of 
its  transformation.  Chemists  differ in a desire to work with substances, to do 
transformation of substances, to get new substances, etc. 
One  shouldn’t  make a final conclusion on  the abilities just according to  tests 
how well they were made up. They are to be learned in complex involving different 
methods of pedagogical and psychological research.  Nevertheless,  tests provide 
reference information which is then checked during long-term observation. 
The main advantage of test method is the possibility of getting a large amount of 
primary information and a group of testees. The test method is easy to use, all testees 
are on an equal footing and the information is useful for processing. 
Pupils are offered the following tests to determine the main components of their 
abilities on Chemistry.  
Test 1. Interests and inclinations. 
This test can be used for professional orientation of pupils, in particular, to 
identify those pupils who have a bent for chemistry. 
On the left side of the paper write numbers one below the other from 1 to 13. In 
order to answer the questions, use the following notations: ++ “very much”, + “like”, 
- “do not like”, -- “do not like at all”. 
Answer quickly as the test should take no more than 10 minutes. 

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