«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
use of computer systems allows to compensate for the lack of classroom hours
in the process of learning foreign languages.
Keywords: information technologies, foreign language, educational computer
programs,interactive boards, Internet resources, computer
Оқу үрдісіне жаңа ақпараттық технологияларды енгізу студенттердің
кәсіби қызметінын таландыруды, оқылатынтілмәртебесінарттырады,
шет тілін кәсіби коммуникативтік құзыреттілікті меңгеруге мүмкіндік
береді. Оған қоса, компьютерді пайдалану мүмкіндігі бар шет тілдерін
меңгеру барысында сабақ сағаттарының жетіспеушілігін өтейді.
Түйінді сөздер: ақпараттық технологиялар, шет тілі, оқу компьютерлік
Today, the impressive changes in education have also affected foreign
language teaching. An important aspect of the transformation was the
introduction of information technologies, Internet resources, educational
computer programs, interactive boards in the educational process of educational
According to most researchers, the education system is dependent on the
public and political structure of the state. As a result, the state policy is currently
engaged in the introduction of information technology in educational
institutions, the development of educational materials attract experts in subject
areas, incline computer companies to create learning resources for students.
It is important for each teacher to remember that information technologies
in education do not replace a teacher, but strengthen, expand opportunities and
motivate students in the learning process. What a teacher wants to receive as a
result of using the machine must be programmed into it.
Consequently, the computer takes on most of teachers’ routine work,
freeing him time for creative work, which today cannot be given to technology.
The elements of ICT are used in the educational process:
· Electronic textbooks and manuals demonstrated by computer and
· Multimedia projector,
· Interactive whiteboards,
· Electronic encyclopedias and reference books,
· Simulators and testing programs,
· Educational resources of the Internet,
· DVD and CD disks with pictures and illustrations,
· Video and audio equipment
· Interactive maps and atlases.
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
Technical means of training and control for use in the classroom in a
foreign language is determined by the following criteria:
to contribute to increasing productivity and efficiency of the
educational process,
to ensure immediate and constant reinforcement of the correctness
of the learning activities of each student;
to raise awareness and interest in learning the language,
to provide prompt feedback and operational control of the actions of
all trainees,
to have the ability to quickly enter answers without long-term
coding and encryption.
Thus, a computer system is best of all other means of learning. It is suitable
for the educational process, most adequately meets the didactic requirements
and brings learning English to real conditions. Computers can perceive new
information, process it in a certain way and make decisions, can memorize
necessary data, reproduce moving images, monitor the work of technical
training tools such as speech synthesizers, video recorders, tape recorders.
Information technologies significantly increase the ability of teachers to
individualize learning and enhance the cognitive activity of students in teaching
English, as much as possible satisfies the individual characteristics of students in
the learning process. Each student gets the opportunity to work in his own
rhythm, i.e. choosing for themselves the optimum volume and rate of absorption
of the material.
With the help of information technology, much more information is
assimilated than it was done in one and the same time in the context of
traditional learning. In addition, the material when using the computer is
digested stronger.
One of the advantages of a computer is the ability to accumulate statistical
information in the educational process. Analyzing statistical data (number of
errors, correct / incorrect answers, calls for help, time spent on individual tasks,
etc.), the teacher knows about the degree and quality of the formation of
students' knowledge.
It should be noted that the computer removes such a negative psychological
factor as "responsiveness." During traditional learning processes, various factors
(defects in pronunciation, fear of making a mistake, inability to articulate their
thoughts out loud, etc.) do not allow many students to demonstrate their real
knowledge. Alone with a computer, a student does not feel constrained and tries
to show his knowledge to the maximum.[1]
Positive opportunities are created by a computer for organizing students'
independent work in English classes. Students can use the computer to study
individual topics and to self-monitor their knowledge. It should be noted that the
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