«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
technologies. With the use of information and communication technologies, the
study of English has now progressed a great many steps forward, has made great
strides towards a qualitative improvement. With the development of the Internet,
new opportunities have appeared in teaching foreign languages, in particular
English. However, the introduction of the use of information and
communication technologies in the learning process should be carried out
carefully and carefully, with all safety precautions.
For me, multilingualism is not only a high goal set by our President, and to
which everyone should strive. The concept of “multilingualism” for me as a
teacher is also filled with some aspects of a professional plan. Namely:
• implementation of interdisciplinary communication in the classroom,
• expanding the outlook of students and cultural mutual enrichment by
mastering three languages,
-education tolerance and internationalism.
My task at the initial stage of working on the development of
multilingualism is to show the children that languages, albeit within the time-
limited limits, can be a means of communication and information transfer. The
pupils of the younger age group have a very strong motive of curiosity for
languages, a great desire to communicate with each other. And I am convinced
that it is possible and necessary to use this psychological peculiarity when
teaching languages. The first step in this direction is the dialogues and polylogs
"Greeting", "Acquaintance". I offer children a communicative situation: a
meeting at an international conference of citizens of Kazakhstan, Russia and the
UK, leaving the children free choice of phrases to build communication. Thus,
several variants of polylogs are obtained.
The selection of text multilingual material for middle and older age groups
can be carried out according to criteria such as
- accessibility from the point of view of language means,
- the relevance of the perspective from the standpoint of universal values
and from the point of view of contemporary problems,
correspondence with the speech and life experience of students.
Tasks for work in the classroom and at home can be developed at different
levels of complexity, because the degree of preparation, development and
language capabilities of students dictates the need for a differentiated approach.
In this case, everyone gets the opportunity to participate in the work.
1. Find in the texts of international words that do not need to be translated.
2. Select keywords and expressions from texts.
3. Insert words into the sentences.
4. Find a sentence that contains the main idea.
5. Come up with a question, the answer to which would be such and such a
sentence or a specific paragraph.
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
It is possible to compose tasks for texts based on comparative lexical and
grammatical analysis of the three languages.
The use of innovative methods by teachers, methods of formation of
interest in learning (cognitive games, educational discussions, the creation of
problem situations, etc.), methods of formation of duty and responsibility in
learning (encouragement, approval, censure, etc.); the introduction of new
technologies into the educational process by teachers and students (presentations
of educational material, electronic manuals, audio and video materials, etc.) - all
this is intended to enhance the process of language learning and contribute to the
effectiveness of language learning. Teachers are constantly improving methods
of teaching languages, creatively using innovative techniques with the use of
training and monitoring computer programs, business games, project method.
For classes are used computer classes, the value of which for the in-depth study
of English is invaluable.
In connection with the strengthening of the role of the English language in
the business and industrial sphere of activity, there is an increasing need for the
transition to teaching basic and major subjects in the English language. The
university successfully introduces the teaching of special disciplines in English.
For example, since 2012. at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural
Geography for students in various disciplines, classes are held in English. In the
future, it is planned to expand the range of disciplines taught in English.
Possession of Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages in modern society is
becoming an integral component of the personal and professional activities of
mankind. All of this, on the whole, creates the need for a large number of
citizens who practically and professionally speak several languages and,
therefore, have real chances to take a more prestigious position in society, both
socially and professionally.
In addition, training in three languages, and, as a result, their possession is
almost perfect, will contribute to familiarizing with the culture and traditions of
different peoples. And this is nothing but the formation of a multilingual
personality, an active carrier of several languages.
The concept of development of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan
until 2015.
Message from the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.
Nazarbayev “Socio-economic modernization is the main vector of development
of Kazakhstan” .- Astana, 2012.
Nikishina I.V. Innovative activity of the modern teachering, 2007.
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