«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
computer is the most patient teacher, capable of repeating any task as long as
possible, seeking the right answer.
However, they note some disadvantages of computers. This judgment is
directly related to the individualization of learning, especially since in
conditions of computerization the conditions for interaction between the teacher
and the student, as well as the students with each other, vary considerably. The
implementation of the interdisciplinary connections of the English language and
computer science can be seen through:
integrated lessons;
study of English expressions in computer science lessons;
design of essays, presentations in the English language, materials for the
Thus, we can conclude that the use of a computer in the learning process
foreign languages in a technical college (especially for independent work)
allows to compensate insufficient number of classroom hours and facilitates the
formation in the educational process of all kinds speech activity on the basis of
the revitalization and use of information extracted in the learning process.
Kaspin I.V. The use of computer programs in teaching various aspects of
the English language.// New technologies in the teaching of foreign languages /
Materials of the international seminar. - SPb.,RGPU them. A.I. Herzen– 2008.
New technologies in foreign language teaching // Materials of the
international seminar - St. Petersburg: Publishing House RGPU them. A.I.
Herzen, 2008.
УДК 811:371.315.7
Khalel Dosmukhamedov Atyrau state university
This article shows the importance of information technology and English
language in the life of a modern man. The relevance of the article lies in the
comprehensive study of the impact of new technologies and the English
и.о.доцента кафедры «Переводческое дело и иностранные языки», кандидат
филологических наук
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
language on human activities. The special attention is paid to educational
Keywords: information technology, education, English language, Internet,
Бұл мақала заманауи адамның өмірінде ақпараттық технологиялар мен
ағылшын тілінің маңыздылығын көрсетеді. Мақаланың өзектілігі жаңа
технологиялардың және ағылшын тілінің адам қызметіне әсерін жан-
жақты зерделеуде жатыр. Білім беру қызметіне ерекше назар
Түйінді сөздер: ақпараттық технологиялар, білім, ағылшын, ақпарат,
интернет, бағдарламалаушы
The XXI century is the century of paradoxes and discoveries, urbanization
and globalization and scientific and technological progress. Having considered it
from different positions, we note a number of features that are inherent in human
life in our time. Undoubtedly, the mass introduction of scientific developments
and computer technologies comes to the fore. To determine the stage of
development of the information society in different countries, a common index
of information society maturity was created. Experts evaluated the indicators in
the production, computer and information areas.
Global computerization has aroused great interest in the use of computers
in education. Statistics show that every year the amount of information doubles.
The basis of education-knowledge is also changing. The state faces a difficult
task - to provide the population with a decent level of education. Thanks to the
development of new technologies this becomes possible. The modernization of
educational programs demand introduction of modern methods of teaching.
Over time, the concept of a virtual school appeared. This is an educational
institution in which training is conducted via the Internet. The students also
study the curriculum, receive and do homework, and have the opportunity to talk
with the teacher.
The European companies conducted a survey in which 2800 people from
20 countries participated. The respondents for the most part were students,
programmers and entrepreneurs. The survey showed that 64% of respondents
participated in online courses at least once, and more than half confirmed that
the courses helped them become more competent in the field of study.[1]
More than 57% of the sites in the global network are written in English. It
was the American engineer John Mockley who created the first electronic
computer, the most popular transnational corporations such as Google,
Microsoft, Apple, IBM were also created by the Americans.
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