4) Creation of opportunities for the implementation and dissemination of environmental ide-
as among students.
5) Organization of lectures, exhibitions, competitions, charity events for university students.
6) Organization of conferences, training seminars, trainings.
The final goal of all these activities is the formation of environmental conscience. Education
is the field from which the future of society depends and in which the intellectual potential of the
future is formed. The most important task of educational policy at the modern stage is the achieve-
ment of the modern quality of education, its correspondence to the actual and long-term needs of
the individual, society and the state, where one of the main goals of a harmoniously developed per-
sonality is the formed environmental conscience [4]. Environmental conscience is one of the types
of consciousness of society, which includes a system of knowledge, motives, reflecting the ecologi-
cal side of public life. In order to from the environmental conscience, it is necessary to rethink the
main problems of the world outlook, continuous connection with science, inoculation of altruistic
values by science, ability to place their interests below the interests of society, actions for preserv-
ing nature. It can manifest itself through environmental relations and activities. The principles and
motivations of volunteerism and the actual volunteer activity contribute to the formation of such
important qualities as charity, responsibility for oneself and the task entrusted, increase the sense of
self-esteem and humane, tolerant attitude towards others, contribute to the occupation of a young
person by socially useful work, form in him/her qualities and skills that are important for adult, in-
cluding professional activities. Volunteering is a special outlook on life, whole worldview that has
absorbed all the most worthy of the world’s pedagogical space that has been created for many cen-
turies [5].
Thus, the development of environmental volunteerism within the walls of the university
should not only form ecological knowledge and respect for nature, but also the motives, needs, hab-
its of environmentally appropriate behavior and activities. The young generation will assume all
responsibility in the future for the preservation of nature, therefore the process of formation of envi-
ronmental conscience is a vitally important problem.
The main task of volunteering is to develop the desire for active environmental protection.
Environmental volunteering will allow us to combine theory with practice. We offer new ways to
update the consciousness of modern youth, taking into account the features and trends in the devel-
opment of the current environmental situation. Participation of students as active youth in environ-
mental volunteering will help to develop effective work on the implementation of the Concept on
the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a “green economy”.
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УДК 378.147:81'243
Булатбаева К.Н.
доктор педагогческих наук, профессор кафедры иностранной филологии
ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева
Фахрутдинова Г.Ж.
доктор педагогических наук, профессор Казанского
Федерального (Приволжского) университета
Аңдатпа: Мақалада параллельді түрде экологиялық және экологияға бағытталған шеттілдік
коммуникативтік құзіреттіліктерді қалыптастыруға арналған авторлық технологияның іске
асыру кезеңдері көрсетілген.
Кілтті сөздер: когнитивті-коммуникативтік технология, екітілдік оқыту, экологиялық
құзыреттілік, шеттілдік қарым-қатынас жасау құзыреттілігі
Abstract:The article is devoted to an author's technology realization stages of the parallel formation
of ecological and foreign-language environmentally oriented communicative competencies in the
conditions of training in the university.
Key words: cocnitive-communicative technology, bilingual education, ecological competense, for-
eign communicative competense
Экологическая компетенция и экологически активная деятельность должны стать
неотъемлемыми составляющими жизни каждого нашего современника. Огромным достиже-
нием казахстанской школы является апробация учебного предмета «Экология и устойчивое
развитие» в 12 экспериментальном классе в 2014 году, давшая положительный результат
[1,2]. Однако в плане мероприятий по формированию функциональной грамотности школь-
ника экологическая компетенция не находит своего заслуженного места в ряду других ком-
петенций. Нет спора, что экологическая компетенция может быть рассмотрена в составе
личностной, гражданской, социальной, технологической, управленческой компетенций. Од-
нако глобальная проблема сохранения человечества выдвигает экологическую компетенцию
как основополагающую, без которой перечисленные компетенции будут несостоятельными.
Экологическая компетенция молодежи формируется за счет эффективных технологий
обучения, одной из которых является когнитивно-коммуникативная технология двуязычного
обучения (ККТДО) [3,4,5]. Ее преимущественные характеристики в формировании экологи-
ческой компетенции таковы:
- обеспечивает формирование понятийного аппарата по рассматриваемой экологиче-
ской проблеме и расширяет кругозор студентов;
- вовлекает студентов в экологические проблемы области, региона, страны и мира;
- определяет совокупность речевых задач студентов в рамках экологической темы;
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