evaluative nature. The research methodology is based on the processing of secondary data that
makes it possible to conduct a preliminary analysis of the problems.
We used descriptive and conservative approaches, as well as generalization and a
retrospective analysis.
Following independence and the beginning of the transition to a democratic society and a
market economy, a significant progress has been achieved in reforming of higher education in
Kazakhstan; the principles and content of education have been radically changed. The supportive
environment was created for the education market formation and development that covered both
public and private educational institutions.
Higher education institutions network was created to train staff that meets the needs of a
market economy. Besides, new training programs and curriculums were developed and
implemented, new specialties were initiated. The main trend in the higher education development
was refusal of centralized management in education and the abolition of rigid centralization of
higher education institutions. As a result, the private higher education sector has started to work on
an equal footing with public universities, which were granted the right to enroll and educate
students on a fee-paying basis. This initiative was supported by the Kazakhstan Competition Law.
The most important were efforts that resulted in the recognition of Kazakhstan diplomas
abroad and similarly, recognition of foreign certificates and qualifications in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. This was facilitated by signing President’s Decree #202-13 (April 11, 1997,
Kazakhstan) and the ratification of Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning
Higher Education (December 13, 1997, Lisbon).
In 1998, the International Convention, unifying higher education system worldwide, was
adopted. The American model with the stages of bachelor degree course, master degree course, and
doctorate program was approved as a standard. Now, the countries in Europe and Asia, including
the CIS countries, gradually change to this system. An important development line in higher and
postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is its approach to international standards by
joining of domestic undergraduate and postgraduate education to the Bologna Process.
Currently, in the Republic of Kazakhstan a multi-level training model is applied, which
includes business education, providing training of specialists for market economy (OECD Bulletin,
2007) [9]. Established educational structure consists of the following education stages:
higher professional education (bachelor and master degree courses);
continuing professional education (retraining and advance training);
business education (international business schools, corporate universities and training
centers, training and consultancy companies, business colleges, etc.), which implement a wide
range of business education programs.
Bachelor and master degree courses are independent stages in the higher education process
Bachelor’s degree is an academic degree that any university student can get after acquiring
the necessary knowledge in the chosen specialty. This qualification is considered a confirmation
that the student has acquired higher education and is well-versed in the chosen specialty.
After receiving a bachelor’s degree, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan has the right to
hold certain positions for which one should have a higher professional education. These are
primarily the employees of different social and economic spheres (administrators, managers,
accountants, etc.).
Numerous professions offered by universities in Kazakhstan provide students wide
employment opportunities. Due to the fact that students’ professional training is maximally close to
the real practical conditions and is not focused just on narrow specialization, university graduates
can change their profession within one year.
Master degree course is the upper stage of higher education. With the right choice of
specialization, the student not only increases his motivation to learn, but also enhances the overall
performance. In order to be enrolled in a master degree course the student first must have a
bachelor's degree or be certified specialist in selected profession. If we take into account the fact
that bachelor degree courses emerged not so long ago, most of the graduates willing to be enrolled
to master degree courses, are graduate professionals. Besides, adults who want to get second higher
education are also trained in the master degree courses.
During the period from 1990 to 2001 the number of higher education institutions, offering
management training in the Republic of Kazakhstan, has increased from 55 to 185, i.e. more than 3
times. Since 2000, the total number of higher educational institutions decreases. Indicators showing
higher education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1990-2013 are presented in Table
Table 1
Higher education development indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 1990-2013
1990/91 2001/02 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13
Number of higher education institutions
Number of students
367 514
738 620
442 629
507 571
Number of academic staff
21 955
34 508
39 600
40 531
41 224
Currently, there are 139 higher education institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan; 50 of
them are public universities (including 9 national universities, 1 international university,
"Nazarbayev University", 33 public universities, 16 corporatized universities, 66 private
universities, and 13 non-civil universities) (Kirichok, 2010) [11] with an enrollment of 571.7
thousand students (excluding graduate and doctoral students).
In conclusion, it should be noted that today's business education market includes strongest
players, who have the ability to provide exclusive educational product that has practical significance
and is designed for each individual economy sector. Business schools in the Republic of
Kazakhstan must be more actively involved in improving the system-related economic and business
education. They must govern its legislative and state education policy, improve education towards
its internationalization, enhance and deepen cooperation with the business schools worldwide [12].
The measures to ensure further development and improvement of programs in the field of
business education include obtaining international accreditation (AMBA, AACSB, and EQUIS) by
Kazakh business schools and their participation in world rankings.
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