Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
tends to occur most often among teachers with limited knowledge of the subject area they are
teaching (Carlsen, 1991; Jetton & Alexander, 1997; Shymansky, Yore, & Good, 1991).
Using texts constructively need intensive input/output work is crucial for cost-effective
language teaching and learning. This is particularly the case in learning situations where
extensive input, and opportunities for extensive output, are limited. In these situations,
intensive language activity has to carry more of the instructional burden. (If learners
encounter fewer examples of high-priority words and structures,
each example needs to make
more of an impact.) Well-planned text-use can contribute importantly to this aspect of
language learning.
Students engage in depth with a short sample of spoken or written language. They work
hard enough on this text to make some of the language their own: words, expressions and
structures stick in their minds; perhaps whole stretches of the text are even memorised (as
when a dialogue is learnt by heart).
Possible approaches:
1. Take a story or other text of perhaps 200 words, not too difficult, which contains
some useful language.
2. Tell it or read it to the class, explaining anything that seriously hinders
3. Get the class to tell you anything that they can remember of the text.
4. Repeat it and see how much more they can recall.
5. Hand out the text/get them to open their books.
6. Tell them to note and learn these points.
7. Ask them to choose for themselves a few other words or expressions to learn.
The key here is to create effective links between input and output, so that new language
is recycled and consolidated. It is not really very difficult to bring this about: there are all
sorts of possible approaches. Here is one way of using a text intensively with a lower-level
Go through the text explaining and answering questions where necessary, but
concentrating mainly on a relatively small number (perhaps 8-12) of useful words,
formularic expressions, collocations or structural points which the students don't yet have an
active command of.
Get them to close their books or put away the text, and ask recall questions (NOT
'comprehension questions'), designed specifically to get them to say or write the words and
expressions picked out for learning.
There are enormous numbers of other ways of achieving this level of close engagement
with input material, followed by creative output using what has been learnt. Texts can be 'fed
in' through dictation, storyboard-type activities, or by various other routes. Students can
work on a dialogue, and then script and perform (or improvise) new dialogues on a similar
theme. One class I heard about hijacked the whole of their boring textbook, rewriting the
stories and dialogues with added elements (a pregnancy, an explosion, an arrest, a lottery
win, alien invaders…) so as to make them more interesting, and thus using what they had
learnt in highly original and motivating ways. What is essential is that close engagement
with texts should allow students, little by little, to build up a repertoire of key lexis and
structures that they have made their own by working on them intensively and reusing them
in this way. Compared with the typical 'superficial text study - comprehension questions -
free writing' cycle, the crucial difference is that learners do more with less, so that they really
do learn, remember and are able to use what they take in, instead of forgetting most of it
before the lesson is over.
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
In operating an effective input-output cycle, some obstacles may need to be overcome.
One may be cultural. In countries where the educational tradition favours authoritarian
teacher-fronted presentation and a traditional transmission model of education, there is likely
to be a strong emphasis on input and a correspondingly reduced emphasis on learner output.
And if public self-expression is discouraged, as it is in some cultures, students may need
encouragement (and an explanation of the
rationale of the approach), before they are ready
to recycle input material creatively in personalised communicative activities, particularly in
oral work.
Finally, set a written exercise in which they are expected to use most of the new material,
but in their own way (this is crucial). For instance, ask them to tell the story they have studied in
the form of a letter written by one of the characters in it; or to write about a similar incident from
their own experience.
1. Cook, G. Language Play, Language Learning. – Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2. Day, R. & Bamford, J. Extensive Reading in the Second Language Classroom. –
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1998.
3. Walter, C. & Swan, M'Teaching reading skills: mostly a waste of time?' in IATEFL
2008: Exeter Conference Selections, 2008.
4. Weir R. H. Language in the Crib. The Hague: Mouton, 1970.
5. Almasi J. The effects of peer-led and teacher-led discussions of literature on fourth
graders’ sociocognitive conflicts. In C.K. Kinzer & D.J. Leu, Jr. (Eds.), Multidimensional
aspects of literacy research, theory, and practice: Forty-third yearbook of the National
Reading Conference. – Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference. 1994.–Р.40-59.
Умирбекова А.А.,
(Алматы қ., Қ.И.Сәтбаев атындағы Қазақ Ұлттық техникалық университеті)
Мәтіндерді аудиторияда конструктивті қолдану
Мақалада ағылшын тілі сабағында мәтіндерді конструктивті қолданудың тиімді
жолдары жайлы айтылады. Cонымен қатар мәтіндер мағынасының әр формадағы
қолданылуы сөз болады.
Тірек сөздер: анықтама, әртүрлі, жылдам, әңгімелер, көрсетілім, педагогикалық
Умирбекова А.А.,
(г.Алматы, Казахский Национальный технический университет им. К.И. Сатбаева)
Конструктивное использование текстов в аудитории
В статье рассмотрены конструктивное использование текстов на уроках
английского языка. А так же использование разновидных текстов по значению.
Ключевые слова: справочник, разновидный, мимолетный, разговоры,
представление, педагогический подход.
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