Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
Shamshiyeva Ramina
Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
3 course/ bachelor
Scientific director: Otarova T. N.
Түйіндеме. Мақалада педагогика және білім беру процесіндегі маңызды мәселелерді талдауға
бағытталған негізгі идеялар қарастырылды. Педагогика саласындағы "педагогика" және "принцип"
ұғымдары нақтыланды, оқыту және тәрбиелеу принциптері байланысының негізі көрсетілді. Бұл
мақаланы зерделеп, педагогиканың негізгі принциптерін жетілдірудің көптеген аспектілерін
түсінуге болады. Тақырыбы жалпы педагогикалық принциптердің мәнін түсінуге көмектесу үшін
барлық жақтар мен сұрақтарды ашады.
Аннотация. В данной статье рассматривается тема, которая касается основных идей, с
помощью которых можно лучше понять важность педагогического и образовательного процесса.
Уточнены понятия «педагогика» и «принцип» в педагогике, обоснована связь принципов обучения и
воспитания. Изучив эту статью, можно понять многие аспекты совершенствования основных
принципов педагогики. Тема раскрывает все стороны и вопросы, чтобы помочь вам понять суть
общих педагогических принципов.
In the early stages of its development, humanity, elementary education, education of the younger
generation, accumulated relevant knowledge, which eventually formed into a coherent, diversified science –
Pedagogy - a combination of theoretical and applied Sciences that studies the processes of education,
training and personal development.
Pedagogical principle -a fundamental idea, which helps the best way to achieve their educational
goals. The term "principles" in the pedagogical understanding of the most important and significant
provisions which reflect the regularities of education. They direct the activities of teachers working in the
intended purpose with less effort and time.
That is what Sh. A. Amonashvili said about the principles of my pedagogical activity: «These
principles are very simple, like any truth, just need to take them for the truth, imbued with them, build their
activities on them.
The first principle is to love a child. The teacher must radiate human kindness and love, without
which it is impossible to raise a humane soul in a person. A child becomes happy as soon as he feels that the
teacher loves him, loves sincerely and unselfishly. The pedagogy of love does not tolerate rudeness, pressure,
diminishing dignity, ignoring the life of a child.
The second principle (it follows from the first) is to humanize the environment in which the child
lives. No sphere of communication should irritate the child, give rise to fear, insecurity, despondency,
humiliation in it. To unite all spheres of child's communication. Teacher must bring clarity to all these areas,
transform them in the interests of raising a child.
The third principle is to live your child in a child. This is a reliable way for the children to trust the
teacher, to appreciate the kindness of his soul, to accept his love. At the same time, this is the way to know
the life of a child. A deep study of the life of a child, the movements of his soul is possible only when the
teacher knows the child in himself. To live your lost childhood with your children is the only luxury that is
permissible in the life of a teacher».[1]
The system of principles of upbringing in modern pedagogy
Principles of upbringing are general starting points, in which basic requirements to the content,
methods, organization of the educational process are expressed. They reflect the specifics of the process of
upbringing, and, in contrast to the general principles of the pedagogical process, these are the general
provisions by which educators are guided in solving educational problems.
Steven Covey quoted the words of V. Hugo in his book: "Change your opinions, keep your
principles; change the leaves, keep the roots." [2].
Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
At the same time, the principles of education is not ready-made recipes, and especially not universal
rules by which teachers could automatically achieve high results. They do not replace you neither special
knowledge, nor the experience, nor the skill of the teacher. Although the requirements of the principles are
the same for all, their practical implementation due to personal.
The principles on which the educational process relies are the system. There are many systems of
upbringing. The modern national system of education is guided by the following principles:
1. Public orientation of education;
2. The connection of education with life, work;
3. Reliance on the positive in education;
4. Humanization of upbringing;
5. The personal approach.
6. Unity of educational influences.
To the basic requirements, shown to them it is possible to attribute obligatory, complex and
equivalent. However, principles can not be understood as ready-made instructions for action-they do not
replace any special knowledge, experience, or mastery of the educator, their practical realization is
personally conditioned.
The principle of communication education with life, work
This principle was laid in the foundation of the organization of the work of the Soviet school from
the first years of its existence. Guided by this principle, the Soviet school carries out the education of
children not in isolation from society, and in close connection with the life of society, with its struggle for
public welfare. Starting from the first years of study, students get acquainted with the life and work of adults,
participate in social,political and cultural work.
The principle of connection of education with life requires constant updating of the content and
organization of educational work. Participating in the General work on the construction of a new society, the
younger generation acquires a certain life experience. Linking the upbringing of children with life, educators
give children the opportunity to develop their Patriotic beliefs, to defend them. With this formulation of
educational work, young people are included in the system of social dependence, which contributes to the
formation of the personality of children.
This principle is implemented in compliance with the rules that reveal certain aspects of the
1. It is necessary to have a program for the implementation of the requirements of the principle in the
classroom and in extracurricular educational work, to observe the gradualism in its implementation.
2. Implementation of the principle requires extensive use of local history material in classrooms and in
extracurricular educational work.
3. By participating on an equal basis with adults in solving vital issues, students are taught to be
responsible for the decisions made, they quickly and successfully formed civic qualities.
The educational process should be built in such a way that the children feel that their work is needed
by people, society, so that it brings satisfaction.
Pedagogical processes as well as social processes are subordinated to laws, which in pedagogy are
called regularities. These principles are based on the principles of the pedagogical process - the leading, the
initial requirements for education and training, specified in a number of norms, rules, recommendations in
the work of teachers. For example, the principle of linking learning with the real life of society requires a
certain set of school subjects, and corresponding topics, and much more. The principles of the system of
physical education are closely related. They retain their importance of guidelines only in unit.
1. Amonashvili Sh. A. Unity of purpose., Enlightenment, 1987. Moscow.
Stephen R. Covey., To be, not seem to be- the quote by Victor Hugo.,