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Retail category management based on mathematical methods
Zomchak L.M.
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine
The retail trade enterprises usually work in the conditions of an intense competition
which demand the use of effective management and marketing techniques to obtain competitive
advantages. At the same time, it is necessary to consider high-level risk and uncertainty that
retail trade differs. Application of actual methods of management of the product assortment,
retail price, shelf-space, etc. will allow winning the loyalty of consumers that, in turn, will be
accompanied by growth of sales volumes of goods.
Obviously, category management belongs to practical methods of management and it is
used by managers at the large companies and small shops. If at the first stages of its application it
was carried out intuitively, on the basis of the trader logic, then attempts of formalization of
thepricing or allocation process of goods have begun to appear over time.
In modern operating conditions of the economy of Ukraine, the problem of effective
management of the product range of manufacturing and trade enterprises remains very actual.
Change of orientation of the market from the producer on the buyer, connecting to sharp
economic instability in the country functioning which demands from the enterprises of effective
measures for an increase in productivity and decrease in expenses create severe conditions.
Producers and resellers are forced to react to demand change quicker. Consumers became more
exacting and now can use various trade channels for satisfaction of the requirements. For this
reason, big relevance is gained now by a problem of search of the most effective ways of
management of the range, one of which is category management for today. In Ukraine, it hasn't
received such popularity yet as abroad, but some largest companies already have successful
experience in introduction of its aspects in the activity. This direction wasn't widely used still,
only in connection with low awareness of the population in his features and advantages.
One more effective way of management of the range is use of mathematical apparatus in
the management process. Unfortunately, this way is not popular among businessmen, in spite of
considerable advantages and accuracy. For example, today retailers at an establishment of prices
for products practically don't use mathematical apparatus in spite of the fact that use, for
example, of methods of economic-mathematical modeling, would allow the enterprises of any
format to determine those optimum prices which made for them the maximum profit on
realization. Also, such mechanism would allow to predict and consider future demand for their
production when pricing.
Formalization of problems of category management happens due to application of
mathematical methods and models. Among the known results of this approach we will call works
of scientists: Borin N., Farris Р., FreelandJ.[1] in which it is offered the optimizing models with
nonlinear criterion function and restrictions for two basic groups of variables, namely the range
and placement of units of goods on shelves; Zenor M. [2] who has offered pricing model,
calibration potential benefits in a type of income from coordination of price strategy at the level
of categories in comparison with uncoordinated strategy at the price level; Basuroy S., Murali
M., Rockney W. [3] who have offered model of two competing national producers delivering
production in two retail sellers model is realized on the basis of empirical data on weekly prices
of goods before allocation; categories methods of the portfolio analysis are used in the article
Cox A. [4].
The concept of category management has arisen in the 1980th years as alternative to
classical methods of retail trade. It has caused essential changes in approaches to retail trade. For
today the main ideas of the concept of category management are put into practice practically by
all large retailers. But, if for world leaders a question to apply or not category management, is
already not necessary, then in Ukraine it began to be applied only within the last decade, and
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large world companies have brought these methods in Ukraine. In the domestic market of retail
goods this approach remains underestimated, though admits perspective.
According to results of research of the consulting company Future Purchasing on
popularity of introduction and application of category management in the world [5] during 2014-
2015, 87% of respondents characterizing category management of their companies as "built-in"
are considered by category management as "the only way of work" and only 5% from them
describe system of category management at the enterprise as optimized.
Category management has arisen as expansion of grocery management, the last not too
was guided by interests of the consumer. Understand group of the products interconnected from
the consumer's position as category. From a position of category management it is necessary to
consider category as separate business unit in retail trade, that is to operate category of
production. Such approach allows to increase efficiency of business. Management on the basis of
category management includes the choice of the product range, establishment of the optimum
prices of it, placement of allocation of production on shelves. Unlike traditional approaches
when production is offered to the consumer on the basis of, for example, brand, application of
category management when goods are grouped on consumer by the characteristic, promotes
emergence of effect of a synergy.
Dr. Brian Harris is recognized around the world as the “father of the category
management”. The most distributed in practice scheme of management of the range of the
enterprises of retail trade on the basis of category management is model of Brian Harris [6] who
has broken process of management of the commodity range into eight stages:
1) formation of commodity categories;
2) role analysis of commodity categories;
3) an assessment of categories (formation of standards for commodity categories);
4) formation of strategy of commodity categories;
5) formation of tactics of commodity categories;
6) implementation of plans according to commodity categories;
7) analysis of commodity categories (assessment of efficiency of categories);
8) the reporting according to commodity categories.
At each stage various mathematical methods and models can be used.
At a stage of formation of categories use an assortment matrix, a correlation matrix, a
matrix of plans, a summary matrix of economic indicators. From the mathematical point of view
the problem of formation of categories can be considered as a problem of splitting the set
selection of objects into subsets. Most often apply methods of the cluster analysis to the solution
of such tasks. In spite of the fact that depth of classification of goods, depending on specifics of
the range, can be rather high, methods of the hierarchical analysis are also actual in this case.
At a stage of the role analysis assign to goods parts within commodity categories: stream
generators, generators existence, generators of purchases, profit generators, generators of image
and goods defenders. In literature also other classifications of parts which are assigned to the
goods presented in assortment meet (authors of J. Singh, R. Blattberg [7], Dhar [8], the Nielsen
Marketing Research [9] company, etc.).
But the given classification is the most popular and often put into practice
The evaluation stage of categories and formation of standards assumes determination of
standard values of indicators and is based not only on expert methods, and also on big statistical
base and the statistical analysis.
Stage of formation of strategy of commodity categories has to provide stability of the
income of the retail seller. At this stage SWOT analysis of category can be used.
The stage of formation of tactics provides development of programs of a covering of the
target market, a conclusion of goods from the range, storage and additions of goods in the range,
final processing of the new range and its assessment.
At the last stages it is the most expedient to use ABC analysis methods for calculation of
a contribution of each commodity group in commodity turnover and there have arrived the
enterprises, and also the XYZ analysis for determination of stability of demand for this or that