№№5-12(95-102), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December, 2015 ISSN 2307-017X
Ġylymi zertteuler a̋lemì – Mir naučnyh issledovanij – World
of scientific research
an effect on the thoughts of little kids who don‟t know the true meaning of violence. A
study done by the RAND corporation shows that teens are twice as likely to have sex or
engage in sexual acts if they see similar sexual behavior in the media.
Reality TV shows and teen dramas often portray the «cool kids» as the ones who are
having sex. But we shouldn‟t look at the negative effects of media on the life of the youth
too much, and consider what we can do with the media. We have to use the media to our
advantage. When a child watches a movie, plays a game, reads a journal or listens to
music, he/she will definitely hear some phrases that he/she likes. For example the phrase
you are not prepared» is famous among teens who play W o W, because a hero name
Illidan says these words. Big fans of Transformers might like the words «Autobots,
transform» which is said by Optimus Prime. «Black, black, black and blue» is a very
famous phrase, but warmer to those who love Bruno Mars. Teens nowadays memorize
these phrases, although they might not understand the meaning. If they memorize enough
phrases, they might learn the structure of how English sentences are made. This will help
them speak English more fluently, without thinking. I just gave short phrases, teens
sometimes memories the lyrics of entire songs.
Media in Kazakhstan.Every country has its own standards of mass media. Although
the mass media of two countries might have some features in common, the main
fundament is different.
Kazakhstan also has its own media. We have our own channels, our own songs, our
own journals, etc. Our countries‟ media is 45% Kazakh, 5% English and 50% Russian due
to the fact that we spent one and half century as a part of Soviet Russia. The 5%of English
media consists mainly of English songs, which is not enough to get the teens to know what
we want them to. I do agree that Kazakh should always be the main language one in our
country. I also want to place the fact it is not necessary to make Russian such an important
part of our country.
Changes.If we made some various changes in the mass media of our country, we
could make significant changes on the life of teens to our advantage. We should use the
mass media to make the teens communication in the language we want them to, which in
my opinion should be Kazakh and English.
Here are some of the effective changes that we can make:
We can make English more common on TV. Even if we don‟t completely turn our
channels into English channels, we can add some programs that are actually interesting to
the youth. We can add cartoons, serials and music. If we do this, the youth will watch these
serials and cartoons that run in pure English and learn how to speak English fluently.
Movie theatres are also a form of mass media. When the youth watch movies they
listen to the words. So if we can make the movie theatres play movies in English, this will
have an effect on the youth. Some people may complain that they don‟t understand the
movies. This isn‟t too much of a problem because we will have a system in which people
can buy their tickets according to which language they want to watch their movies.
We should also sell more journals and newspapers in English as well. Like the
movies we can sell them in any language, and they will choose which one they prefer. We
can even sell journals and newspapers that are written in two different languages. This
might not be as affective, but it still will have some affect.
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қоғамдастықта қоғамдық ӛмірдің барлық саласын ғалымдық ақпараттандыру үдерісі