№№5-12(95-102), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December, 2015 ISSN 2307-017X
Ġylymi zertteuler a̋lemì – Mir naučnyh issledovanij – World
of scientific research
ТҦРҒАН Гҥлдана,
Б. Шалғынбаев атындағы №217 орта мектебінің 11 сынып оқушылары,
Қызылорда қаласы, Қызылорда облысы, Қазақстан Республикасы
Жетекшісі: ҚУАНЫШБАЕВА Айжамал Измағамбетқызы,
Б. Шалғынбаев атындағы №217 орта мектебі «Ағылшын тілі» пәнінің мҧғалімі,
Қызылорда қаласы, Қызылорда облысы, Қазақстан Республикасы
English as a Worldwide Language.English is Western Germanic language that
arose in Great Britain during the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms. It wasbroughttoBritainby the
Germanic settlers. Until that time it is said that the rest of Romanic Britain spoke in Latin
and Brythonic, an ancient Celtic language. English spread beyond the British Isles to
become what is now the lingua franca (bridge language). Lingua franca is what we call any
language used when people who don‟t share the same mother tongue communicate.
English later became the mother tongue of the USA when English settlers landed in
North America. It is the dominant language in communication. Everybody knows that
English is the most widespread, well known language in the world. 375 million people in
the world speak English as a first language, and over a billion know English as a second.
All of the famous movies such asTransformers,Fast and Furious, Shrek, Ice Age, etc. are
originally filmed in English, later being translated into other languages. Most of the
famous books like Harry Potter, Twilight saga, Lord of the Rings, etc. are also originally
written in English and later translated. The famous modern songs are sung by artists, again
in English. The truth is that only once in a while does a non-English song go viral. This is
because English has taken so much influence of the world that people want to hear it.
English is the language that is most commonly taught as a secondary language.
So it wouldn‟t be good if Kazakhstan isolated itself just because it was part of the
USSR. Not knowing English. We have to make English a part of our country.
Teens Nowadays.Human brain is healthier when a person is young. Its abilities to
learn new languages are sharper when they are young. This is reasonable because when
№№5-12(95-102), мамыр-желтоқсан, май-декабрь, May-December, 2015 ISSN 2307-017X
Ġylymi zertteuler a̋lemì – Mir naučnyh issledovanij – World of scientific research
people age, their memory also weakens. This is why a person has to learn the languages
that might be important to him when he us young, which is obviously, his mother tongue.
But person is also capable of learning more than one language. Some people know
two languages, some know three. Some people know up to five languages. It is said that
when people learn a new languages, their ability to understand develops. Your mother
tongue is a must, as Abai said «learn
any other language, but respect your own».
It is hard for a person to live only knowing one language. Do to
communicationspeople will most likely hear another language separate from their mother
tongue. Even if they might be not completely learn that language by hearingit from time to
time, they will memorize some of the words. This dependsonhow much they hear it. I
would recommend English as the second language that they will hear and learn.
So now we know that we have to teach people English before they age, which means
we have to teach them when they are teenagers. But when you put teenagers and learning
together, it doesn‟t always make a good combination. Teens nowadays don‟t want to learn,
because learning means to study, and to study means it is not going to be fun. But the teens
want entertainment on the TV, from the computer, on the net, in music, with friends out in
the city. They usually use the media to entertain themselves. We can manipulate the media
to our use. We have to try to use the media to get to our aim of teaching English to the
Media.The world media is the plural for medium. It is we call the tools that help us
store and deliver information. The term «media» includes a wide variety of kinds. The very
first forms of media were carvings in caves and stones. But like everything else,
media also
developed. In the middle ages the system of delivering personal letters developed.
Nowadays, the media has gotten so advanced that we can communicate with people on the
other side of the world. We can make high quality videos and pictures with just one click.
We can hear our favorite songs wherever we are. We are never out of date on news. We
even know what kinds of stocks are being sold. We can buy tickets for shows, concerts,
planes and other forms of transportation without going out of the house. This is due to the
fact that recently the revolution in technology has had an enormous effect on the media.
Since media is a factor to make lives of people easier, and since technology is directed
towards making lives of easier, technology has a direct affect on the media.
Analog and Digital.There are two forms of media nowadays: Analog and Digital.
They are split according to the way they are recorded.
Digital media is a form of electronic media where data is stored in digital form. It can
refer to the technical aspect of storage and transmission information. Digital media
includes computers, cell phones, radio, internet, computer, digital videos, CDs, etc. Once
digitized, media may be processed in a variety of ways using standard computer hardware
and software or, where performance is critical, in high-performance digital hardware.
An analog or analogue signal is any continuous signal for which the time varying
feature of the signal is a representation of some other time varying quantity. It differs from
a digital signal in terms of small fluctuations in the signal which are meaningful. An analog
signal uses some property of the medium to convey the signal‟s information. Electrically,
the property most commonly used is voltage followed closely by frequency current and
The transformation of an analog signal to digital information via an analog-to-digital
converter is called sampling. Most digital media are based on translating analog data into
digital data and vice-versa. Lots of people argue that digital media is more suitable than
analog. This is due to the fact that that there are some significant differences between
them. It wouldn‟t be correct to say that digital media has higher quality than analog media.