Appendix 1
The abstract of the integrated lesson «English and physics» in the 10
Integrated lesson «English and physics» in the 10
Educational and methodical development of the integrated lesson English +
physics, devoted to the force of universal gravitation; the material is applicable for
the 10th grade.
Klyueva Nataliya Vladimirovna
English teacher MBOU SS
№27 named after Yu.S. Kuchiev, Vladikavkaz
Theme: «The Force of Gravity»
- to acquaint students with the concept of gravitational force.
- to establish the links between the force of bodies attraction, their masses and
the distance between them.
- to conduct the actualization of the knowledge acquired
1) Organizational moment
L. Leshchenko's song “Gravity” is switched on and the image of planetsis shown
on slides.
Physics teacher: Good morning, dear pupils.
English teacher: Good morning, dear pupils. Today we are going to have an
integrity lesson. The theme of our lesson is «The force of gravity»
2) Introduction of the new vocabulary on the theme
English teacher: Let’s look at words connected with the theme of the lesson
Gravity –
Gravitational –
The Solar System –
Pluto –
Jupiter –
Mercury –
Exert –
Weight –
Elliptical –
To split –
To measure –
The force of friction –
3) Studying the new material
Physics teacher: Our Earth flying in boundless open spaces of the Universe, is
the knowledge centre, that brain which the Universe learns itself with. The person
since ancient times knows the force making all bodies fall on the ground. But till the
17th century only the Earth was considered to possess this property.
English scientist Isaac Newton generalized the laws of bodies’ movement in the
Universe and proved that there were forces of a mutual attraction between all bodies.
He called them forces of mutual gravity.
English teacher: The English physicist and mathematician Isaac Newton was
one of the greatest scientists of all times.
His theories revolutionized scientific thinking and laid the foundation of modern
physics. His book “Principia of Mathematic” is one of the most important words of
modern science.
Newton discovered the law of gravity and developed the three laws of motion
that are still in use today.
He was the first person to split the white color of the spectrum and his research
of the light led him to design a reflecting telescope.
Newton was also one of the pioneers of a new branch of mathematics called
Physics teacher: Every body is drawn to Earth. Under the gravitation influence
rain drops fall, avalanches descend from mountains and there is a set of other
English teacher: The force of gravity acts between any two bodies of matter.
Everything on the Earth is pulled down to the Earth’s surface by gravity, and this pull
gives you weight. Gravity, like other forces, is measured in newtons (N), exerts 9, 81
N on every 2/2 pounds (1kg) of matter.
Physics teacher: Newton's merit is not only in his ingenious guess about the
bodies’ mutual attraction, but also that he has managed to prove the law of universal
gravitation: «Two any bodies are drawn to each other with the force which module is
directly proportional to the product of their masses and is inversely proportional to
square distance between them,
where m
и m
– masses of co-operating bodies, r – distance between bodies, G
– the factor of proportionality identical to all bodies in the nature and called a
constant of universal gravitation, or gravitational constant,
G – the gravitational constant, it is equal to the force of a gravitational attraction
of two bodies weighting 1 kg, being at distance of 1 m one from another.
G=6,67 ·10
Н · м
The force of the bodies' mutual attraction is always directed along a straight line
connecting these bodies
4) Actualization of the knowledge acquired
English teacher: So Gravity is the force of attraction between objects and the
bigger the mass of an object the bigger the force of gravity. Besides the force of
gravity depends on the distance between objects (the more distance – the more force
of gravity)
Now let’s try to use information that you have got in following questions
a) Why don’t we see how objects in the room pull each other despite the force of
(Because of the force of friction that is bigger than the force of gravity)
b) How will planets move if the Sun’s gravity disappears?
(The planets will not move in orbits and leave the Solar System)
c) Does a man pull the ground on which he stands? A flying plane? A
cosmonaut in the space station?
(Yes, the force of gravity acts between any objects)
d) What should we do if we want to increase the force of gravity between
(We should decrease the distance between them)
e) What force causes high and low tides in seas and oceans?
(The Moon’s gravity that pulls the Earth)
f) Every planet has an orbit. Why do planets move in orbits and don’t fall
towards the Sun?
(It’s because of the force of gravity. Because of the Sun’s gravity each planet
would fall straight towards the Sun if it was not moving sideways at high speed. The
Earth travels at 30 km/sec. This is exactly the right speed to keep it moving in a circle
called an orbit)
g) On which of these planets would the Sun’s gravity be strongest and why?
1. Mercury
2. Earth
3. Pluto
(On Mercury because it is closer to the Sun)
h) Which of these planets would attract objects towards it most strongly and
1) Mercury
2) Earth
3) Jupiter
(Jupiter because it has the biggest mass)
Physics teacher: Let us solve the following task:
Find the force of a gravitational attraction between two bodies weighing 60 kg
and 50 kg if they are at the distance of 1 m.
It is given: Solution:
= 60 kg F=Gm
= 50 kg
r = 1 m G = 6, 67·10
Fгр - ? Fгр= 20,01·10
= 2·10
Thus, the force of a gravitational attraction appeared to be insignificantly small
because of the small mass of the bodies.
5) Fixing the knowledge gained
English teacher: Say if the flowing statements true or false
- Gravity is the force of attraction between objects. (true)
- The force of gravity is measured in kilograms. (false)
- The bigger the mass of an object the bigger the force of gravity. (true)
- The Sun has a very large mass, so it exerts a large pull of gravity on everything
in the solar system. (true)
- The force of gravity acts only on the Earth. (false)
- The Sun’s gravity holds the planets in an orbit around them. (true)
- The planets do not fall towards the Sun because they are moving sideway at
high speed. (true)
6) Summing up the results of the lesson
English teacher: Our lesson is over. Thank you very much for our attention and
Physics teacher: Our lesson is over, but our desire to study the Universe is
infinite. Probably, in the near future the Universe will open new riddles for us. Let's
remember great Newton's words: «I do not know, what I can seem to the world, but
to myself I seem only the boy playing on the sea coast, having a good time to that
from a time to time I find a stone more florid, than ordinary, or a red washbasin while
the great ocean of truth is spread before me unexplored».
Introduction........................................................................................ 215
The structure of additional education programs.............
The structure of extracurricular activities program...................
Conclusion ..............................................................................
Оқушыларға қосымша білім берудің бағдарламаларын және жоғары
сыныптарда ағылшын тілінде оқытылатын пәндер бойынша сыныптан тыс жұмыс
Программы дополнительного образования школьников на трех языках и
программы внеклассной работы по предметам старших классов, изучаемым на
английском языке.
Programs of additional education for pupils in three languages and the extracurricular
activities program on upper secondary school subjects, studied in English.
Басуға 29.07. 2016 ж. қол қойылды. Пішімі 60×84 1/16.
Қағазы офсеттік. Офсеттік басылыс.
Қаріп түрі «Times New Roman». Шартты баспа табағы 20.
Подписано в печать29.07. 2016 Формат 60×84 1/16.
Бумага офсетная. Печать офсетная.
Шрифт Times New Roman. Усл. п.л. 20.
Signed to print 29.07. 2016 Format 60×84 1/16.
Offset paper. Offset printing
Font Times New Roman. Cond. pp 20.
Document Outline - Оқушыларға қосымша білім берудің бағдарламаларын және жоғары сыныптарда ағылшын тілінде оқытылатын пәндер бойынша сыныптан тыс жұмыс бағдарламалары
- Программы дополнительного образования школьников на трех языках и программы внеклассной работы по предметам старших классов, изучаемым на английском языке
- Оқушыларға қосымша білім берудің бағдарламаларын және жоғары сыныптарда ағылшын тілінде оқытылатын пәндер бойынша сыныптан тыс жұмыс бағдарламалары. – Астана: Ы. Алтынсарин атындағы Ұлттық білім академиясы, 2016. – 321 б.
- Программы дополнительного образования школьников на трех языках и программы внеклассной работы по предметам старших классов, изучаемым на английском языке. – Астана: Национальная академия образования им. И. Алтынсарина, 2016. – 321 с.
- The development of the programs of additional education for pupils in three languages and the extracurricular activities program on upper secondary school subjects, studied in English. Guidance manual - Astana: The National Academy of Education named ...
- 1 Қосымша білім беру бағдарламаларының құрылымы
- Курстың мақсаты:
- 2. Курс мазмұны
- 4. Әдістемелік қамтамасыз ету
- Физикадан «Жас зерттеуші» қосымша білім беру бағдарламасы
- ДДТ (дихлордифенил трихлорметилметан)
- 1. Химия – Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2013
- 2. Химия», 9 класс, Габриелян О.С.
- 3. Химия. 8 класс. Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2012. – 216 с.
- 4. Химия. 10 класс. Учебник + CD. Рудзитис Г.Е.- Москва: Просвещение, 2014.
- Қазіргі заманғы қазақстандық мектепті жаңарту тұжырымдамасы жалпы білім берудің жаңа басымдықтарын айқындап берді, олар оқу процесінің моделін қалыптастыру мұғалім мен оқушының өзара ынтымақтастық қарым-қатынастарын дамыту, оқу қызметінің әртүрлі түрл...
- 1. Түсіндірме жазба
- 2. Курс мазмұны
- Моногибридті, дигибридті, полигибридтібудандастыру, қайтармалы (талдамалы) будандастыру, толық басымсыздық. Классикалық генетикалық талдаманың қағидаттары. Қалыпты міндеттерді шешу.
- 5. Ұсынылған әдебиеттер тізімі
- Қосымша әдебиеттер
- 9. О.М. Иванова-Казас. Эволюционная эмбриология животных. СПб., 1995.
- 2. Сыныптан тыс жұмыс бағдарламалары
- 1. Химия – Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2013
- 2. Химия», 9 класс, Габриелян О.С.
- 3. Химия. 8 класс. Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2012. – 216 с.
- 4. Химия. 10 класс. Учебник + CD. Рудзитис Г.Е.- Москва: Просвещение, 2014.
- 5. Гольдфельд М.Г. Внеклассная работа по химии. – М.: Просвещение, 1976. -191 с.
- 6. Тяглова Е.В. Исследовательская деятельность учащихся по химии. – Москва: Глобус, 2007.
- Пайдаланылатын техникалық құралдарың тізбесі: интерактивті тақта, слайдтар, мультимедиялық проектор.
- Пайдаланылатын оқу құралдарының тізбесі:
- атластар, экономикалық, физикалық география, топографиялық карталар.
- Бағдарламалық қамтамасыз етудің бейне- және аудиоматериалдары тізбесі:
- 1) Қазақстанның географиялық объектілері туралы бейнефильмдер.
- 5. Ұсынылған әдебиеттер тізімі
- 1. Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение. – А.: Кітап, 2003.
- 2. Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение: Раб. тетрадь. – А.: Кітап, 2003.
- 3. Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение. 8 кл.– А.: Кітап, 2004.
- 8. Галеева, Мельничук. 100 приемов для учебного успеха на уроках географии. Методическое пособие для учителя. – Вентана-Граф, 2016 г№
- 9. Хабибуллин Р. Х., Бахчиева О.А. Экономическая и социальная география мира. 10-11 кл.. Метод. пособие. : Вентана-Граф, 2015 г.
- Қорытынды
- 1 Программы дополнительного образования
- Цели курса
- 2. Содержание курса
- Конспект интегрированного занятия «Английский язык и физика» (10 кл.)
- «Юный исследователь»
- 16. Химия – Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2013
- 17. Химия», 9 класс, Габриелян О.С.
- 18. Химия. 8 класс. Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2012. – 216 с.
- 19. Химия. 10 класс. Учебник + CD. Рудзитис Г.Е.- Москва: Просвещение, 2014.
- Концепция обновления современной казахстанской школы определила новые приоритеты общего образования, которые предполагают, что формирование модели учебного процесса должно осуществляться на основе развития взаимоотношений сотрудничества учителя и учен...
- Предмет «Биология»
- 1. Пояснительная записка
- 2. Содержание курса
- Моногибридное, дигибридное, полигибридное скрещивания, возвратное (анализирующее) скрещивание, неполное доминирование. Принципы классического генетического анализа. решение типичных задач.
- 5. Список рекомендуемой литературы
- Дополнительная литература
- 9. О.М. Иванова-Казас. Эволюционная эмбриология животных. СПб., 1995.
- 2. Программы внеклассной работы
- 15. Химия – Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2013
- 16. Химия», 9 класс, Габриелян О.С.
- 17. Химия. 8 класс. Нурахметов и др. - Алматы: Мектеп, 2012. – 216 с.
- 18. Химия. 10 класс. Учебник + CD. Рудзитис Г.Е.- Москва: Просвещение, 2014.
- 19. Гольдфельд М.Г. Внеклассная работа по химии. – М.: Просвещение, 1976. -191 с.
- 20. Тяглова Е.В. Исследовательская деятельность учащихся по химии. – Москва: Глобус, 2007.
- Введение – 1 час
- Казахстан на политической карте мира. Территория, границы, часовые пояса, государственное устройство, геополитика.
- Перечень используемых технических средств: интерактивная доска, слайды, мультимедийный проектор.
- Перечень используемых пособий: атласы, экономические, физико-географические, топографические карты.
- Перечень видео- и аудиоматериалов программного обеспечения:
- 1) видеофильмы о географических объектах Казахстана.
- 5. Список рекомендуемой литературы
- 1. Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение. – А.: Кітап, 2003. 2.Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение: Раб. тетрадь. – А.:
- Кітап, 2003. 3. Омирбекова К.К., Кунапина К.К. Родиноведение. 8 кл.– А.: Кітап, 2004.
- 20. Галеева, Мельничук. 100 приемов для учебного успеха на уроках
- географии. Методическое пособие для учителя. – Вентана-Граф, 2016 г.
- Заключение
- Использованные источники:
- 2) Academic content
- Course aims:
- 3) Methodological support
- "Young researcher"
- 1. Nurakhmetov and others. Chemistry.-Almaty: Mektep, 2013.
- 2. Gabrielyan O. S. Chemistry for pupils of the 9th grade.
- 3. Nurakhmetov and others. Chemistry. The 8th grade. Almaty: Mektep, 2012.- p.216.
- 4. Rudzitis G. E. Chemistry. The 10th form. Textbook+CD. M.: Prosveschenie, 2014.
- Geography
- The concept of renovation of Kazakhstan modern school has identified new priorities for general education which suggests that the formation of the educational process model should be based on the development of cooperation relations between teacher an...
- “Biology”
- 1) Explanatory note
- 2) Course content
- Monohybrid, dihybrid, polyhybrid, back (analyzing) crossing, incomplete dominance. Principles of classical genetic analysis. Solution of common task.
- 5) List of literature
- Supplementary literature
- The script of the conference "Science and morality", dedicated to the humanistic issues of scientific creativity is very interesting. Students form a view about the role of science in society, about the humanistic essence of science, about the scholar...
- Extracurricular work in 9-11 grades, being based on the features of the identity of seniors, can be constructed as follows. Seniors can quite cope with the registration of the school stand on physics, prepare information leaflets. After all at this ag...
- We offer the scenario of the competitive program for the 9 grades pupils and it will help children to find "physics" in literature, poetry, national folklore, prose. Children should acquire that physics is closely connected not only with naturally - s...
- 1. Nurakhmetov and others. – Chemistry. – Almaty: Mektep, 2013
- 2. Gabrielyan O. S. “Chemistry”. The 9th grade.
- 3. Nurakhmetov and others. – Chemistry. The 8th grade. – Almaty: Mektep, 2013.-p. 216.
- 4. Rudzitis G. E. Chemistry. The 10th grade. Textbook+CD. M.: Prosveschenie, 2014.
- 5. Goldfeld M. G. Extracurricular activity on Chemistry.-M.: Prosveschenie, 1976.-p. 191.
- 6. Tyaglova E. V. Research of pupils on Chemistry. M.: Globus, 2007.
- 5) List of literature
- 1. Omirbekova K.K., Kunapina K.K. Natural history. - A .: Kitap,
- 2. Omirbekova K.K., Kunapina K.K. Natural history: Workbook. - A .: Kitap 2003.
- 3. Omirbekova K.K., Kunapina K.K. Rodinovedenie. 8 kl.- A .: Kitap 2004.
- 11. Galeeva, Melnychuk. 100 techniques for the academic success on geography lessons. Handbook for teachers. - Ventana-Graf, 2016.
- 12. Khabibullin B.C., Bahchieva O.A. Economic and social geography of the world. 10-11 grade. method. pos.: Ventana-Graf, 2015
- 1) Explanatory Note
- Conclusion
- Appendix 1
- The abstract of the integrated lesson «English and physics» in the 10th grade
- Integrated lesson «English and physics» in the 10th grade
- Theme: «The Force of Gravity»
- Procedure:
- Программы дополнительного образования школьников на трех языках и программы внеклассной работы по предметам старших классов, изучаемым на английском языке.
- 9.pdf
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