Методические рекомендации по восполнению знаний обучающихся по учебным предметам 1-11 классов

some curricular topics  Speaking

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curricular topics 

10.2.1 provide basic information about them-
selves and others at sentence level on limited 
range of general topics use formal and informal registers in their 
talk on a growing range of general and curricular 
10.2.2 ask simple questions to get information
about a limited range of general topics ask more complex questions to get in-
formation about a growing range of general top-
ics and some curricular topics 
10.2.3 give an opinion at sentence level on a 
limited range of general and curricular topics give an opinion at discourse level on a 
wide range of general and curricular topics 
10.2.4 respond at sentence level to the com-
ments on a range of general and curricular topics link comments with some flexibility to 
what others say at sentence and discourse level 
in pair, group and whole class exchanges 
10.2.5 keep interaction going in basic exchanges 
on a growing range of general and curricular 
topics use appropriate subject-specific vocabu-
lary and syntax to talk about a range of general
topics, and some curricular topics
10.2.6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence 
level during, pair, group and whole class ex-
changes recount some extended stories and events 
on a range of general and curricular topics 
10.2.7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabu-
lary and syntax to talk about a limited range of 
general topics 
10.2.8 recount basic stories and events on a lim-
ited range of general and curricular topics 
10.3.1 understand the main points in a limited
range of short simple texts on general and cur-
ricular topics understand the main points in texts on a 
growing range of unfamiliar general and curricu-
lar topics, including some extended texts 
10.3.2 understand with little support specific in-
formation and detail in short, simple texts on a 
limited range of general and curricular topics understand specific information and de-
tail in texts on a growing range of familiar gen-
eral and curricular topics, including some ex-
tended texts 
10.3.3 understand the detail of an argument on a 
limited range of familiar general and curricular 
topics understand the detail of an argument on a 
range of familiar general and curricular topics, 
including some extended texts 
10.3.4 read with some support a limited range
of short fiction and non-fiction texts read a growing range of extended fiction 
and non-fiction texts on familiar and some un-
familiar general and curricular topics 
10.3.5 deduce meaning from context in short 
texts on a limited range of familiar general and 
curricular topics deduce meaning from context in short 
texts and some extended texts on a growing 
range of familiar general and curricular topics 
10.3.6 recognise the attitude or opinion of the 
writer in short texts on a limited range of general
and curricular topics recognise the attitude or opinion of the 
writer on a growing range of unfamiliar general 
and curricular topics, including some extended 
10.3.7 recognise typical features at word, sen-
tence and text level in a limited range of written 
genres recognise typical features at word, sen-
tence and text level in a range of written genres 
10.3.8 use with support familiar paper and digi-
tal reference resources to check meaning and 
extend understanding recognise inconsistencies in argument in 
short texts on a limited range of general and cur-
ricular subjects
10.3.9 recognise the difference between fact and 
opinion in short, simple texts on an increasing 
range of general and curricular topics 

10.4.1 plan, write, edit and proofread work at 
small text level with support on a limited range 
of general and curricular topics plan, write, edit and proofread work at 
text level with little support on a range of gen-
eral and curricular topics 
10.4.2 write with support a sequence of phrases, 
short sentences in a paragraph on a limited range 
of familiar general and curricular topics write with minimal support about real 
and imaginary past events, activities and expe-
riences on a growing range of familiar general 
topics and some curricular topics 
10.4.3 write with support factual descriptions at 
small text level which describe people, places 
and objects write with moderate grammatical accura-
cy on a growing range of familiar general and 
curricular topics 
10.4.4 write with support a sequence of short 
sentences in a paragraph to give basic personal 
information develop with support coherent arguments 
supported when necessary by examples and rea-
sons for a growing range of written genres in 
familiar general and curricular topics 
10.4.5 link with support sentences using basic 
coordinating connectors 
10.4.6 link, independently, sentences into coher-
ent paragraphs using a variety of basic connect-
ors on a range of familiar general topics and 
some curricular topics link, with some support, sentences into a 
coherent paragraph using basic connectors on a 
limited range of familiar general topics 
10.4.7 use with minimal support appropriate 
layout at text level for a range of written genres 
on familiar general and curricular topics use with some support appropriate layout 
at small text level for a limited range of written 
genres on familiar general topics and some cur-
ricular topics 
10.4.8 spell most high-frequency vocabulary 
accurately for a range of familiar general and 
curricular topics spell most high-frequency words accu-
rately for a limited range of general topics 
10.4.9 punctuate written work at text level on a 
limited range of familiar general topics with 
some accuracy punctuate written work at text level on a 
growing range of familiar general and curricular 
topics with growing accuracy 

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