Методические рекомендации по восполнению знаний обучающихся по учебным предметам 1-11 классовMatch the following verbs with the correct past participle Восполнение пробелов
8. Match the following verbs with the correct past participle.
● wear
● rise
● forget
● fly
● teach
● lie
● steal
● sink
9. Write about a touristic destination using only 50 words. Remember to use
different time tenses, be creative and concrete.
ІІІ. Цели обучения учебной программы за прошедший учебный год, вос-
полняемые в ходе урока
Таблица 13.4 – Цели обучения, восполняемые в ходе урока в 10 классе
10 класс (ОГН)
9 класс
10.1.1 understand a sequence of supported class-
room instructions understand with little or no support the
main points in extended talk on a wide range of
general and curricular topics
10.1.2 understand a basic questions which ask
for personal information understand with little or no support most
specific information in extended talk on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
10.1.3 understand range of unsupported basic
questions on general and curricular topics understand with little or no support most
of the detail of an argument in extended talk on
a wide range of general and curricular topics
10.1.4 understand the main points of supported
extended talk on a range of general and curricu-
lar topics understand with little or no support most
of the implied meaning in extended talk on a
wide range of general and curricular topics
10.1.5 understand most specific information and
detail of short, supported talk on a range of fa-
miliar topics deduce meaning from context with little
or no support in extended talk on a growing
range of general and curricular topics
10.1.6 deduce meaning from context in short,
supported talk on an increasing range of general
and curricular topics recognize typical features at word, sen-
tence and text level of a growing range of spo-
ken genres
10.1.7 recognize the opinion of the speaker(s) in
basic, supported talk on range of general and
some curricular topics understand extended narratives on a wide
range of general and curricular topics
10.1.8 understand supported narratives, includ-
ing some extended talk, on range of general and
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