Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
Suleimenova M.T.
year student by speciality«5В050300-Psychology»
Scientific advisor:
M.Sc. (Pedagogy), senior lecturer Soltanmuratova G.M.
Kazakh State Women’s Teacher Training University
Аннотация. В статье освещаются основные проблемы методики раннего обучения иностранным
языкам, рассматриваются современные подходы к формированию иноязычных коммуникативных навыков и
умений обучения на примере английского языка. Обучение иностранному языку способствует общему
развитию детей и как полезно для ребенка получить начальные знания об иностранном, особенно английском,
языке еще в дошкольном возрасте.
Түйіндеме. Мақалада шет тілдерін ерте оқыту әдісінің негізгі мәселелері қарастырылады, шет
тілінің коммуникативтік дағдыларын қалыптастырудың заманауи тәсілдері және ағылшын тілінің
мысалында оқытудың мүмкіндіктері талқыланады. Шет тілін меңгеру балалардың жалпы дамуына үлес
қосады және балаға шет тілін, әсіресе ағылшын тілін, мектепке дейінгі жастағы шет тілін меңгеру үшін
Is it worth starting a small child learning English? Learning foreign language at a young age has many
benefits for kids to get basic knowledge especially at preschool age. When kids are still babies, their minds is
being constructed and structured every day in order to understand stimulates that they get from the world
around them.
Experts say that children who learn a language before their teenage years are more likely than older
learners to achieve native like pronunciation. Furthermore, research has found that kids have an innate ability
to acquire the rules of any language an ability that disappears by adulthood. Although children’s minds are
known for being “like a sponge” which absorbs everything, it is recommended to give them enough time to
acquire and fully understand one language before introducing another one. Otherwise, they might go through
a confused time in which Researchers Hakuta, Bialystock and Wiley, who studied second language
acquisition, concluded that second-language proficiency declines with initial age of exposure and that the
degree of success in second language acquisition steadily declines across the lifespan. This is especially true
of attaining a native-like pronunciation. If my daughter can speak English like a native speaker, the main
reason is that she has learnt it at preschool, the time when she started speaking in any language. During
childhood the brain undergoes tremendous growth. The amount of grey and white matter and the number of
synapses in the brain increase significantly in childhood. For example, the number and differentiation of
synapses reaches a peak between ages 2 and 4, and then decreases and reaches a steady state between the
ages of 10 and 15 [1,p 7].
Research has found that children who study a foreign language develop new perspectives and in-depth
understanding about the vocabulary and structure of their first language. As many parents like me and
educators have observed, learning a foreign language buttresses the vocabulary and concepts already known
in the first language.
When learning foreign language, they are trained in attention and memory develops thinking. The
brain, like any muscle, functions better with exercise. Learning a language involves memorizing rules and
vocabulary, which helps strengthen that mental muscle. Simply, the younger the learner, the better they are
at mimicking new sounds and adopting pronunciation. The brain is open to new sounds and patterns in
preadolescence. At this age, young children have time to learn through play-like activities. (Catherine Ford)
[ 4,p 9].
Understanding how language works (including native) comes to the child not by self, for the help of
thinking. That is, children not just repeat after adults, what they have heard, and recycles in their head lots of
information. That’s why learning language very useful for the developing of thinking.
Студенттер, магистранттар, докторанттар мен жас ғалымдарды 72-Республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік конференциясы
Сәуір, 2019
The rubrics of spoken English are practiced and enhanced through songs, stories and nursery rhymes,
and modelled and explored as the children enter their make believe world of role play.
LS.Vygotsky, V.V.Davydov, E.E.Kravtsova found that the most important psychic achievements is –
new education at preschool age and the main ability to study successfully at school and throughout life. We
try that our children become more hung. For this we can color, and paint, play role playing games, listen to
fairy tales, compose new words and whole poems. As a matter of fact, the study of the foreign language
greatly stimulates the development of a mother tongue. This will be followed by the follow-up and tangible
work with separate words and concrete facts, differentiation of distinct situational relations. At any stage ,
happens the development of phonemic hearing and articulation apparatus. Research has shown, that many
of the common cautionary statements of the speech therapist, learning other language as foreign (including
those of the natural language), are formulated by all sounds of the native language (Markosyan, 2004;
Protasov, Motherland, 2010). And, as a matter of fact, also good idea for parents is a consideration: if a baby
is coming to school, already having experience of learning foreign language, and it will be more successful
in these lessons. And don’t even worry that the baby will be able to know some words. More important is
that, the general idea of what is foreign language and how it should be learn
[3, p 4].
Parents' requests may affect both the real interests of the child and the interests of the parents (for
example, the ability to boast of his child in front of relatives and friends). A preschool institution realizes the
goals of the state and society, takes into account the needs of parents, and also has its own interests (for
example, the implementation of a pedagogical project, participation in educational competitions institutions
attracting additional funding) And all these goals the teacher needs to be aware of, take into account and ...
separate them from the interests of the teacher and the children, from the goal and meaning of their
The goals of interaction between the teacher and the child may conflict with the interests of other
people. For example, parents want the child to enroll in an English school, the headthe kindergarten wants
the child to participate in the performance in English at the festival, and the teacher understands that the most
important thing for this child now is to overcome anxiety, stiffness, and low self-esteem. And it depends on
what goal the teacher chooses in this situation, how his interaction with the child will develop - along the
path of mutual inner enrichment and development, or breaking and reworking each other [
2, p1].
1. Никошкова Е.В. Английский язык для психологов. Москва (Владос пресс) 2004
2. Онищик Н.А. Успешное обучение английскому языку детей 3-7 лет. Санкт Петербург (Каро)
3. Baiteliyeva, Zh. (2013). Multilingualism in Kazakhstan and problems of teaching the Kazakh
language. Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan
4. Watkins, P. (2005) Learning to Teach English. Delta Publishing.