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necessary, may intervene and amend the trainer’s judgement. The presence of an Expert 

at the teachers’ presentation will primarily contribute to the process of supporting and 

assessing the trainers.


Independent trainers, peers and Experts may use pro-forma to assist assessment of each 

element in the presentation. These can be found in the ‘Assessment Tool Box’.

Moderation of portfolio and presentation grades

Some assessment decisions will be subject to moderation. 

The following cases will be moderated:

1) Where group trainer and independent trainer portfolio grades differ by two or more 


2) Where either final portfolio grade or final presentation grade are ‘borderline’

In case 1) an Expert or second independent trainer will review the teacher’s portfolio and 

discuss the grades given with the group trainer and independent trainer. The Expert or 

second independent trainer will make a final decision.

In  case  2)  an  Expert  or  second  independent  trainer  and  the  independent  trainer  will 

consider and discuss the teacher’s portfolio and presentation in order to decide whether 

there is sufficient evidence that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. The 

Expert and second independent trainer will have access to the portfolio through the portal. 

They may have observed the presentation, if not they may use video of the presentation 

to inform their decision if this is available. The Expert or second independent trainer will 

make a final decision.

By the end of this moderation process all teachers will be allocated a programme grade 

of Pass or Fail.

All course participants who gain a pass in the programme grade will be entitled to proceed 

to the CPM examination for formal certification. As the moderation process will not be 

complete before the examination takes place, any participants assessed as ‘borderline’ 

will be allowed to take the exam.

Participants receiving a fail programme grade after moderation will not be entitled to 

certification regardless of the result of the examination.


Formal approval of the pass list, re-submission and appeals

Following the moderation process, grades attributed to all candidates will be used to 

generate a proposed pass list for submission to the Assessment Board. The Assessment 

Board will review and formally approve the pass list. The board will consider the cases 

of candidates deemed to have failed as well as any cases of malpractice. They will make 


decisions about resubmissions or re-registrations by these candidates based on evidence 


Candidates whose portfolios or presentation are assessed as ‘fail’ will be allowed to re- 

submit one failed element on one occasion. Candidates who fail both the portfolio and 

presentation will not be allowed to re-submit.

The Assessment Board will consider the cases of candidates who do not complete the 

programme due to ill health or personal circumstances. The board will decide whether 

the candidate should be allowed to re-register for the programme and what parts of the 

programme they need to complete.

The Assessment Board will also consider any cases where malpractice, usually plagiarism, 

is suspected. A statement about what constitutes plagiarism may be found in the Teacher’s 

Handbook. The board will make decisions about the possibility for re-submission by 

candidates whose work is found to be plagiarised.

Following the Assessment Board a formal pass list will be issued as well as decisions 

about re-submissions or re-registrations for those candidates who failed.


Candidates are entitled to appeal against a decision of fail. However, appeals may only be 

made on procedural grounds. Assessment and moderation judgements made by trainers, 

independent trainers and Experts about the quality of portfolios and presentations may 

not be questioned. Appeals may only be made in cases where the processes of assessment 

and moderation set out in this document were not followed. In such cases candidates 

should write to the Principal Expert giving details of and evidence for, any perceived 

procedural errors, bias or inappropriate action performed in the assessment process. Such 

an appeal should be made within 14 days of the pass list being issued.

The Principal Expert will acknowledge the request for a review immediately after its 

receipt. The appeal will be investigated by the Principal Expert who will consult with 

trainers, independent trainers and Experts involved in the assessment of the individual 

making the appeal. The candidate may be asked to make their representation in person 

to the Principal Expert. The Principal Expert will communicate in writing whether the 

appeal is accepted or rejected and provide a summary of the reasons for the decision.



Appendix 1 - The Standards for Teachers at Level 2

Professional Knowledge and Understanding

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 2 teachers: 

Teachers have gained 

knowledge and 

understanding of the 

key ideas presented in 

the programme 

•  Have extensive knowledge of issues related to 

individual learner needs (talented and gifted in 

accordance with age related difference, etc.) and know 

how to consult with other teachers about these issues.

Professional Skills 

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 2 teachers:

Teachers  are  applying 

these  ideas  within  their 

own practice

•  Support other teachers in using effective teaching, 

learning and behaviour management strategies, including 

how to select and use approaches that personalize 

learning to provide opportunities for all learners to 

achieve their potential;

•  Initiate and sustain professional conversations about 

teaching and learning with groups of teachers and engage 

in lesson study within a school;

•  Lead the learning of a team of teachers through coaching 

and mentoring;

•  Create and sustain a professional learning community of 

teachers within a school;

•  Make judgments about the effectiveness of other teacher 

colleagues and use this as a basis for improving teaching 

and learning within a school;

•  Take a lead in planning collaboratively with colleagues 

in order to promote effective school practice including 

making cross-curricular links;

•  Work as mentors with less Expert teachers to plan 

sequences of lessons within the school;

•  Make deliberative judgments about classroom practice 

and help other less Expert teachers to solve problems in 

their classrooms;

•  Can work with classroom practitioners and help other 

less Expert teachers to respond to individual pupils 

learning needs;


Help other teachers in the effective practice of 

summative and formative assessment;

Have an excellent ability to provide learners, 

colleagues and parents with timely, accurate and 

constructive feedback on learners’ attainment, 

progress and areas for development that promotes 

pupil progress.

Professional Values and commitment 

Criteria of 


Competence: Illustration of Professional Practice 

Level 2 teachers:

Teachers are reflecting 

on the implementation 

of new practices and 

considering implications 

for further development:

•  Build and sustain positive professional working 

relationships with other teachers in school;

•  Lead and support other teachers’ professional 

development in school;

•  Have the disposition to ask difficult questions of 

themselves and colleagues to improve teaching;

•  Research and evaluate innovative curricular practices 

and draw on research outcomes and other sources of 

external evidence to inform their own practice and that 

of colleagues;

•  Conduct action research with the aim of improving 

teaching practice of all teachers within the school.


Appendix 2 – Requirements for each assignment

Requirements of the Action Research report

The Action Research report is assessed against the three key criteria of the programme. 

In arriving at a grade, assessors should also consider whether it includes all the required 

elements. These are:


A rationale for the focus of the Action Research

a) An explanation of why the teacher chose to focus on a particular aspect or aspects 

of the seven topics

b) An explanation of what is already known about the aspect of teaching and learning 

that was investigated in the action research

c) A research question giving a clear indication of exactly what the teacher was trying 

to find out


An account of changes to practice made and data collection methods used

a) An explanation of what changes were made to practice

b) An explanation of what evidence was collected to show pupils learning and an 

explanation of how this evidence was collected


Findings and analysis

a) Clear and concise presentation of findings

b) An analysis of findings which makes substantiated judgements about what was 

thought to have happened. This analysis should help answer the research question.


The limitations of the Action Research process and implications for future 


a) A discussion of difficulties encountered in carrying out the changes to practice and 

in collecting evidence of children’s learning

b) An explanation of what could be done better another time

c) An explanation of how what was learned from this action research project will 

influence future practice

Requirements of the Reflective account of coaching sessions

The Reflective account of coaching sessions is assessed against the three key criteria of 

the programme. In arriving at a grade, assessors should also consider whether it includes 

all the required elements. These are:

Reflective accounts of training sessions


Rationale for focus of the sessions

a) An explanation of the focus of the coaching session, e.g. using peer-assessment 

and success criteria, organising collaborative group work, helping gifted and talented 

pupils develop higher level thinking etc.


b) An explanation of the context of the coaching session

c) An explanation of why the teacher chose to focus on this aspect of teaching and 


d) An explanation of why the teacher chose to work with these particular teachers


Description of coaching session and evaluation of teaching

a) The learning objectives for the coaching session

b) A description of what the teacher did in the coaching session (coaching activity)

c) A description of what the teacher colleagues did in the session

d) An explanation of what went well and why

e) An explanation of what did not go well and why


Evaluation of the teachers’ learning in relation to the ideas addressed

a) An explanation of what teacher colleagues learned from the coaching session

b) Evidence of the teacher colleagues’ learning

c) Suggestions about what the teacher would do differently another time to enhance 

teacher learning in relation to this learning objective

Reflective account of learning in relation to coaching practice

This  should  be  an  explanation  of  what  was  learned  from  the  coaching  experience  in 

relation to:

a) The ideas which the teacher was conveying

b) Teaching children

c) Coaching adults

d) Themselves as a teacher

e) Themselves as a coach

f)  How they will improve their coaching in future

Requirements of the analytical account of the process of mentoring one colleague

The Analytical account of the process of mentoring one colleague is assessed against the 

three key criteria of the programme. In arriving at a grade, assessors should also consider 

whether it includes all the required elements. These are:


Identification of mentee developmental needs

a) A brief resume of their mentee - their qualifications, their role, how long they have 

been teaching

b) An  explanation  of  how  the  teacher  identified  the  developmental  needs  of  the 



Interventions, observations and feedback

a) An explanation of any interventions initiated with the mentee

b) A discussion of any observations made of the mentee’s teaching

c) A discussion of the feedback and feed forward given to the mentee



Evaluating the success of mentoring

a) Discussion about the teacher’s relationship with the mentee

b) An explanation of what the mentee learned from the mentoring experience

c) The activities that were thought to be most/least successful and why

d) The ways in which the practice of the mentee changed as a result of the mentoring 


e) What the teacher would do differently if they were able to repeat this experience

f)  The further support that could be given to this teacher


Learning in relation to mentoring

a) An explanation of what was learned about effective mentoring from this experience

b) Specific examples of how this learning occurred

c) How the teacher will amend the way they work with mentees in the future based 

on this learning



Appendix 3 - Grading against the criteria

Grades given will be one of the following:

•  Good Pass (portfolios only)

•  Pass

•  Borderline

•  Fail

Good Pass will be given where there is strong evidence in the portfolio or presentation 

that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. There will be evidence in 

relation to two or three of the criteria that the teacher has consistently satisfied the criteria 

at a high level.

Note - The grade ‘good pass’ is used to identify work in portfolios that may be used as 

examples in future training.

Pass grade will be given where there is clear evidence in the portfolio or presentation 

that the teacher has satisfied each of the three key criteria. A Pass grade may be given 

where evidence for one of the key criteria is weak but where there is strong evidence for 

the other two.

Borderline grade will be given where there is some evidence in the portfolio or in the 

presentation that the teacher has begun to satisfy all three criteria. Where evidence for 

two or three of the key criteria are weak, the portfolio or presentation will be assessed as 


Fail grade will only be given for portfolios in the case of non-submission or where items 

are missing or do not address the key criteria. Fail will only be given for presentation 

if the teacher fails to give presentation or when presentation does not address the key 

criteria. There may be some evidence of satisfying one or two of the key criteria in the 

portfolio and presentation of a teacher. However, if there is no evidence of addressing any 

one of the three key criteria across the portfolio and presentation, the teacher’s overall 

programme grade will be Fail.

№38 от 30-07-2015

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