Changes in the socio-political, economic, cultural and educational spheres of life, there is a wide
exit of Kazakhstan in the sphere of international relations in the field of economy, science,
technology, culture and education, establishes the need for a fundamental reorientation of the
conceptual positions and methodological Sciences and technologies of teaching foreign
languages. Resulting in a growing demand of modern society in specialists of English language
at a professional level.
The discipline "Professional foreign language (introduction to professional communication)",
provided the curriculum for students of the third year, is an integral part of the three cyclic
foreign language training of graduates.
The selection of the content of the discipline "Professional foreign language (introduction to
professional communication)" is based on the analysis of the socio-pedagogical factors in
accordance with the training of a graduate in the field of Kazakh language and its stripped and
vocational training
The purposes and objectives of the course.
The purpose of teaching the discipline "Professional foreign language (introduction to
professional communication)" is the formation basic level of professional communicative foreign
language competence. This objective will be possible with the following tasks:
- to form students scientific view of objective factors contributing to the formation and
development of modern foreign language education at the modern stage;
- to form students ' skills to conduct comparative analysis of native and foreign languages and on
this basis, use of speech and language experience of the students in the native and the first
foreign language, positive transfer, but also to overcome interference;
- to develop students ' communication skills and exchange information on professional topics;
- improving skills in oral and written speech in the English language necessary for professional
- improvement of skills of grammatical registration of the statement;
Place of discipline in the structure of CS
3.2.20 Professionally-oriented foreign language module refers to the special disciplines and is
a component of the compulsory subjects.
Prerequisites: English (A1, B1)
Postrequisits: English (C1)
Requirements to results of mastering the discipline:
The process of studying the discipline is directed to formation and development of
professional competences:
-uses basic methods, ways and means of obtaining, storage, information processing; proficient in
computer use, including global computer networks;
-possesses moral norms and the foundations of moral behavior;
-able to the formation of skills of a healthy lifestyle in accordance with the requirements of
hygiene, labour protection and regulations of protection from possible negative external
-fluent in the ways of organizing joint activities and interpersonal interactions of the subjects of
the educational environment;
-able to participate in interdisciplinary and interagency cooperation of specialists in the solution
of professional tasks;
-understands the specifics of the secondary education, owns the means of realization of
continuity in the education of children of different ages;
owns a system of knowledge about fundamental laws and theories in the field of Kazakh
language and literature
As a result of studying this course the student should:
to know:
– to operate the lexical-grammatical material of the Kazakh language in English.
– read and understand texts of any content of professional communicative spheres, using,
depending on the nature of the text and targets different types of reading;
– to use English all studied types of speech in different combinations, observing logical
consistency and adequacy of language means;
be able to :
– listen and understand spoken information in English with subsequent transfer of its content
with different degree of compression and to use it depending on targets;
– play or read the text, highlighting the necessary information and presenting it in a certain form
and sequence;
– safe to operate a grammar, typical for professional language (within the program);
– to generate discourse (monologue, dialogue), using communicative strategies, adequate studied
professionally-oriented situations (telephone conversations, interviews, presentation, etc.);
Thematic plan of the discipline
1. Introduction to the professional environment
2. Career planning
3. Employment
4. Communication in the workplace
5. Introduction to professional activity
6. The object of professional activity
7. Scientific-pedagogical activity as a professional activity
8. The project as a product of professional activity
The content of a course
The main part
I. Introduction in a professional environment
1.1. Career planning
Language material:
General scientific and technical terms, special language features that are characteristic of official
style (100 units for productive use).
Grammar: word formation; multipurpose syntactic words.
Thematic contents (subject of text material):
professional and personal qualities; area (branch) of professional activity; prospects of
development of specialty; kinds of activity of the expert: pedagogical, educational, information
and technological, research, organizational and administrative, etc.
Thesis topic: me and my specialty.
Writing: business card; resume.
Speaking: self-presentation.
1. 2. Employment
Language material:
General scientific and technical terms, special language features that are characteristic of official
style (100 units for productive use).
Grammar: present, past, future tenses in active and passive voice (revision).