Преподавательская деятельность неразрывно связана створчеством. Если проанализировать
научно-педагогическуюлитературу, то мы увидим, что творчество педагога понятиедостаточно
условное. Оно может проявляться в создании новых,оригинальных процессов обучения, которые
влекут за собой изменения содержания программы, методов бучения, или жесоздание комбинаций из
известных методов и приемов обучения,либо в руководстве самостоятельной творческой
деятельностьюстудентов, направленной на создание конкретных оригинальных изделий,
произведений, руководстве исследовательской работой ит.д. главное здесь доброжелательное
отношение к ученику, желаниепомочь ему в развитии способностей и склонностей.
Никакое творчество невозможно без осознания собственнойиндивидуальности, поэтому и педагог
только тогда добиваетсяединства приема и личностных качеств, когда егоцеленаправленное
воздействие вырастает из его личности. Познатьсебя в педагогической деятельности – значит сделать
теорию иопыт других собственным достоянием, толково распорядитьсясвоими внутренними
ресурсами и возможностями.
Творческий потенциал педагога, степень его развитиясущественно зависят от следующих
факторов и условий[4]:
• от актуализации приоритетных педагогических проблемдля отдельно взятого учебного
заведения, которые одновременнобыли бы актуальны для конкретно взятого педагога;
• от степени интегрированности, вовлеченностипедагога в коллективную инновационную
• от степени вовлеченности педагога в методическуюдеятельность; работу методических
объединений, от степениучастия в стажерских площадках, семинарах, конференциях ив
индивидуально-личностных контактах с учеными и др.
Педагогический мониторинг, с одной стороны, позволяетвовлечь педагогов в систематическую
диагностику качестваобразования, с другой стороны, не только улучшить, но и выявитьрезервные
возможности саморазвития творческого потенциалапедагога. Вовлеченность педагога в деятельность
методологической культуры, разработать авторскиепрограммы, методические пособия и на этой
основе существенноповысить уровень профессионального творчества педагогов, асоответственно и
эффективно развивать креативный потенциалстуденческой молодежи.
1. Кулюткин Ю.Н. Творческое мышление в профессиональной деятельности учителя //Вопросы
психологии 1996, – №2. – С. 23.
2. Фокин Ю.Г. Преподавание и воспитание в высшей школе: Методология, цели и содержание,
творчество. – М.:Изд. центр «Академия», 2002. – С. 182.
3. Галин А.Л. Личность и творчество. Психологические этюды /А.Л. Галин. Новосибирск: Новосибирское
книжное издательство, 1989. – 128 с.
5. Е. Е. Подгузова (Монография) Развитие креативности специалистовсоциально-культурной сферыв
процессе вузовской подготовки. – Смоленск 2006. – 132 стр.
BerkimbayevK.M.,MutanovaD.Yu., ShafiyevaZ.A., Pralieva R.E.
(International Kazakh-Turkish University by H.A. Yassawi)
In recent years interest in questions of an assessment and formation of creative thinking, professional
creativity increased in psychology. Relevance of this problem is defined by the changes which happened in
modern Kazakhstan. In the created conditions requirements to such qualities of the personality as openness
to new experience, ability to find solutions in non-standard situations, the creative attitude towards reality
raised. The president of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev noted in his lecture “To economics of knowledge
through innovation and education”: “Having set a strategic task – to become one of the 50 most competitive
countries in the world within the following 10 years, we must closely follow global development trends in
science and technology as well as development of education. We must look towards approaching the level of
50 most competitive countries in the view of life quality and standards. High-quality mobile human capital
should become Kazakhstan’s key advantage on the world market together with constant introduction of
innovations. The principal goal of entering the list of 50 most competitive countries is preparation of high-
quality competitive specialists who can successfully manage scientific technology, practically use the
acquired knowledge, and make effective decisions [1].
In this regard new and especially important tasks one of which is the education and training promoting
full development of the personality, its creative aspirations, adaptation of the person to various environment,
dynamically changing social and economic situation are set for education. To achieve this objective, modern
society needs the teacher possessed all above-named characteristics of the creative person. In this regard as
an applied task for pedagogical psychology there is a question of formation of creative abilities in
pedagogical activity, creative competence of the teacher.
Creativity in structure of professional competence reflects creative achievements of the teacher in
different stages of professional activity and is understood as ability to creation of new professional products
and good results of activity due to realization of creative abilities of the personality. In this regard the basic
contradiction between the available system of the vocational training of shots of teachers (focused mainly on
formation of special knowledge, algorithms of decisions, the fulfilled technologies) and need of development
of the educational and administrative methods providing formation and realization of readiness of the teacher
for creative thinking, decision-making in situations of the increased uncertainty and the responsibility, i.e. all
basic elements of competence of the relation of own professional creativity is found.
Professional creativity was not studied so far, but there are researches which are "nearby" about this
perspective. It is worthy to point out works devoted to studying of creative thinking (D. Gilford, E. Torrance,
M. Wallach, S. Mednik, Ya.A. Ponomarev, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, V. N. Druzhinin, A.M. Matyushkin,
V.D. Shadrikov, V. I. Panov, M. M. Kashapov, A.V. Karpov, etc.), and the works analyzing and deepening
the concept "competence" (A.L. Zhuravlev, N. F. Talyzina, R. H. Shakurov, A.I. Scherbakov, L.A.
Petrovskaya, A.K. Markova, J. Raven, etc.).
Defining the person, in all previous works scientists [2] concretized him as space of integration of
various projections of the life incorporating at the same time natural, social and cultural characteristics. From
the integrative point of view the personality acts at the same time as unity material, social and spiritual, i.e.
as the natural individual, a spiritual and practical being and the sociocultural subject.
The integrative psychology as complete knowledge of the person and the world considers the person in
indissoluble communication with the world. The personality is an egoism and a microcosm of all reality,
through consciousness of the person this reality is considered and will be transformed, and in it and the
person seeks for growth and development. It is known that a subject of modern akmeology is process of
achievement of top of skill in a profession, the maximum creative self-realization of the expert and
achievement of the highest vital self-realization.
In the course of formation of integrative psychology [3] scientists declared that its pragmatical purpose –
change of structure and a form of consciousness of the person finding as a result ability to think, reflex,
operate adequately in the corresponding sociocultural environment and on intrinsic level to transform homo
sapiens and homo habilis (the homo sapiens and skillful) to homo ludens and homo creacoficus (the person
playing and creating wisdom).
Out of doubt, at the moment we do not refuse this prime transformational target, but tactically the
purpose of integrative psychology coincides with akmeology purpose – self-updating of the personality. We
understand aspiration of the person to perhaps fuller identification, development of the personal abilities,
features as self-updating, potentiality and realization of this aspiration in life. In the history of philosophy
and psychology there is a set of the points of view on the emergence nature, dynamics and features of
manifestation of self-realization.
From the point of view of integrative psychology of people – extremely difficult and inconsistent being
who is at the same time belonging at once to many spheres. Being part of the nature, it separates from it for
own transformation and growth through its transformation. Being part of society, he seeks in it for
comprehension and development of the unique identity. It part of general culture, but has the view of its
transformation and allocation of the main values in what its aspiration to innovations in all spheres is shown.
Ability of the person to exist and develop in various areas and spheres is possible by existing consciousness
which possesses the highest extent of integration.
Ability to a transtsendention as possibility of "exit" of the person out of limits of social and natural need
provides reality of an independent choice to them option of behavior, activity, emotional and intellectual
reaction in various situations, that is freedom. To F. Nietzsche's philosophies "freedom from" is transformed
to "freedom for" which is shown in self-affirmation and realization by the person of own meaning of life. His
superperson is first of all the creator possessing strong, prompt, "original will", the creator of himself as the
independent and free personality.