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профессионального  образования  характеризовалось  внедрением  дуального 


В  третьем  разделе  «Опытно-экспериментальная  работа  по  подготовке 

педагогов  профессионального  образования  к  реализации  дуального 

обучения»,  разработана  методическая  поддержка,  проанализированы  и 

представлены выводы по результатам опытно-экспериментальной работы. 

В заключении обобщены результаты и выводы исследований, предложены 

научно-методические рекомендации. 


























The thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on the specialty 

6D012000 - «Vocational training» 

Alshynbayeva Zhuldyz Eldosovna 

“Training vocational education teachers in implementing dual learning” 


The relevance ofresearch

.Today in connection with modernization of 

professional education the most relevant is the problem of highly qualified specialist 

formation capable to make crucial decisions in modern educational space, to take an 

active living and professional position. The search for a solution to this problem 

requires a new approach to young people education and preparethem  for life in a 

modern socio-economic environment. 

The head of the country, N.A.  Nazarbayev, in his address "The Way of 

Kazakhstan-2050: common goal, common interests, common future" stressed that the 

national system of dual technical and vocational education formation is a modern 

requirement in the next 2-3 years. This means that the country has a deep 

understanding of the scientific and theoretical foundations of dual learning  in the 

system of vocational education.


The fundamental normative document for realization of dual learning  are the 

"Rules of the organization of dual learning" approved by the order of the Minister of 

Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 50 of 21.01.2016 and is 

approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan 09.03.2016. 

Taking into account the best foreign experience, Kazakhstan employers 

participate actively in the development of modern educational standards, consider the 

opportunities and prerequisites for including dual learning in the model of vocational 


The new generation of state standards for 


 education is based on 

the  competence  approach according to which the modern specialist  has to have 

besides general education basic and professional competences the social and 

professionally important qualities providing social protection, flexibility, adaptability 

and profitability in labor market and in the professional sphere.The new generation of 

state standards of professional education is based on competence-based approach 

according to which the modern expert has to have besides general education basic 

and  professional competences the social and professionally important qualities 

providing social protection, flexibility, adaptability and profitability in labor market 

and in the professional sphere. 

The content of the professional competent specialists training in accordance with 

standard requirements is directed not only to the formation of knowledge, skills, but 

also to the development of advanced professional skills in accordance with the needs 

of the industry.


The state program for the education and science development in the Republic of 

Kazakhstan for 2016-2019 provides introduction of dual learning. 

Special attention is paid to change the  focus and priorities of training programs 

for  secondary and higher education, including practical skills and practical 



programs.Therefore it is important that professional knowledge on specialty has been 

accurately reflected in vital practice, and vocational pedagogical training has to 

provide its success. 

In this regard the priority  ofeducation reform in the country follows from the 

principles of social progress in achievement of long-term goals in the state 

development. One of the main objectives of society is  the  improvement of culture 

spiritual richness for  future generations, and also abilities to think; about the world 

science level and progressdevelopment. 

However at a social and economic stage still there are questions which, expect the 

decision in the Kazakhstan educational space. Actually special requirements to 

experts in the sphere of vocational education are imposed.However at the social and 

economic stage still there are questions which, expect the decision in the Kazakhstan 

educational space. Actually special requirements are imposed to specialists in the 

sphere of vocational education. 

In the world practice of vocational education dual learning  is reflected in the 

works of K.A. Gasler, W. Greyerert, G. Kutsch and others. Dual learning is based on 

the interaction of two institutions that are independent in organizational and legal 

relations: schools of vocational training and manufacturing enterprises



The scientific works of German scientists (A. Shetten, K.V. Stratman, 

K.Stegmann and others) show a close connection between the forecast need in 

specialists and demand changes in the labor market, and also focuses on such an 

urgent aspect as close cooperation of vocational education and production 

sphere. Therefore, it is necessary to develop educational and methodological support 

for dual learning. 


Some aspects of educational and methodical providing are reflected in P.F. 

Anisimov, P.N. Novikov, I.Ya. Kuramshin, A.N. Leybovich, Yu.S. Tyunnikov, L.D. 

Fedotova, I.A. Haliullin's researches and in works of foreign scientists H. Abel, 

H.Blankertz, G. Bunk, P. Dehnbostel, W. Greinert, G. Gruener,  K. Koenig, K. 

Kuemmel, G. Kutscha, A. Lipsmeier, P. Muench, J. Naumann, H. Nolte, H. Puetz, H. 

Schneider, A. Schelten, H. Schmidt, K. Stratmann, S. Thyssen, etc. 

The efficiency of dual learning  is considered in works of the Russian scientists: 

S.P. Romanov, G.A. Fedotova, L.N. Samoldina, A.N. Kirillovsky and others. 

In Kazakhstan, studies in the field of dual learning were first conducted under the 

guidance of Professor S.A. Zholdasbekova. Scientists have considered the scientific 

and methodological foundations for improving the teaching of pedagogical personnel 

in technical and vocational education using dual learning technology. Nurzhanbaeva 

Zh.,  in  the framework of this research, was defendedthe thesis for the Doctor of 

Philosophy (PhD) degree on the topic "Pedagogical foundations for the labor values 

formation among college students in the dual learning system".


The carried-out analysis of science and practice condition allows concluding that 

established practices of the higher education don't form at future teacher of 

professional education the system of knowledge and practical abilities for the process 

organization of dual learning. 



The study of the practical readiness of university graduates showed that most of 

them are not focused on a qualitatively new approach to the implementation of dual 

education, caused by modern trends in the education system



Thus, the theoratical  study of the issues in teachers’professional training in  

vocational education and the state of the problem in practice made it possible  to 

establish a contradiction  between the objective need of society in a  teacher of new 

formation, focused on creating conditions for the implementation of dual learning and 

teachers’insufficient level of training in vocational education for the implementation 

of this process. 

The relevance and practical importance of this problem, its insufficient 

elaboration  in science determined  the choice of the theme: "Training teachers of 

vocational education for the implementation of dual learning." 

The  purpose  of the study: scientific and theoretical justification and 

development of educational and methodological support for  training vocational 

education teachers for the implementation of dual learning. 

Object of study.The process of training vocational education teachers in 

agrotechnical and technical universities. 

Subject of study. Content and methods of training vocational education teachers 

for realization of dual learning. 

Scientific hypothesis of  the study. If the scientific basis of the content and methods 

of training vocational education teachers in agrotechnical and technical universities is 

developed,  the professional competence level of vocational education teachers will  be 

increasedto implement dual learning in the system of technical and vocational education, 

as the process of training is aimed at special performance activities. 

Research objectives: 

−  determine the scientific background of dual learning; 

−  develop a model of training vocational education teachers for the implementation 

of dual learning; 

−  develop educational and methodological support for the training of vocational 

education teachers for the implementation of dual learning; 


−  experimentally test the effectiveness of the developed content and methods of 

training vocational education teachers for the implementation of dual learning. 

The leading idea.  Preparation of a competitive teacher with a high degree 

functional competence for the implementation of dual learning  in the system of 

technical and vocational education. 

Methodological and theoretical bases of research  are general dialectical 

principles of personality  development, systemic-structural, holistic, personal-active, 

axiological, competence approaches, the theory of knowledge; the theory of gradual 

formation of mental activity; the theory of integral pedagogical process; pedagogical 

research on the problems of professional pedagogy and dual learning. 

Sources of research.  The Message ofthe President of    the Republic of 

Kazakhstan N.Nazarbayev "Kazakhstan  way  –  2050:common goal, common 

interests, common future"; the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" of 

January 21, 2016 No. 50; State program of the development of Education and Science 



for the years 2016-2019;  works  of philosophers, psychologists, teachers, 

methodologists on the problem under study; educational-methodical complexes 

(textbooks, curricula, teaching aids, etc.), as well as pedagogical and research 

experience of the author. 

Research Methods: 

-  theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological-pedagogical, scientific-

methodical literature on the research problem; 

-  generalization and analysis documentation of higher and professional 

educational institutions; 

- questionnaire and conversation with students and teachers;  

-  pedagogical experiment, performance evaluation, methods of statistical and 

mathematical processing of research results. 


I  stage  (2014-2015)  the theoretical bases of the research are determined, the 

scientific and methodological researches  on the studied problem are theoretically 

analyzed, and the scientific research apparatus is determined.A model for training 

vocational education teachers for the implementation of dual learning  has been 

developed, the content and methodology of experimental work have been prepared, 

and a verifying experiment has been carried out. 

II  stage  (2015-2016)  the curriculum, programs, scientific and pedagogical and 

teaching methodical literature were analyzed, potential possibilities of the university 

educational process were identified for training vocational education teachers for the 

implementation of dual learning, an experiment was conducted to test the developed 

methodology effectiveness of the studied problem. 

III  stage  (2016-2017)  the results of the experiment was mathematically 

processed, conclusions were drawn and recommendations developed. An electronic 

textbook and a training manual have been published, and a list of used sources has 

been systematized. The thesis was prepared according to the requirements. 

Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research: 

− the initial state of dual learning organizationin the world practice was 

  analyzed, dual learning featuresare determinedin the system of technical and 

vocational education of Kazakhstan; 

− a model for training vocational education teachersfor the implementation of dual 

learning was developed; 

−  the content, methods and technologies of training vocational 

educationteachers for the implementation of dual learning  in technical and 

vocational educationsystem were offered; 

−  as a result of research work, the effectiveness of the proposed model has been 

proved, appropriate recommendations have been proposed. 

Practical  significance  of  the  study.  First, the theoretical provisions of the 

dissertation, the results of experimental work, author's scientific and scientific-

methodological works can become the basis of content for future research; secondly, 

the proposed scientific and methodological work and elective courses can be used in 



the educational process of  higher and secondary special educational institutions, in 

the training of specialists in technical and vocational education. 

Teaching and methodological support for the implementation of dual learning has 

been developed and introduced into the educational process of training vocational 

education teachers: 

educational and teaching aids:


1. «

Кәсіптік оқыту әдістемесі». 

2. «

Методика профессионального обучения» 

3.«Современные  технологии  обучения  в  системе  профессиональной 

подготовки учащихся» 

4. «

Дуальды оқытудың теориясы мен тәжірибесі»; 

elective courses and practical programs:  

1. «Дуальды оқытудың теориясы мен тәжірибесі». 

2. «Кәсіптік психология», «Оқытудың инновациялық технологиялары және 

техникалық құралдары» пәндерінің бағдарламасына толықтырулар. 

3. «Өндірістік (педагогикалық) практикасының жұмыс бағдарламасы». 

4. «Диплом алды практикасының жұмыс бағдарламасы». 

5. «Рабочая программа учебной (педагогической) практики»: 

electronic textbooks: 

1. «Кәсіптік психология» (куәлік № 0213, 01.02. 2016). 

2. «Үздіксіз кәсіптік білім берудің теориясы» (куәлік № 0214, 01.02. 2016). 

3. «Қашықтықтан оқыту технологиясы» (куәлік № 0236, 03.02. 2016). 

4.  «Кәсіптік  білім  берудегі  дуальды  оқыту  жүйесі»  (куәлік  №  1791,  21.07. 


-  mass open online course:  «

Дуальды  оқытудың  теориясы мен  тәжірибесі», 

вебсайт:  http://tanym.com/ : 

methodical guidelines: 

1. Кәсіби психология. 

the training seminar and round table: 

-  the training seminar for teachers on a subject 

«ТжәнеКББ  ұйымдарында 

дуальды оқыту жүйесі»; 

-  round table on a subject


«Дуальды  оқыту  –  сапалы  маман  даярлаудың 


The main provisions for the defence: 

- scientific prerequisites of dual learning; 

the model of training vocational education teachers for the implementation of 

dual learning;


the content and methodology of training vocational education teachers for the 

implementation of dual learning

results of the experiment on training vocational education teachers for the 

implementation of dual learning.


Reliability and validity of results and conclusions

 Research content compliance 

with  the scientific device, complex techniques  application, research sources 

reliability, phased work plan of skilled pilot studies, the generalization of the results 



of initial and recent indicators and also training of professional education teachers is 

effective to be carried out at the faculty.  

Research base.  Experimental work was carried out in Karaganda State Technical 

University and Kazakh Agrotechnical University under the name of  S. Seifullin. At 

the same time, the research results were introduced into the educational process of the 

Aktyubinsk State University under the name of  K. Zhubanov. 

Research results discussion and their implementation.  According to the 

research materials, 20  scientific works were published, including: 4 in the 

publications recommended by CCSON MES RK, 3 in the journals included in the 

information base of Scopus (Elsiver) with non-zero impact factor, 3 in the materials 

of foreign conferences, 9 in international materials and republican conferences, 1 in 

the journals of the RINC, as well as 6 electronic manuals with the author's certificate, 

4 teaching aids, 3 training curricula practices, 1 methodological recommendation. 

The structure of the thesis.  The thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, 

conclusion, a list of used literature and applications. 

In the introduction, the relevance of the chosen topic is revealed, justification is 

given, goals and tasks, object and subject, hypothesis, research methods are determined, 

the research base is characterized, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical 

significance of the work is shown. 

In the first section of the thesis "Scientific prerequisites for dual learning", 

current trends in the world practice in  dual learning  and  scientific works on the 

research topic were analyzed. The main terms, content and essence of dual system 

instruction are given. An analysis of the dual learning development was conducted in 


In the second section " Process  modeling of training vocational education 

teachers for the implementation of dual learning," a model for training vocational 

education teachers for the implementation of dual learning. The content of the 

training vocational education teachers was characterized by the introduction of dual 


In the third section, "Experimental work in training vocational education 

teachers for the implementation of dual learning,"  methodical support was 

developed, conclusions on the results of experimental work were analyzed and 


The conclusion summarizes the results and conclusions of the research, scientific 

and methodological recommendations are suggested. 






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