Cultures vary in the accessibility of information. In North America information is contained in
explicit codes, including words, whereas in Japan a great deal of information is conveyed implicitly,
through body language, physical context, and the like; composition. Some cultures are made up of
many diverse and disparate subcultures; others tend to be more homogeneous; acceptance. Cultures
vary in their attitudes toward outsiders. Some are openly hostile or maintain a detached aloofness.
Others are friendly and cooperative toward strangers. For example, hospitality and friendliness
towards strangers are the two main characteristics of Kazakh people.
When faced with the need to learn about another culture, we have two main approaches to
choose from: the first is to learn as much as possible – the language, cultural background and
history, social rules, and so on – about the specific culture that you expect to deal with; the other is
to develop general skills that will help to adapt in any culture. The second approach to cultural
learning, general development of intercultural skills, is especially useful if we interact with people
from a variety of cultures or subcultures.
The more differences there are between the people who are communicating, the more difficult
it is to communicate effectively. In our opinion, the major problems in intercultural communication
are language barriers, cultural differences, and ethnocentric reactions.
Although language and cultural differences are significant to communication, these problems
can be resolved if people maintain an open mind. Unfortunately, however, many of us have an
ethnocentric reaction to people from other cultures – that is, we judge all other groups according to
our own standards.
We may never completely overcome linguistic and cultural barriers or totally erase
ethnocentric tendencies, but we can communicate effectively with people from other cultures if we
work at it.
There are several simple rules of intercultural communication, which can help you from the
beginning to build a cultural bridge. They are:
1) The most important thing: do not judge from the first sight using stereotypes. Generally,
people who have never been in close contact with other cultures made stereotypes. Those,
who were and saw what happened there, usually have their own opinion which is different.
Try to feel and find out everything by yourself, because stereotypes usually distract you
from understanding the reality.
2) Be aware in using gestures. Not all of them could be understood right as you want them to
3) A name and a last name play a very important role, especially with representatives of
eastern civilization – Japan, China, Taiwan, etc. In these cultures, family name usually
comes first.
4) Remember these four themes forbidden for discussing between participants of intercultural
communication: politics, religion, sex and money.
This bridge can be built successfully if you do not forget these simple recommendations on
the realization of intercultural dialogue:
- respect the representatives of other ethnic cultures to representative;
- be proud of your ethnic culture and respect others;
- aim at cognition and understanding the culture of the partner on communication;
- show patience towards the incomprehensible for you specifics of another culture;
- comply with the partner on communication making reciprocal concessions;
- any discord can be solved.
To reach common understanding and patience, especially between different cultures is very
hard. We have known it from our own experience. However, it is not at all impossible. With the
help of a couple of weeks training and permanent wish to understand a human who is near to you –
you can reach it for sure.
Tolerance towards different cultural values, ways of thinking and the ability to decode
correctly people’s behaviors, are very important “skills” nowadays, which can help you to work and
communicate in the world of globalization.
There are no doubts in the right sense of the phrase “to be understood”. Somehow, people
forget very often that to talk and to listen do not necessary mean to understand. We love to judge
and take a narrow view on it, giving labels and tags. We want so much to be understood at the same
time. Nevertheless, why cannot we try first? It might happen when we all try; and then there will be
no more problems in business and private life, in politics. There will be no conflicts, no wars at all.
There will be no things we try to escape in the 21
1 Lee, N. Kazakhstan Under Siege: the Effects of Russian Immigration from 1930 – Present,
2 Orban, L. Multilingualism and immigration: a challenge for Europe and the Mediterranean.
-Perugia: University for Foreigners of Perugia, 2010. – 236 p.
3 Kroeber, A.L., Kluckhohn, C. Culture: a Critical Review of Concepts and Definitions //
Papers of the Peabody Museum of Armor, Archeology and Ethnology. – 1952. – Vol. 47, № 1. – P.
4 Palatkina, G.V. Multicultural education: modern approach towards education based on the
national traditions //Pedagogical Science. – 2014. – №5. – P. 41-47.
Зерттеу шет тілі оқытушы студенттердің мәдениетаралық қарым қатынас
бағытталған. Мақала
Республикасының көп мәдениеттік білім біру шеңберінде мәдениетаралық қарым қатынас
дағды мен түсінігін ашатын маңызды мәселеге арнаған.
Мақалада замандағы үрдістерге сәйкес мәдениетаралық қарым қатынас шеберлікті
дамытуға көмектесетін, алдағы стратегияларды жақсарту ұсыныстары көрсетілген.
Қазақстанда мәдениетаралық қарым қатынасты жүзеге асыратын политикасын
дайындауға бағытталған, білім беру секторында кез келген маңызды дамытуға
толеранттық, мақсаттылық және естиярлық деген қасиеттері қажет деп есептелінеді.
Исследование направлено на пошаговое представление о том, как преподаватель
иностранного языка может развивать у студентов навыки межкультурного общения.
Статья посвящена важному вопросу, раскрывающему понятие и навыки межкультурного
общения студентов в рамках поликультурного образования в Республике Казахстан.
В документе представлены рекомендации по дальнейшему улучшению стратегий,
которые помогут в развитии МКК мастерства в соответствии с современными
тенденциями. Считается, что для любого значимого развития в секторе образования
необходимы сознательность, целенаправленность и толерантность, направленные на
разработку политики реализации МКК в Казахстане.
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