Учебное пособие для студентов 1-2 курсов заочной формы обучения


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түріУчебное пособие
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Testov. zadan. po leksich. minim



Money and Finance…..………………………………………………………....29

Business and Industry………….……………………………………………….32

Ownership, Giving, Lending and Borrowing………………………………....35




  1. Which terms do the following sentences define?

1. The people who decide the general policy of the bank are:

a) shareholders

b) the board of directors

c) the executive staff

2. The bank’s financial position can be discovered from:

a) a report

b) an announcement

c) a statement

3. Bank profits kept back for later use are:

a) withdrawals

b) surplus

c) retained profits

4. Earnings remaining after all the expenses of a business activity have been paid are:

a) dividend

b) capital

c) profit

5. Money which one person allows another to use for a specified time and which will then be returned is:

a) investment

b) loan

c) interest

6. The owners of commercial banks are:

a) Board of Directors

b) customers

c) shareholders

7. The Chairman and Board of Directors of commercial banks are elected by:

a) shareholders

b) customers

c) investors

8. The Board of Directors will appoint a Managing Director who is … to them.

a) effective

b) responsible

c) interesting

9. The essence of a bank’s activities is the collection of … through current accounts and deposit accounts.

a) money

b) clients

c) deposits

10. The stockholders receive regular …

a) loans

b) dividends

c) interest

11. The current account is the one commonly held and is drawn upon by cheques and …

a) money order

b) deal

c) standing orders

12. The bank must use the funds wisely to make …

a) a profit

b) a loan

c) a current account

13. From the published accounts shareholders can easily determine … … the bank has earned.

a) overall policy

b) total profits

c) deposit accounts

14. In preparation for … … a bank publishes its Report and Accounts.

a) the Annual General Party

b) the Annual General Conference

c) the Annual General Meeting

15. The Board may distribute … to the shareholders out of the profits once or twice a year.

a) dividends

b) money

c) interest

16. An employee in a bank who pays out and receives money is called a …

a) client

b) teller

c) customer

17. Planning the bank’s … is also important.

a) dividends

b) accounts

c) investments

18. The Annual General Meeting decides how much of the … should be distributed to the shareholders as dividend.

a) profit

b) money

c) interest

19. The Annual General Meeting decides how much of the … should be retained in the business.

a) money

b) profit

c) dividend

20. In preparation for the Annual General Meeting a bank publishes its …and accounts.

a) standing orders

b) interest

c) report

21. The Annual General Meeting decides how much of the profit should be …to the shareholders as dividend.

a) distributed

b) retained

c) put
22. The Annual General Meeting decides how much of the profit should be …in the business.

a) distributed

b) retained

c) given
23. The Board will discuss the bank’s … in other businesses.

a) accounts

b) loans

c) investments
24. The Board of Directors is elected by the…

a) ordinary shareholders

b) consumers

c) customers

25. The Board is concerned with the … of the bank.

a) interest

b) overall policy

c) supply

26. Some of the bank’s earnings are held in …

a) shares

b) joint stock

c) reserve accounts

27. Some of the bank’s … are held in reserve accounts.

a) earnings

b) joint stock

c) loans
28. The bank divides all its profits among the…

a) members of the board

b) stockholders

c) consumers
29. Who owns the English commercial bank?

a) customers

b) consumers

c) shareholders

30. Who chooses the Board of Directors?

a) ordinary shareholders

b) clerical staff

c) senior executives

31. Who hires the employees?

a) senior executives

b) the Board of Directors

c) clerical staff

32. The Board is …with the overall policy of the bank.

a) concerned

b) interested

c) invested

33. A current account is …

a) an account in a bank on which the depositor receives interest

b) an account in a bank from which money can be drawn by cheque

c) a sum of money paid to a shareholder out of profits

34. A deposit account is …

a) an account in a bank from which money can be drawn by cheque

b) a sum of money paid to a shareholder out of profits

c) an account in a bank on which the depositor receives interest

35. A dividend is …

a) a sum of money paid to a shareholder out of profits

b) the money value of the shareholders stake in the bank

c) a profit of the bank

36. Retained profits are …

a) the money value of the shareholders stake in the bank

b) profits not paid out as dividends and added to the surplus

c) a sum of money paid to a shareholder out of profits

37. A nation’s currency is its …

a) certificate

b) discount

c) legal tender

38. Bank notes are … by the banks of the Federal Reserve System.

a) issued

b) paid

c) accepted

39…. are issued by the banks of the Federal Reserve System.

a) Receipts

b) Discounts

c) Bank notes

40. The work of bank centers around … and financial services.

a) money

b) legal tender

c) bank draft

41. The work of bank centers around money and … … .

a) legal tender

b) financial services

c) bank draft

42.”We constantly handle coins and bills” means:

a) cash them under most circumstances

b) deal with them

c) receive them

43.”bills of every denomination” denote:

a) bank notes of different values

b) bank notes of various sizes

c) other means of exchange

44.”Legal tender” is:

a) a type of paper currency

b) a requirement to accept in settlement of a debt

c) money guaranteed by a government

45.”both cheques and traveller’s cheques are readily accepted” means:

a) able to be given to another party

b) certified by the bank that funds are available

c) endorsed by an officer of the bank

46.”the cheque will be honoured” means:

a) that it will treated with respect

b) that it will be readily accepted by creditors

c) that the bank will be ready to cash it

47.”a bearer” is:

a)a person who is named as payee on the exchange document

b) an officer of the bank who endorses the cheque

c) the person offering the exchange document and demanding payment

48. Sight drafts are a form of … for payment through a bank.

a) money

b) request

c) account

49…. … are a form of request for payment through a bank.

a) current accounts

b) deposit accounts

c) sight drafts

50. Sight drafts are a form of request for … through a bank.

a) payment

b) trade

c) cashing

51. Sight drafts are a form of request … payment through a bank.

a) in

b) for

c) under
52. A bank draft is issued and guaranteed by a … .

a) government

b) cashier

c) bank
53. A bank draft is … and guaranteed by a bank.

a) issued

b) given

c) put
54. Certified checks are issued and … by a bank.

a) paid

b) guaranteed

c) set
55…. … are issued and guaranteed by a bank.

a) Current accounts

b) Deposit accounts

c) Certified checks

56. Bank money orders are … and guaranteed by a bank.

a) issued

b) paid

c) sold
57…. … are issued and guaranteed by a bank.

a) current accounts

b) bank money orders

c) deposit accounts
58. Cashier’s checks are … and guaranteed by a bank.

a) sold

b) paid

c) issued

59…. … are issued and guaranteed by a bank.

a) Cashier’s checks

b) Current accounts

c) Deposit accounts

60. Cashier’s checks are issued and … by a bank.

a) paid

b) guaranteed

c) sold
61. A bank draft is issued and … by a bank.

a) put

b) sold

c) guaranteed
62. … … is issued and guaranteed by a bank.

a) A bank draft

b) A current account

c) A deposit account

63. Bank money orders are issued and … by a bank.

a) paid

b) guaranteed

c) got
64. Bank money orders are issued and guaranteed by a … .

a) cashier

b) government

c) bank
65. A bank draft is issued and guaranteed by a … .

a) bank

b) government

c) teller

66. Cashier’s checks are issued and guaranteed by a … .

a) depositor

b) bank

c) investor

67. Coins and notes in circulation have the status of … … .

a) money

b) credit

c) legal tender

68…. and notes in circulation have the status of legal tender.

a) coins

b) money

c) currency
69. Coins and notes in … have the status of legal tender.

a) bank

b) circulation

c) trade
70. Coins and … in circulation have the status of legal tender.

a) gold

b) checks

c) notes
71.The most common means of payment for significant sums of money is the … .

a) cheque

b) gold

c) receipt

72. The most common … of payment for significant sums of money is the cheque.

a) act

b) means

c) case
73. The most common means of … for significant sums of money is the cheque.

a) currency

b) exchange

c) payment
74. The most common means of payment for significant sums of … is the cheque.

a) money

b) credit

c) draft
75. Normally both national cheques and traveller’s cheques are readily … .

a) certified

b) negotiable

c) credited
76. Normally both … and traveller’s cheques are readily negotiable.

a) sight drafts

b) bills of exchange

c) national cheques

77. Normally both national cheques and … are readily negotiable.

a) traveller’s cheques

b) sight drafts

c) bills of exchange

78. to run the bank

a) бежать в банк

b) управлять банком

c) работать в банке


a) интерес

b) доход

c) процент

80. to draw upon an account

a) снимать со счета

b) рисовать счет

c) выписывать счет

81. current account

a) настоящий счет

b) текущий счет

с) депозитный счет

82. deposit account

a) текущий счет

b) временный счет

c) депозитный счет

83. statement

a) выписка из банковского счета

d) акция

c) облигация

84. accountant

a) счет

b) бухгалтер

c) ссуда
85. joint stock

a) общая часть

b) общий счет

c) акционерный капитал
86. bank money order

a) банковский денежный перевод

b) банковский денежный порядок

c) банковский денежный приказ

87. bill of exchange

a) вексель на предъявителя

b) переводной вексель

c) дорожный вексель

88. sight draft

a) переводной вексель

b) дорожный вексель

c) вексель на предъявителя

89. depositor

a) вкладчик

b) инвестор

c) акционер

90. акционер

a) depositor

b) shareholder

c) investor

91. наступать (о сроке платежа)

a) to start

b) to begin

c) to mature

92. кредитоспособность

a) credit standing

b) credit order

c) credit bill

93. удостоверенный чек

a) legal check

b) certified check

c) identified check

94. выпускать в обращение

a) to print

b) to accept

c) to issue

95. получатель по кредитным обязательствам

a) payee

b) payer

c) buyer
96. законное платежное средство

a) legal draft

b) legal tender

c) legal sight
97. сберегательный счет

a) deposit account

b) current account

c) savings account

98. предъявитель

a) bearer

b) creditor

c) depositor

99. нераспределенные доходы

a) deposited profits

b) undistributed profits

c) registered profits

100.вексель на предъявителя

a) certified draft

b) bank draft

c) sight draft

101.плательщик по кредитным обязательствам

a) payer

b) payee

c) buyer
102.”a current account” is:

a) one which is available for the time being

b) one in which savings are held

c) one which is used all the time for day-to-day transactions
103.”a cancelled cheque” means:

a) worthless cheque

b) stamped to indicate that payment has been made

c) crossed cheque

104.”a genuine signature” is:

a) a person’s name written by himself

b) a person’s name written correctly

c) legible signature

105.”an outstanding cheque” means:

a) unpaid cheque

b) written but not yet presented for payment

c) overdue cheque

106.”a deposit account” is:

a) one from which regular payments are made

b) one in which savings are held

c) one from which withdrawals can be made by cheque

107.”rate of interest” is:

a) the percentage of each unit of money paid for its use

b) rate of profitability

c) portion of an investment on which the interest is calculated

108. “an overdraft” is:

a) an amount by which the balance in a current account exceeds the value of a cheque drawn from it

b) an amount by which the value of a cheque exceeds the balance in the current account

c) an excessive balance in a current account

109. to accrue

a) накапливаться

b) регулировать

c) направлять

110. notice

a) запись

b) извещение

c) допуск

111. to cancel a cheque

a) оплатить чек

b) подписать чек

c) aннулировать чек

112. compound interest

a) сложные проценты

b) простые проценты

c) большие проценты

113. joint account

a) текущий счёт

b) депозитный счёт

c) совместный счёт

114. maturity

a) запас

b) срок платежа

c) выплата

115. ledger

a) бухгалтерская книга

b) книга учёта продаж

c) книга записей

116. standing oder

a) выписка из счета

b) постоянное поручение клиента банку

c) кредитоспособность

117. bill of exchange

a) удостоверенный чек

b) вексель на предъявителя

с) переводной вексель

118. to honour a bill

a) акцентовать вексель

b) удостоверять вексель

c) предъявлять вексель

119. credit standing

a) постоянный кредит

b) кредитоспособность

c) заверенный кредит

120. to reconcile

a) переводить счет

b) заверять счет

с) выверять счет

121. posting

a) проводка

b) перевод

с) банковская тратта

122. to amortize

a) выполнять

b) погашать долг в рассрочку

c) обеспечивать

123. to clear

a) выписывать чек

b) аннулировать чек

c) выплачивать по чеку клиента

124. collateral

a) дополнительное обеспечение

b) средства

c) активы

125. документ, скрепленный подписью и печатью

a) chattel

b) deed

c) security

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