The National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin Астана

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Dik N.E., Valishin Y.I.  Geographic exposure of school local history 
museum.- M .: Prosveschenie, 1979. – 105p. 
Krylova O.V. Interesting geography lesson: A book for teachers. - M .: 
Prosveschenie, 1989. – 94p. 
Maksimov N.A.  Behind the  geography textbook pages -  M .: 
Prosveschenie, 1988. - 179 p. 
Nikonova  M.N.  Workshop  on geographical regional studies. -  M .: 
Prosveschenie, 1985. – 75p. 
Galeeva, Melnychuk. 100 techniques for the  academic success on 
geography lessons. Handbook for teachers. - Ventana-Graf, 2016. 
Khabibullin B.C., Bahchieva O.A.  Economic and social geography of 
the world. 10-11 
grade. method. pos.: Ventana-Graf, 2015 
The course for extracurriculars on geography is offered 
Course place in the  structure of geographical education:  is a section 
component «The general economical and geographical characteristic of the world» 
It is recommended: for carrying out the extracurriculars  with  the  pupils of 
colleges and 10, 11 grades 
1) Explanatory Note 
For the successful development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the conditions 
of general globalization, integration and the rigid competition, experts with the 
profound economic knowledge, well knowing specifics of Kazakhstan, its history, 
natural and resource potential, owning geographical forecasting, able  to make 
competent decisions are required. This applied course is urged to help to deepen the 
pupils’ knowledge about the place of our Homeland in the world community.
Course purpose:  profound studying of natural and social and economic 
conditions of Kazakhstan from the point of view of its place and role in the World 
Course tasks: 
· to organise the pupils’  analytical activity directed on  the  comparison of the 
natural resource and economic indicators of the Republic of Kazakhstan with other 
· to activate the pupils’ cognitive activity; 
· to bring up a person with competent economic and ecological thinking. 
Intersubjective bonds: biology, chemistry, history, ecology, economy. 
Forms of the lesson  organization:  lectures, seminars, practical works, work 
with Internet resources. 
Form of a course end: project.
2) The Course contents 
Introduction - 1 hour 

Kazakhstan on the political map of the world. Territory, borders, time zones, 
state system, geopolitics. 
Economy of Kazakhstan from antiquity till sovereignty - 2 hours 
Cattle-breeding and nomadic economy, formation and economy development 
during the Soviet period, years of the Great Patriotic War, virgin soil development, 
return to market economy. 
Features of the Kazakhstan nature - 3 hours 
Relief, geological structure, climate, internal waters, plant and animal life of 
Kazakhstan. Nature protection territories 
Natural and resource potential - 4 hours 
Environment and resources -  the base of the  Kazakhstan economy. Mineral, 
ground, agro climatic, soil, water, wood, etc. types of the  resources of Kazakhstan. 
Possibilities for their economic use in comparison with other countries of the world. 
Practical work 1.  Natural resources of the district. Their use and use 
possibilities in the future. 
The population of Kazakhstan - 6 hours 
The number, natural increase, urban saturation, demographic situation in 
comparison with other countries of the world. Structure and population structure. 
Gender and age structure.  Labour resources. Unemployment. Migrations. National 
and religious structure of the population. Population moving. Views of settlements. 
Density. Assembly of the peoples  of Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan diaspora in the 
Practical work 2  Definition of the  density indicators, urban saturation, natural 
increase of the population of Kazakhstan in comparison with the indicators of other 
countries (optionally) 
Economy - 18 
Types of economy: planned, market. Mixed, shadow. Industry geography. 
Energy industry, metallurgy, mechanical engineering, chemical industry, industry of 
construction materials and woodworking, agrarian and industrial complex, branches 
of social infrastructure. Economy of the country and environment. Environmental 
problems. Features and prospects of national tourism. Problems of  the  branches 
development. Export and import structure. The  place of Kazakhstan in the  world 
economy on all branches in comparison. Entry of Kazakhstan into the International 
organizations and Economic unions. Integration and competition. 
Practical work 3 Comparative characteristic in the production of main types of 
industrial output of Kazakhstan and other countries (optionally).  
Practical work 4  Conditions and possible areas of crops cultivation on the 
territory of the economic region of Kazakhstan 
Concluding session - 2 hours 

Extracurricular work helps a biology teacher to solve a number of important 
tasks: education of the pupils ‘communicative culture, formation of creative cognitive 
independence, identification and maintenance of giftedness in children, development 
and improvement of the psychological qualities of the child's personality 
(inquisitiveness, initiative, diligence, will, persistence, independence in knowledge 
The most important principles on which extracurricular  work is based may  be 
the following: 
· voluntary pupils’ participation in extracurriculars; 
· unity of class and out-of-class work (to promote the best performance of 
obligatory educational tasks); 
· coverage all of the pupils without exception by the main forms and types of 
extracurricular work; 
· support on amateur performance and initiative, identification and development 
of individual qualities of the personality; 
· personality formation in activity; 
· socially useful orientation with parents participation; 
· a profile orientation at school; 
· equal participation of pupils in the organized activity, their interest. 
Except the listed principles, there is a principle of the "nature
meaning that the development of the child identity comes from the nature and 
through the nature. 
At the same time the organization and carrying out the extracurricular work on 
biology meet many difficulties. They are caused by that extracurricular work is very 
many-sided and demands a creative approach to its carrying heir construction where 
the general regularities of the organization and wildlife development are taken for a 
basis, the emergence and development of life on Earth, the levels of organization of 
living systems  -  all these lead to psycho-methodical training system modernization. 
Conferences, oral magazines, quizzes, games, Olympiads are used during the lessons 
more often. The tendency on rapprochement of the extracurricular work with a lesson 
recently was outlined. The use of interactive methods of training allows pupils not to 
be limited to a certain framework of the communication at a lesson, and open the 
possibilities of creative judgment of a material through mass types of works out-of-
Link of a task work with the extracurricular is accurately seen  through the 
organization and carrying out role-plays, the biological Olympiads, scientific 
student's organizations, campaigns “Day of birds”, “Day of the wood”, “A crop 
holiday”, etc. 
The ecological orientation of learning at school has demanded not only the 
improvement of quality of the pupils’ biological preparation, but also raising the 
importance of phenological observations of naturalistic excursions, expeditions, 
weeks of biology and ecology, bio-ecological monitoring, subject signs. 

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