«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
percussion, and which are unstressed and so on. According to modern linguists,
as a result of the fact that the world community has entered the era of
globalization, processes that are closely related to the development and
formation of linguoculture acquire new features and are developing at a rather
rapid pace. Nowadays, it is perfectly normal to meet a person who speaks his
native language and, in addition, speaks English. English has become a kind of
professional and everyday standard of the communicative sphere of all
humanity. For many people living in Europe and Asia, English is the second
language of a business or everyday nature or is used for other purposes. Before
you fully plunge into the English language, read and, with all this, correctly
pronounce the words, it is necessary to study the transcription of English letters,
considering that in English pronunciation everything is different than in Russian.
In Russian, "how a word is spelled, so it is pronounced." In English, almost
always, every word does not correspond to what it looks like in a letter. Some
English words in the letter are reflected in the same way, but their pronunciation
is completely different (it depends on the context), some, on the contrary, are
pronounced the same way, but they have completely different meanings and are
written differently. For all these reasons, everyone who studies English should,
first and foremost, understand how to read transcription signs. Without
knowledge of these fundamentals, the student will not be able to move further in
learning, and we must not forget about the exceptions that “fill up the vastness”
of the English language. Pronunciation can be of two main types - phonological
and phonetic. When phonological pronunciation, it is important to withstand the
minimum features that, if not followed, can lead to confusion. This "rude"
pronunciation, without any subtleties, is actually based on the native language
with some innovations that a foreign language necessarily requires.
For example, the English phrase “I’m not going to see him again” can be
phonologically pronounced like this: Aim ‘note goynin ту si him e gene Or
Aim‘ note ‘goouing si chem a gene. This is the way in which the foreign
language pronunciation is presented in bilingual phrasebooks. And it is at this
level that tourists most often speak. Here it is important not to replace the
essential feature of a foreign language with any of the native language. For
example, for a Russian-speaking person, different degrees of opening of the
mouth (lowering of the lower jaw) do not play a meaningful role (compare:
“children” and “these”); in English, with a slight opening of the mouth, it is
pronounced [e]; æ]. Improper stress setting also makes it difficult to get the right
information. So the word “written”, pronounced with the accent on the second
syllable, can be perceived as “retain”, and the word “comfortable” - with the
accent on “com” and “ta” can be heard as “come for a table”. English has its
own specific rhythm, and if the speaker neglects it, then this also leads to a
distortion of speech. It's like trying to polka or foxtrot to a waltz melody. The
effectiveness of communication involves guessing listening to the intentions of
«Жоғары оқу орындарында көптілді білім берудің өзекті мәселелері»
аймақтық ғылыми-практикалық конференция, 30 қараша 2018ж.
Х.Досмұхамедов атындағы Атырау мемлекеттік университеті
the interlocutor. In this case, the intonation of the message acquires a special
role, with the help of which the speaker can express his intentions, for example,
request information or confirm it, agree or object. In phonetic pronouncing it is
necessary to preserve both the distinctive features of a foreign language and all
its articulation subtleties. Here, no detail can be superfluous: the position of the
tip of the tongue when articulating sounds, the degree of aspiration, duration, the
influence of the processes of interaction of sounds, the nature of the reposting,
the rhythmic organization, the variability of the prosodic structure and many
other factors. Articulating organs play a primary role in speech communication.
It is important to remember that, as such, the actual articulation organs do not
exist, and the articulation of speech sounds is a secondary function of the
respiratory organs, swallowing, chewing and charm. From the point of view of
speech production, these organs are a speech apparatus. The speech apparatus
consists of moving and stationary organs of speech. The first group includes: 1)
tongue, 2) lips, 3) soft palate with a small tongue, 4) posterior wall of the
pharynx (pharynx), 5) vocal cords in the larynx, 6) lower jaw. The immobile
organs of speech include: 1) the upper lips, 2) the alveoli (tubercle located
directly behind the upper teeth), 3) the hard palate. Pronunciation or reading of
English words is not a process of word folding. More often it is the result of
converting letter combinations to sounds. Additional difficulties arise because
many rules have exceptions. In such cases, the correct sound of the word
prompts transcription in the dictionary. In addition, when studying English,
working with a dictionary takes a significant part of the time, and knowledge of
the basic rules of reading makes it optimal, It is also necessary to take into
account the fact that in English the articulation, that is, the pronunciation of
vowels, is almost unaffected by consonants. Vowel sound is leading to
articulation. In this regard, it is recommended when combining English
pronunciation with a vowel sound to combine as many different consonant
sounds as possible. In Russian, the articulation of vowels, to a greater extent,
depends on the hardness or softness of the neighboring consonants: “ox” - “led”;
“Nose” - “carried”. The number of sounds in the English language is the subject
of controversy among linguists around the world. The principal difference is not
so great, but there are a great many points of view on this question. The classical
theory distinguishes 44 sounds in English: 20 vowels and 24 consonants. Most
of the sounds in English have analogues in Russian, some are almost identical,
but there are some that can not be found even with a strong desire. As a rule,
interdental consonant sounds [θ] and [ð] present the greatest difficulty for
English learners. In the case of the English sound [θ], Russian sounds are
usually obtained [с] or [ф]. Instead of [ð] are [h] or [v]. This error is
understandable, because in Russian there are no sounds, when pronouncing
which you need to clamp the tongue between your teeth. Next comes a rather
complex and incomprehensible sound [ŋ]. It is rather difficult to explain the
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