difference between a proverb and a sayings is the brevity of the statement. Sayings paint language, give
pronounced words a special meaning. Also, sayings can be used in the form of a complete sentence.
Dictums (aphorism) are short sayings with a deep thought, judgment, expressed with the utmost
laconism and in a polished form. It is a multi-faceted, complete and deep thought of a certain author,
expressed in laconic, refined form, distinguished by a mark of expressiveness and an obvious
unexpectedness of judgment.
The model of the dictums in the Kazakh literature was formed long ago, when the spoken
language became an art, a moral. It was born with proverbs and sayings. As a rule, these dictums
were accompanied by the names of certain people at the mouth of the people, and words that the
authors forgot were taken from the names of historical figures. This is a peculiar feature of the
dictums. Abay started rich dictums in written literature through his works. Actually, Abay's
dictumss are not just a phenomenon, but a whole world, generated by regular and historical
needs. In this context, Abay's dictums suggest a dream of upbringing, work, unity, morality, etc.
and a numerous form of immortal views on a wide range of topics. The subject of Abay's dictums
is the characteristic of all his work.
For example, let`s take the saying of Abay баяғы жартас – сол жартас. Now, if we
translate it directly into Russian or English, then this saying will lose its laconism, deep
meaning, artistic feature, and will not be understandable to the reader in the language of
translation. At the same time, if we take the sayings of Krylov а воз только и ныне там and
translate it, it will be a bit similar in meaning and understandable for the Russian speaker, and in
English language if you pass this saying through the phrase at a standstill it let us convey the
basic idea to the reader, even if it is not completely. The history of each nation, its spiritual,
cultural wealth, being, worldview, way of life, traditions, moral values, tastes, etc. is not just a
sign in the language, not a direct image of the world, b ut the image of the world in our
consciousness as a result of the linguistic -creative process, that is to say, the "language image of
the world". And one of the ways to give words an artistic feature, national names is – to
assimilate. It is formed in everyday life, in everyday practice. It is based on the fact that people
closely monitor various phenomena in nature, compare them with their actions, experience, find
similar aspects of associative images and expand their knowledge on their basis.
For example, if you compare the epithets about youth in the works of Shakespeare salad
days through the word "tulip" with a rich linguistic and cultural value for the Kazakhs, that is, if
we take the work of M.Makatayev, қызғалдақ – ғұмыр, бозбала-ай undoubtedly, it will be
closer to the cultural heritage of the Kazakh people.
The vast majority of winged words in Kazakh and English originated from a certain
phenomenon and event. Most of them have been semantically grown ov er time and have a new
significance level, while the other group has retained its original meaning. During the study, we
discussed the use of the winged sayings in speech and writing, as well as in the use of thought
expressed in a concise, clear and imaginative form. From this point of view, winged words can
be classified as a group of word combinations, such as proverbs and utterances. That's why it has
a chance to become a subject of research in the field of linguistics. Since the structure and
meaning of winged words have all the basic features inherent in phraseology. This: the stability
of the word combination, the consistency of the word combination, the stability of the use of the
phrase. However, the winged words differ from other phraseological gro ups, such as proverbs
and sayings, paired words, comparative phraseology, etc. with a characteristic feature of the
structure and meaning.
So, in every language there are a lot of simple word combinations that are understandable,
short, meaningful and useful, imaginative and nationally identical. Among them the winged
words play a special role, it can be used to describe many things, both structurally and in terms
of content components.
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Alimbaev Ornate speech is a common treasure. - Almaty, 1967. - 327 p.
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Yusup A.N., Mamieva A.N. Abai KazNPU Series of “Philological Sciences” №1 (15),
2016 – p. 221-226.
УДК 376.4
МРНТИ: 14.29.00
Олексюк З.Я
докторант Phd Карагандинского государственного университета
им.академика Е.А.Букетова
Один из симптомов невроза у детей дошкольного возраста – страх. Недостаточное
исследование особенностей страхов в детском возрасте не позволяет эффективно определить их
влияние на дальнейшее развитие личности ребенка и результаты его деятельности. На наш взгляд,
исследования в данном направлении помогут решить ряд проблем детей дошкольного возраста.
Исследование направлено на сравнительно-возрастное изучение форм пограничных психических
расстройств у детей на различных этапах психического развития. Выявлены страхи у
дошкольников в возрасте от 3лет 8 мес. до 5лет 5 мес. при помощи методики А.И.Захарова
«Детские страхи». Выявлена частота, содержание и количество страхов. Увеличение количества
и интенсивности страхов коррелируют с уровнем невротизации. Приведены статистические
данные количества страхов в разных возрастных группах.
Kлючевые слова: страхи, дети дошкольники, невроз, тревога
Олексюк З.Я.
Бөкетов атындағы Қарағанды мемлекеттік университетінің PhD докторанты Қазақстан
Мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың невротизациясы
Мектеп жасына дейінгі балаларда кездесетін невроздардың белгісі ретінде қорқыныш болып
табылады. Балалықшақтағы қорқыныштарды зерттеу жеткіліксіз болғандықтан бала тұлғасымен
оның іс-әрекет нәтижелеріне әсеретуді анықтау оңай емес. Біздің пікірімізше, осы бағыттағы
зерттеу жұмыстары мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың көптеген мәселелерін шешуге көмектеседі.
Аталмыш жұмыс әртүрлі психикалық даму кезеңдерде өтетін балалардың шектік психикалық
бұзылыстардың салыстырмалы-жастық формаларын зерттеуге бағытталған. А. И. Захаров
әдістемесі арқылы 3ж. 8ай мен 5ж. 5ай жас аралығындағы мектеп жасына дейінгі балалардың
қорқыныштары анықталған. Қорқыныштардың жиілігі, мазмұны мен саны айқындалды.
Қорқыныштардың өсуі мен интенсивтiлiгi невротизациясы деңгейімен корреляцияланады. Әртүрлі
жас топтарында қорқыныштардың статистикалық мәліметтерi берілген.
Кiлттi сөздер:қорқыныштар, мектепжасынадейінгібалалар, невроз, алаңдаушылық
Oleksyuk Z. Yak.
PhD Student of Academician Y. A. Buketov Karaganda State University.
To the question of neurotization of preschool age children
One of the symptoms of neurosis in preschool children is fear. Insufficient research of the
characteristics of fears in childhood does not allow to effectively determine their influence on the further
development of the personality of the child and the results of his activities. In our opinion, research in this
area will help solve a number of problems of preschool children. The study is aimed at comparative-age
study of forms of borderline mental disorders in children at different stages of mental development. Fears
have been revealed in preschool children aged from 3 years 8 months up to 5 years 5 months with the
help of A. I. Zakharov's method "Children's fears". The frequency, content and number of fears have been
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