Passive Forms (Present
Simple & Past Simple)
curacy use appropriately an increased
variety of present
and past simple active
and some passive forms on a growing
range of familiar general and curricular
topics; use might may could to express
possibility on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics
Module 9 Transport
He likes fast cars,
doesn’t he?
Question tags
Relative pronouns/
defining relative clauses understand more complex sup-
ported questions on a growing range of
general and curricular topics ask simple questions to get infor-
mation about a growing range of general
topics; use questions including questions
with whose, how often, how long and a
growing range of tag questions on a grow-
ing range of familiar general and curricu-
lar topics; use subordinate clauses follow-
ing think know believe hope, say, tell; use
subordinate clauses following sure, cer-
tain; use defining
relative clauses with
which who that where on a growing range
of familiar general and curricular topics
conditionals), use where clauses use
before / after clauses (with past reference);
use defining relative clauses with which
who that where to give details
on a limited range of familiar general and
curricular topics
Таблица 10.9 –
График консультаций организуемых в каникулярное время
(осенние, зимние, весенние каникулы)
Неинтегрированные цели обучения
Listening identify initial, middle and final
phonemes and blends
Осеннее каникуляр-
ное время recognise words that are spelt
out from a limited range of general and
curriculum topics recognise words similar to
in student native language
Writing write with support a sequence of
short sentences in a paragraph to give
basic personal information.
Осеннее канику-
лярное время
Speaking respond to questions on an in-
creasing range of general and some cur-
Зимнее каникуляр-
ное время
ricular topics pronounce an increasing range
of words, short phrases and simple sen-
tences intelligibly
Writing write with support a sequence of
short sentences in a paragraph to give
basic personal information.
Зимнее каникуляр-
ное время
Use of English use common simple present
forms, including short answer forms and
contractions, to give personal infor-
mation and talk about habitual actions,
facts and future timetabled events con-
tinue to use common past
simple forms
[regular and irregular] to describe ac-
tions and feelings and narrate simple
events including short answer forms and
Весеннее канику-
лярное время
Предупредить и ликвидировать пробелы в знаниях обучающихся – одна
из важнейших составляющих в работе педагога, и неудовлетворительное
качество этой работы ведет к накоплению у обучающихся пробелов в знаниях
до той степени, когда их устранение становится для школьника практически
невозможным, и он переходит в разряд стабильно неуспевающих. При этом
обучающемуся практически невозможно освоить новый материал, в основе
которого лежат знания и умения по уже пройденным темам.
Летние школы создаются, чтобы ликвидировать пробелы, образовавшие-
ся у обучающихся за учебный год.
Для устранения пробелов за курс 7 класса в рамках работы Летней школы
учителям английского языка предоставляется право
выбора лексической или
грамматической темы с учетом языковых потребностей обучающихся. При
повторном изучении тем учителям английского языка следует уделять особое
внимание развитию коммуникативной компетенции обучающихся.
Таблица 10.10 – Сложные цели по учебному предмету «Английский
язык» в 7 классе
7h grade
understand the main points, most specific information, and most of
the detail of an argument in extended talk with little support; under-
stand some of the implied meaning in extended talk with little sup-
port; understand opinion of the speaker(s) in supported extended talk;
understand typical features at word, sentence and text level of a lim-
ited range of spoken genres; understand narratives with support on a
wide range of topics.
- use formal and informal registers in their talk on a limited range of
topics; ask complex questions; express an opinion at sentence and
discourse level on a growing range of topics; respond with limited
flexibility at both sentence and discourse
level to unexpected com-
ments; interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organise priorities;
link comments with some flexibility to what others say at sentence
and discourse level; recount some extended stories and events on a
growing range of topics.
understand the main points in texts, specific information and detail in
texts; understand the detail of an argument, including some extended
texts; read and understand extended fiction and non-fiction texts; un-
derstand the attitude or opinion of the writer; recognize inconsisten-
cies in argument in short, simple texts.
write with moderate grammatical accuracy; use with some support
style and register appropriate to a limited variety of written genres;
write coherent arguments supported when necessary by examples and
reasons for a limited range of written genres; use punctuation in writ-
ten works at text level with some accuracy.
Таблица 10.11 – Образец программы
Летней школы
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