Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
person looks for an exit out of his limits, striving for filling the internal emptiness and at the
same time for its outside disspelling: the ways of this filling-dispelling are: motion in the space
and corporal merge to other people.
Such comprehension of a human body is reflected in heroes’ acts of «Happy Moscow».
On the one hand, possibility of overcoming his own isolation seems to him in other person, in
corporal merge to him: so here is their constant physical thirst for each other. On the other hand,
heroes of the novel admit possibility of even more radical option of a way out of their own
limited existence: Moscow Chestnova dreams «to leave herself somehow, her body in a dress,
and become another person – Gunkin's wife, Sambikin, a retired military, Sartorius, a collective
farmer in the Ukraine...» [1; 23], and at the end of the novel Sartorius even carries out this desire
«by means of transformation of himself to other people» [1; 50]. Sartorius's new life as Ivan
Grunyakhin, however, finds futility of this aspiration: his body remained the same, but high-
quality updating life didn't occur.
problem solution of human life’s isolation was always connected at Platonov with
motion in space, coming out of the closed world of the house into boundless open spaces of
Russia. The road leading to a boundless distance is the central image of the opened, disconnected
space in Platonov’s creative work. This image is closely connected with utopian subject in
Platonov’s creative work: the heroes set out in search of «communism» by this road, and having
been disappointed in search, come back to their «children's homeland» by this road. In fact, the
road is time space of searching the meaning of life, finding by the person himself and the world.
Mythic and poetic as well as religious ideas of life are reflected as the way which are realized at
Platonov in spatial interpretation of human life in terms of spatial movement, being in the road,
on the way.
Wandering is a natural state of Platonov heroes even in the story «Kotlovan» (Foundation
pit). In the novel «Happy Moscow» the heroes are refused wandering for the first time: as a
rule, they remain within the closed space of Moscow city. However, it doesn't mean that they
don't feel any necessity for overcoming a spatial isolation of existence, thirst for a distance.
The main character Moscow Chestnova finds the greatest proximity to the type of Platonov
wanderers as she kept an impulse of Platonov truth- searchers to wandering: in childhood she
«went some years and ate in her motherland as in the emptiness», and in adult life she constantly
has desire to go «to irretrievable space». Her life – a number of leavings that she sees it as
possibility of finding happiness and meaning of life: behind a threshold of the house «long life,
that has been tormenting her heart by presentiment of unknown pleasure» is expecting her.
Element of Moscow Chestnova is movement upward and a far. Existence in the limited,
closed space of the house is intolerable for Moscow Chestnova, as well as no roundabout
movement is possible for her. The principle of her life – «life in a straight line, without a plot
and a circle». Achievement of future happiness is obvious, if only you escape from a circle,
following in space «on a straight line» in a distance.
In conclusion of our analysis of spatial oppositions of closed-internal/open- external in the
novel «Happy Moscow» we want to notice that in spatial model of the world of the novel one
can see gradual transition from the open space to the closed space at the end of the novel.
1. Platonov A. Happy Moscow. – M., 2007. – 253 p.
Сапа Г.,
2 курс магистранты,
Орынханова Г.А.,
ф.ғ.к., ғылыми жетекші
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
Мақалада А.Платоновтың «Счастливая Москва» романының ерекшеліктері
Түйін сөздер: мифтік поэтика, аңыз, үй, пәтер, тіл, әлем.
Сапар Г.,
магистрант 2 курса,
Орынханова Г.А.,
к.ф.н., научный руководитель
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В статье рассматриваются особенности романа А.Платонова «Счастливая Москва».
Ключевые слова: мифопоэтика, миф, дом, квартира, язык, мир.
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