Agency Contributions (in alphabetical order)
Outcome 1.1:
Improved equitable access
to integrated quality social
services (health, education,
social protection, legal, et
al.) for the population, in-
cluding for socially vulnera-
ble and disadvantaged indi-
viduals and groups
Support equal access to preventative and rehabilitation services for migrants in need, members
of their families, and victims of trafficking. Modify legal and normative frameworks to provide social
integration and equal rights to health, education, work and social benefits for migrants and victims of
trafficking. Provide analytical information, good practices and recommendations to improve the qual-
ity of social and legal services for migrants in need, victims of trafficking and other vulnerable groups.
Provide the national AIDS authority with evidence-based strategic information that
smart investments in AIDS can save funds in the long-term. Advocacy at the highest level for in-
creasing domestic funds for HIV programmes according to country priorities and needs. With oth-
er international organizations, provide technical support and expertise to update/review national
treatment protocols in line with new consolidated guidelines on the use of antiretroviral drugs for
treating and preventing HIV infection. Continued advocacy on set-up and agreed national targets
for HIV treatment within the next state health programme. Support for the work of the Perma-
nent Secretariat for the Country Coordination Mechanism on HIV and TB by leading its Oversight
Committee, to ensure smooth transition from GFATM funding to that of the Government for HIV
prevention among most-at-risk population groups.
Foster quality lifelong learning opportunities for all. Promote peacebuilding and global
citizenship through education, enabling children, young people and adults to understand the
major issues facing the world. Promote health through education.
Policy advice and advocacy, as well as technical assistance (if and when needed), on
strengthening reproductive health and family planning services to ensure more equitable access and
further improve the quality of services. Special emphasis will be placed on comprehensive sexuality
and reproductive health education, information and service provision for adolescents and young
people, especially those living in rural and remote areas. Support with specialized surveys and other
data collection efforts, to further strengthen the evidence base for informed policy development.
Support legislative reforms enabling the access of refugees, asylum seekers and stateless
persons to health, education, and social benefits on the same terms as citizens of Kazakhstan.
Support the reform of care and protective systems that effectively respond to multiple
factors of a child’s vulnerability, regional differences in equality, and income-based inequities.
Strengthen evidence-based child-care and social protection policies to enhance equitable access
to quality preventive, health and social support services for children at risk of neglect and abuse,
especially in early childhood, and their families. Support analysis and development of budgeting
and financing solutions, to benefit children and their families at local and national levels, espe-
cially those from disadvantaged groups and those living in poverty. Advocacy for increased social
sector spending. Support for improved data management systems that comply with international
standards and meet demand for disaggregation, in order to develop inclusive policies.
Support the development of laws, policies and practices relating to HIV and people who
inject drugs, to reduce barriers to accessing evidence-based, human rights-based HIV prevention,
treatment and care services, and to reduce violence against and incarceration of people who inject
drugs. Support for the development of policies, standards and practices with regard to drug pre-
vention, treatment, care and rehabilitation that are human rights-based and evidence-informed.
UN Women:
Support for the development/amendment of laws, policies and strategies to ensure
their gender responsiveness, with a particular focus on the needs and priorities of women living
with HIV, labour migrants and members of their families, and people with disabilities. Continued
support of the state in delivering an efficient set of services to women affected by domestic violence.
Strengthen Kazakhstan’s health system via technical assistance, to address health inequities
and ensure universal health coverage. This will particularly include mechanisms for protecting vulner-
able population groups from catastrophic health expenditure, giving advice for the design of health
insurance/health financing to protect people from falling into poverty due to ill health. Strengthen
people-centred, coordinated and integrated health services, focusing on primary health care, man-
aged care for chronic diseases, and shifting TB care from hospital-based to outpatient services. Sup-
port for the integration of a minimum package of interventions for mental health care into primary
care and ambulatory services, increasing the availability and accessibility of mental health services, and
enabling early detection and intervention in cases of risk to mental health. Target surveys to identify
key socio-economic determinants for key public health threats, including non-communicable diseas-
es, with the aim of tailoring health strategies towards underlying inequities. Tailor inter-sectoral pro-
grammes and pilot interventions to address key risk factors for NCDs (tobacco, harmful use of alcohol,
low intake of fruit and vegetables and lack of physical activity), helping disadvantaged and vulnerable
population groups and individuals gain access to public health programmes and services. Build the ca-
pacity of central and local authorities to create public policies promoting better health outcomes for all.
Outcome 1.2:
Diversification of the econ-
omy provides decent work
opportunities for the un-
deremployed, youth and
socially vulnerable women
and men
Assist in establishing a new model and policies in social and labour relations, to increase
productive employment. Modernize public employment services, to make them responsive to
the changing labour market, and establish active labour market programmes to mitigate redun-
dancies and increase delivery capacity. Contribute to improving the national occupational safety
and health system, transforming it into a preventive safety and health culture. Reinforce labour
inspection to align it with international standards.
Support Government efforts to improve gender-sensitive policies on human trafficking
and irregular migration data, addressing the root causes of these issues.
Support economic reforms to enable a favourable trade and investment framework, in
line with international standards and best practices, and to increase employment opportunities
via entrepreneurship.
Support actions to enhance national staff capacities, with focus on ‘green’ economy-re-
lated knowledge and skills, SME development, and the capacities of local administrators. High-
light ‘green’ jobs through introducing new economic developments, including ecological tour-
ism, special protected areas and ‘green’ procurement. Support efforts to improve the quality of
civil service indicators.
Support policy options and recommendations to improve the country’s innovation per-
formance, via enhanced innovation capacities. Support the Kazakhstan PPP Centre and the PPP
Advisory Centre in implementing best practices and standards in public-private partnership,
identifying suitable PPP models for Kazakhstan. Support recommendations on procedural and
regulatory barriers to trade, to achieve greater regional and global economic integration.
Support Kazakhstan in “greening” its economy, advancing progress towards resource ef-
ficiency, sustainable production and consumption.
Support cultural diversity as a driving force for sustainable dialogue, social cohesion
and development.
Support legislative reforms and Government actions to integrate refugees, asylum
seekers and stateless persons in the labour market, enhancing their opportunities for self-suffi-
ciency and allowing them to become productive members of Kazakh society.
Support partners in generating evidence through design of research and data collec-
tion, forming partnerships in conducting research, and strengthening quality assurance mech-
anisms. Evidence generated from research will support policy dialogue and advocacy and that
generated at sub-national level will be used to influence national policy.
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