мазмұнының деңгейімен тығыз байланысты. Психологтардың зерттеулері көрсеткендей-ақ, мықты
жақсы оқитын бала обьектіден алғанда 12,5 сипатты, əлсіз, нашар оқитын – 6,5, ал ақыл-ойы артта
қалған бала – 4,5 сипатты бөліп алады.
Оқытуды күшейту құралы ретіндегі оқушылардың танымдық ізденімпаздығы туралы пікір Я.А.
Коменскийдің, сонан соң И.Г.Песталлоцци мен А.Дистервергтің еңбектерінде тереңдетіледі.
Осы танымдық ізденімпаздық мазмұнына түрлі авторлар əр түрлі мағына береді.
Біреулері танымдық ізденімпаздықты "шəкірттің ақыл-парасат қабілеті жəне оның өз бетінше
ізденіп оқуына мүмкіндік беретін бейімділігі ретінде қарастырады.
Екінші біреулері танымдық ізденімпаздықтың мəні сынып оқушысының білімді игеруде өз
күшімен талпынуына дайын екендігінде, яғни қабілеті мен ұмтылысында деп біледі.
Үшінші біреулері танымдық ізденімпаздық ұғымы білім мен іс-рекет тəсілдерін өз күшімен
игеруге ұмтылысынан көрініс табатын жеке тұлғаның қасиеті ретінде анықтайды.
Танымдық ізденімпаздықты дара тұлға өзінің танымдық іс-əрекетін өз күшімен ұйымдастыруы
жəне оны жаңа танымдық проблеманы шешу үшін қолдана білуі сияқты жеке адамнын сапасы
ретінде қарастырады.
Оқытушының ойлау іс-əрекетін зерттеуге байланысты ойлау əрекеті үш аспектіде
қарастырылады; біріншіден, ойлау іс-əрекетінің яғни, оқытушы меңгерген білімдер (ұғымдар),
екіншіден, оқытуының ойлау үрдісі, үшіншіден, оқыту үрдісіне əсер ететін қалыптасқан ойлау іс-
əрекетінің қасиеттері. Сондықтан да оқытушы оқыту үрдісінің тек обьектісінің ғана емес, оның
субьектісі, яғни өз ойлау іс-əрекетін басқарушы жəне реттеуші. Ендеше оқыту үрдісінің тиімділігі тек
оқушының ғана емес, сол үрдісті ұйымдастырушы оқытушының да ойлау іс-əрекетіне байланысты
болады – деп оқыту үрдісі арқылы оқытушы қызметіне үлкен талап-міндеттер жүктейді. Сондықтан
бұл пікірден ойға түйер жайт көп деп ойлаймын.
Оқытушының шеберлікпен оқушы жанын ұғуы, соған сай оқытуды қажетті деңгейде өткізуі
оқып-білім алудың өз дəрежесінде өтілуіне жағдай жасайды.
1. Алтынсарин Ы. Таңдамалы шығармалары. – Алматы: Ғылым, 1955. – Т.1. – 54-68 бб.
2. Джакупов С.М. Психология познавательной деятельности. Алматы: Изд-во КазГУ, 1992. – 192 с.
3. Леонтьев А.Н. Деятельность. Сознание. Личность. – М., 1982. с.
4. Липкина А.И. Педагогическая оценка и ее влияние на формирование личности неуспевающего
школьника. М.: Педагогика, 1970. – С. 96-129.
5. Кабанова – Меллер Е.Н. Формирование приемов умственной деятельности и умственное развитие
учащихся. -М.: Просвещение, 1968.- 288 с.
RakhymkhanovaS.Ye., TursungozhinovaG.S., NogaibaevaM.K.
(Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, Shakarim State University)
There is a saying that in learning foreign language methods takes only 20%, however psychology is 80%
of success.
Student year is a phenomenon that directly related to the development of higher education. Ushinskiy
K.D. called this age "the most determined", because this period determines the future of man; and time of
studying at university is a very active time of intensive work on oneself. According to K.D. Ushinskiy, «we
consider the period in human life from 16 to 22-23 years as the most decisive. It is here that the period of the
formation of individual lines of ideas is completed, and if not all of them, then a significant part of them are
grouped into one network that is sufficiently extensive to give a decisive advantage to one or another
direction in the image of man's thoughts and his character» [1, p. 300].
One of the main abilities in learning foreign languages is cognitive abilities. Cognitive-linguistic abilities
are individual-psychological features which promote fast and strong formation of skills and skills at
mastering by language system – phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, reading. Communicative-speech is
psychophysiological features which provide fast and qualitative mastering by skills, and here the author
possession and paralinguistic by means – mimicry, gestures is included also [2; p. 168].
The modern student of the university is, first of all, a young man who has all possibilities for further
development. It is very important for a teacher to direct the activity of the first-year student to the fastest
possible adaptation to independent work. This implies the development of cognitive activity. It is necessary
to let the student understand that he led this activity to acquire knowledge and skills, but not just to pass the
exams successfully.
Student life is a kind of stage in life. The basis is understandable – training in accordance with the
purpose, objectives, and most importantly – motivation, due to the receipt of a specialty in this institution.
Similarly, motivation is one of the most things in learning any foreign language.
When student learns a foreign language he develops. According to Vygotskiy L.S., “… education and
development are always in close relationship. Herewith education overtakes development, stimulates it and
at the same time leans on actual development. It means education must be oriented not for past, but for future
child’s development” [3, p. 177].
Learning a foreign language is doing different types of activities. Krutetskiy V.A. formulates three basic
principles according to which activity aimed at developing the abilities should be organized:
it should not carry a reproductive meaning but a creative;
the studying should focus not on the already achieved level of development of ability components, but
stay ahead of development, focusing on those features of the components of ability, which is not yet formed;
learning activity must be deeply positively motivated [4, 253p].
There are a lot of issues in learning foreign language for university students. First of all, it is diffidence.
"Everybody speaks a foreign language better than I do," this idea comes to mind almost every student at
university. The fact is that many people speak not so much correctly, as confidently – more confidently than
another person. And this does not mean that they know another language better. Process of speech activity
formation (also acquisition of the native language system) in ontogenesis in the concept of «speech
ontogenesis» A.A. Leontiev subdivides into a number of the successive periods, or "stages":
1-st – preparatory (from the moment of a birth till 1 year);
2-nd – pre-preschool (from 1 year till 3 years);
3-rd – preschool (from 3 till 7 years);
4-th – school (from 7 till 17 years) [5, 397 p].
Consequently, after fourth period comes “a student age”. At this time students are able to express their
thoughts correctly. But in this situation confidence plays an important part. Self-confidence can and should
be developed: if a student works on himself in this direction, he will see how his whole life will change for
the better.
One of the features of the learning a foreign language character is equanimity, the ability not to bear
feelings parading. And for this students need outstanding acting skills. They should try on this image on
themselves: after all, no one will guess about the storm in their soul, if students outwardly emit peace and
tranquility [6].
The second problem is luck of purpose. At the beginning of the study of a foreign language, the student
will have to determine the primary goal of his efforts and focus only on it. If it is the ability to conduct a
dialogue in English (in this student will be helped by lessons with a Skype tutor), understand an unadapted
speech or learn to read and translate English texts with a dictionary [7].
Proceed from the main task that faces the student: if a student is studying another language for future
work, he should focus on professional vocabulary. In this case, the student may for a while not pay a special
attention to the pronunciation or expansion of the vocabulary outside the chosen specialization – to limit
himself to mastering the basic words and expressions in the desired area. If the student "sprays", trying to
achieve high results in several areas at once, his success may not be so noticeable, first of all, to him himself;
and this hurts the motivation and desire to continue what he started.
The third problem is a fear of making mistakes. The student does not need to take his mistakes to heart,
because, by and large, his main task is to correctly convey his thought. Because mistakes can be peculiar for
native speakers too [8].
In addition, everyone knows that English-speaking countries are a "motley cauldron" of different
nationalities and cultures; therefore, people with an inadequate knowledge of the language or an appreciable
accent are absolutely loyal. Moreover, a foreign accent is often perceived as a charming detail, attracting
interested attention to its owner.
Of course, all people understand that the more complete and accurate the person can express his
thoughts, the better. But the fear of making a mistake adversely affects the development of students'
conversational skills. Therefore, the student should not be afraid to make mistakes and be embarrassed if
someone corrects him – that's how he gets closer to the ideal [9].
The fourth problem is fear of public speaking. Stage fear spoils the lives of many people around the
world, even if they speak their native language. This is a well-known phobia and the task of the student if not
overcome, then outwits it. And in this case, the student should think about teaching one-on-one: with an
experienced and tactful teacher, he will quickly achieve results, especially if it is a native speaker or an