Ағылшын тілі: лексика, грамматика, СӨйлеу, Қарым-қатынас

party A) she; him; B) her; his; C) hers; his; D) her; him; E) herself; his. 5

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өлшемі1,76 Mb.
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A) she; him;

B) her; his;

C) hers; his;

D) her; him;

E) herself; his.

5) There is no need to ask for help. You can do it ___

A) you;

B) your;

C) yourself;

D) yours;

E) myself.

6) We don’t understand what she is talking about. Explain __ to

__, please

A) it, us;

B) it, we;

C) that, we;

D) it, our;

E) it, them.

7) I’m looking at ___

A) me;

B) him;

C) himself;

D) his;

E) he.
8) Whose money is this? - It’s ___

A) my;

B) mine;

C) me;

D) myself;

E) I.
9) __ garden is next to ___. It is very beautiful

A) hers, our;

B) her, ours;

C) hers, ours;

D) her, our;

E) her, us.

10) Don’t give the little girl ___ more sweets today

A) any;

B) no;

C) some;

D) anything;

E) nothing.

11) She heard the note of angry exasperation but didn’t let ___

take ___ pleasure from the fact that she could still provoke __ emotion

A) herself, any, some;

B) her, some, any;

C) herself, any, any;

D) her, any, any;

E) herself, some, some.

12) Mr. Jacobs had a servant ___ was very stupid

A) who;

B) what;

C) which;

D) whom;

E) when.
13) Tom promised ___ one thing: he’s going to sell __ television


A) his, our;

B) himself; our;

C) himself, ours;

D) his, ours;

E) himselves, our.

14) A friend of ___ came last week to stay with ___

A) me, myself;

B) mine, me;

C) my, I;

D) my, me;

E) me, me.

15) Don’t touch these things! They are ___

A) my;

B) mine;

C) mines;

D) me;

E) myself.

16) We must have ___ here___ we can trust

A) someone, who;

B) someone, whom;

C) anyone, whom;

D) nobody, who;

E) anybody, which.

17) What will they do with ___ when they leave school?

A) themselves;

B) they;

C) themself;

D) them;

E) theirs.

18) She had ___ fine dress, ___ jewels, ___

A) any, any, nothing;

B) some, some, anything;

C) no, no, anything;

D) no, no, nothing;

E) some, any, nothing.

19) One morning Mrs. Loisel wanted to refresh __ from the

labours of the week

A) her;

B) herself;

C) hers;

D) himself;

E) she.
20) Don’t you think this tortured conversation is getting us ___?

A) somewhere;

B) anywhere;

C) nowhere;

D) everywhere;

E) something.
2 Оқытушы жетекшілігімен студенттердің өздік жұмысы 1
«Есімдік» тақырыбы бойынша грамматикалық материалды меңгеруіне өзін-өзі бақылау
Тапсырма: Қорытынды тест орындаңыз:

  1. Please, go and ask the secretary for ___ paper; I haven’t got

___ in my desk

A) some, any;

B) any, no;

C) some, no;

D) any, any;

E) some, some.

2. In hospitals the patients are taken at 6 in the morning ___ is

too early

A) which;

B) when;

C) what;

D) where;

E) whose.

3. Would you know ___ to do if it happened to you?

A) what;

B) how;

C) which;

D) where;

E) who.
4. Mrs. Small lives alone, and in the evenings she is very sad

because she hasn’t got ___ to talk to

A) nobody;

B) anybody;

C) somebody;

D) something;

E) nothing.

5. My parents were very glad to meet ___

A) he;

B) him;

C) his;

D) himself;

E) she.
6. My elder sister and ___ decided to visit this museum

A) I;

B) me;

C) my;

D) myself;

E) mine.
7. Harold showed me some photos. I looked at ___ and didn’t say


A) them, anything;

B) they, nothing;

C) it, nothing;

D) their, anything;

E) they, anything.

8. Is there ___ milk in the fridge?

A) any;

B) some;

C) no;

D) something;

E) anything.

9. Who gave you this medicine?- A friend of ___

A) she;

B) me;

C) my;

D) hers;

E) her.
10. I’m going to visit Madrid, because I have __ some friends


A) any;

B) no;

C) some;

D) something;

E) anything.

11. ___ men destroyed our garage

A) this;

B) these;

C) that;

D) which;

E) what.

12. ___ cigarettes are ___?

A) who, this;

B) whose, these;

C) who, it;

D) whose, it;

E) who, they.

13. In the Second World War, ___people did not use petrol in

___ cars

A) some, theirs;

B) some, their;

C) any, them;

D) no, them;

E) somebody, their.

14. There were two brothers. One of ___ drank coffee, ___ drank

only tea

A) they, other;

B) themselves, another;

C) them, the other;

D) them, other;

E) they, the other.

15. Jonathan Swift seldom gave __ to the servants of __ who sent

him presents.

A) something, these;

B) nothing, that;

C) anything, those;

D) any, those;

E) somebody, those.

16. I would have ___ in life for __

A) anything, her;

B) anything, hers;

C) something, her;

D) nothing, her;

E) something, hers.

17. At weekends Laura seldom went ___, she was always working

A) somewhere;

B) anywhere;

C) nowhere;

D) everywhere;

E) something.

18. They said that they didn’t want to have problems with the

police, so __went home

A) everyone;

B) someone;

C) nobody;

D) anyone;

E) somebody.

19. People take ___ clothes to the laundry to have __ washed

A) their, it;

B) their, them;

C) theirs, them;

D) its, them;

E) his, it.

20. She devoted ___ with machine-like efficiency to ___

employer’s affairs

A) her, hers;

B) herself, hers;

C) herself, herself;

D) herself, her;

E) hers,her.

21. The bird was away. In the air it was ___ but a pair of wings

A) something;

B) anything;

C) everything;

D) nothing;

E) somebody.

22. Some streets were sinking in luxury; ___, ____ knew, were

wretched and poverty-stricken

A) other, him;

B) the other, he;

C) another, him;

D) others, he;

E) others, him.

23. He walked on, wondering what Cox had meant by saying that

England could not get along without people like __, what the Queen had meant- if she had meant __ at all

A) he, something;

B) himself, something;

C) himself, anything;

D) him, nothing;

E) he, somebody.

24. The news of __ strange marriage dumbfounded ___; he

couldn’t even respond to ___

A) these, him, them;

B) this, himself, them;

C) those, his, it;

D) this, him, it;

E) that, he, him.

25. She devoted ___ with machine-like efficiency to ___

employer’s affairs

A) her, hers;

B) herself, hers;

C) herself, herself;

D) herself, her;

E) herself, she.

26. Pearl-gathers work in pairs, with one remaining at the

surface to help __ return from __ dive

A) another, his;

B) the other, his;

C) another, himself;

D) others, his;

E) the others, himself.

27. When people get very dull and are ready to kill __ for

dullness, __ doctors advise ___ to have a change of scenery, and a change of company

A) them, their, themselves;

B) themselves, their, them;

C) themselves, their, them;

D) themselves, theirs, them;

E) they, their, themselves.

28. Mr. Jones did not feel happy about this, but he wasn’t able to

do or say __, because __ the other passengers were watching and listening

A) anything, all;

B) something, all;

C) nothing, both;

D) anything, neither;

E) nothing, all.

29. If you suppose __ boy to be friendless, you deceive ___

A) this, yourself;

B) these, yourself;

C) these, yourselves;

D) this, himself;

E) that, yourselves.

30. When I came out of the dark cellar into the bright sunshine I

couldn’t see __ and for __ minutes I stood covering my eyes with ___ hand

A) nothing, some, my;

B) anything, no, my;

C) nothing, no, my;

D) anything, any, mine;

E) anything, some, my.

31. The lady knew ___ about mushrooms and inquired of the

man if __ were not poisonous

A) something, them;

B) anything, they;

C) nothing, they;

D) some, they.
32. He felt that there was __ incurable in the world’s suffering

A) some;

B) something;

C) no;

D) anything;

E) nothing.

33. __ separation was a great grief to __ and I blamed __ for

being incapable of __ moral courage necessary to acknowledge the evil nature of man

A) this, mine, myself, those;

B) these, me, it, that;

C) this, me, myself, that;

D) this, my, myself, that;

E) this, myself, me, this.

34. __ of the writers didn’t use capital letters __ for the names of

towns __ persons.

A) some, neither, or;

B) any, neither, nor;

C) somebody, either, nor;

D) some, either, or;

E) some, either, nor.

35. He found a place for __ at a table which two sailors were

discussing the qualities of __ captains, caring for the expressiveness of __ mother-tongue than __ grammar

A) him, their, their, their;

B) himself, their, theirs, its;

C) himself, their, their, its;

D) himself, theirs, theirs, its;

E) him, theirs, theirs, their.

36. Since __ prevented me, I followed __ into the apartment,

which was tremendously wrecked

A) somebody, them;

B) anyone, their;

C) anyone, them;

D) no one, them;

E) anybody, they.

37. Sam saw Carl at a business meeting __ __ men were at in a

big hotel

A) that, the both;

B) what, the both;

C) which, both;

D) what, both;

E) that, either.

38. When David left school, he was ready to get __ a proper


A) himself;

B) him;

C) he;

D) his;

E) for he.

39. Her mother thought: “She won’t know __ There will be __ to

look after her, she will be very sad because she isn’t with __”

A) nobody, nobody, ourselves;

B) anybody, somebody, ours;

C) anybody, nobody, us;

D) somebody, nobody, us;

E) somebody, anybody, us.

40. She often asked him if there was ___ he wanted, even

pleading with ___ to tell her

A) something, him;

B) nothing, himself;

C) anything, him;

D) anything, his;

E) something, he.

41. ___ hand before __ at last bumped against __ hard

A) my, me, some;

B) mine, me, something;

C) my, I, something;

D) my, me, something;

E) mine, me, anything.

42. For __ days after__ departure I felt __ lonely and unhappy and didn’t want to see __

A) no, his, -, someone;

B) some, his, myself, anyone;

C) some, him, -, anyone;

D) some, his, -, anyone;

E) some, his, me, anyone.

43. ___ in the spotless austerity of the room was getting __ down

A) some, me;

B) nothing, me;

C) something, it;

D) something, me;

E) anything, me.

44. ___ could immediately tell that __ was aware of __ great


A) anybody, her, her;

B) nobody, she, hers;

C) anybody, she, hers;

D) anybody, she, her;

E) somebody, she, hers.

45. He had personality, you know, __ much to look at, but

magnetic, women always fell for ___

A) nothing, him;

B) some, him;

C) something, it;

D) anything, it;

E) anything, him.

46. I found __ searching the streets for one like __

A) me, our;

B) me, ours;

C) myself, our;

D) myself, ours;

E) my, ours.

47. Self-respect is important. It’s important for people to like __

A) yourselves;

B) yourself;

C) oneself;

D) themselves;

E) them.
48. I saw hardly ___ I knew at the party, and I didn’t get __ to


A) anybody, anything;

B) somebody, anything;

C) nobody, nothing;

D) somebody, something;

E) anybody, nothing.

49. Yesterday I put ten dollars into my pocket. But today there

isn’t ___

A) anything;

B) something;

C) nothing;

D) no;

E) some.
50) Very often in business situations you may find __ having to

talk about money with suppliers and customers.

A) you;

B) yours;

C) yourself;

D) your;

E) oneself.

8 Практикалық сабақ

Грамматикалық тақырып: Белгіленген және белгісіз артикльдер.

8 Белгіленген және белгісіз артикльдер қолдануын үйреніңіз:

7 - кесте – Белгісіз артикльдің формалары

a/an article



Дауыссыз дыбыстар алдында

Дауысты дыбыстар алдында

a sister

a school

a teacher

Note: сөз немесе буын д/сыз дыбыстан басталса, a артиклі қойылады:

a university

a European


an aunt

an engineer

an uncle

Note: сөз немесе буын басында h әрпі айтылмаса an артиклі қойылады:

an hour

an honest man

an MP

an UFO

8.1 Белгісіз a немесе an артиклінің дұрыс формасын табыңыз:














__ union
8.2 Артикльдің дұрыс қолданудың жағдайларын қарастырыңыз:

8- кесте – Артикльдерді қолдану жағдайлары

Белгісіз артикль a/an

Белгілі артикль the

Нөлдік артикль




8 кестенің жалғасы




1. Жекеше түрдегі зат есімдермен


This is a table. – Бұл қалам.

These are tables. – Бұл қаламдар.

1. Жекеше және көпше түрдегі зат есімдермен қолданылады:

Where is the pen? – Қалам қайда?

The pens are mine. – Қаламдар менікі.

1. көпше түрдегі пайдаланбайтын зат есімдермен қолданылады:

Water(су) rain(жаңбыр) air(ауа) rice(күріш) salt(тұз) oil(май) plastic(пластик) money(ақша) music(музыка) tennis(теннис) bread(нан) weather(ауа-райы) information(ақпарат) advice(кеңес) hair(шаш) furniture(жиһаз) paper(қағаз) news(жаңалықтар): Есіңе сақта: осы зат есімдерді келесі тіркестерде қолдануға болады

A piece of music – музыкалық шығарма

A piece of cheese – ірімшік тілімі

A glass of water – стакан су A bowl of rice – кесе күріш

A game of tennis- теннис партиясы

A cup of coffee – кесе кофе

A can of oil – май банкасы A bottle of milk – сүт бөтелкесі

A bar of chocolate – шоколад плиткасы

A loaf of bread – нан

8 кестенің жалғасы




2. Жаңа ақпарат немесе белгілі зат тобына жататын зат:

I see a student. – Мен (бір адамды) көріп тұрмын


2. Нақты зат туралы әнгімелесушіге мәлім болғанда қолданылады:

I have a pen. The pen is black. – Менде қалам бар. (Бұл) қалам қара.

3. реттік сан есімдермен қолданылады:

The first/second/third/fourth – бірінші/екінші/үшінші/төртінші
4. күшейтпелі сан есімдерімен қолданылады

Clever – the cleverest

Big – the biggest

A tin of caviar – икр банкасы

A tub of ice-cream – балмұздақ қорабы

2. көпше түрде пайдаланылатын зат есімдерімен қолданылады:

She`s a good student. – Ол жақсы студент They are good students. – Олар жақсы студенттер.

Есіңе сақта: Scissors(қайшы) glasses(көзілдірік) trousers(шалбар) jeans(джинсы) shorts(шорты) pyjamas(пижама) tights(колготки)
3. спорт ойындарының атауларымен қолданылады:

Tennis(теннис)/basketball(баскетбол)/volleyball(волейбол)/judo (дзюдо) /skiing (шаңғы тебу) /skating ( коньки тебу) /swimming (жүзу) /badminton (бадмитон) etc. және басқа.

4. тілдер мен академиялық пәндер атауларымен қолданылады:

8 кестенің жалғасы




Comfortable – the most comfortable

5. жалқы зат есімдермен қолданылады:

The sun(күн)/the moon (ай) /the world(әлем,жер жүзі)/the sky(аспан)/the sea(теңіз)/the ground(жер)/the police(полиция)/the fire brigade(өрт сөндіру командасы)/the army (армия) / /the radio(радио)/the cinema(кинотеатр)/the theatre (театр)etc.

6. музыкалық аспаптарымен қолданылады:

the piano (пианино) /the guitar(гитара)/the trumpet(труба)

7. кейбір елдермен қолданылады

History (история)/Sociology (социология)/Philosophy(философия)/English (английский язык)/French(француз языкя)/Kazakh (қазақ язык)/Russian (орыс язык)/mathematics (математика) etc. и др.

5. елдер, мекен атауларымен қолданылады: Canada is a very large country.- Канада өте үлкен ел

Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.- Астана – Қазақстанның астанасы.

6. көше, сквер атауларымен қолданылады:

He lives in Abai Street. – Ол Абай көшесінде тұрады.

Where is Time Square?- Тайм Сквер қай жерде?

7. аэропорт, станциялар,

8 кестенің жалғасы




The + republic(республика)/states(штаты)/kingdom(корольдік)

The Republic of Kazakhstan (Қазақстан Республикасы) / the Republic of Ireland (Ирландия Республикасы)

The United States (the USA) (США)/the United Kingdom (the UK)(Біріккен Корольдік)
8. отель/ресторан/паб/ кинотеатр/театр/мұражай/газет аттарымен қолданылады:

The Hilton – Хилтон отелі

The Science Museum – ғылым мұражайы

The National Theatre- ұлттық театр

The Guardian – Гардиан ( газет атауы)

9. мұхит/өзен/канал атауларымен қолданылады:

The Pacific Ocean – Тынық мұхит

The Irtysh –Ертіс өзені

The Caspain Sea – Каспий теңізі

The Suez Canal – Суэцк каналы

10.елдер/арал/тау аттарымен көпше түрінде қолданылады:

университеттер, замок атауларымен қолданылады:

Westminster Abbey- Вестминстерское Аббатство

Heathrow Airport- ХитроуАэропорты Oxford University – Оксфорд университеті

Edinburgh Castle- Эдинбург замогы

London Zoo – Лондон мұражайы

8. абстрактты зат есімдерімен қолданылады:

Music - музыка

Love - махаббат

Anger - ашуланғыштық

Fear - қорқыныш

8 кестенің жалғасы




The Nethelands - Нидерланды

The Canary Islands – Канар аралдары

The Philippines - Филиппины

The Andes – Анды

11. әлемдік жер бағыттарымен қолданылады:

The south (оңтүстік) /the north (солтүстік)/the west (батыс)/the east (шығыс)

8.3 Осы мәтінде артикльдердің дұрыс қолдануын топ ішінде талқылаңыздар:

A small crowd had gathered round the entrance to the park. His curiosity aroused, Robert crossed the road to see what was happening. He found that the centre of attraction was an old man with a performing monkey. The monkey’s tricks, he soon discovered, were in no way remarkable so, after throwing a few pennies in the dirty hat which the old man had placed on the pavement, Robert began to move off, along with other members of the crowd.

At this point the man suddenly let out a loud cry. Everyone turned to see what had happened. The man was bending over his monkey, which now lay quite still on the pavement. He picked up the apparently lifeless body and, holding it close to him, began to weep. A young man stepped forward from the crowd and, taking some money from his pocket, dropped it into the hat. Robert and several other people did likewise, until the pennies in the hat were covered with silver coins. Meanwhile, the man continued to hold the dead monkey in his arms and seemed to take no notice of what was going on about him.

8.4 Зат есімдерінің қасына қажетті артикльдерді қойыңыздар a/an/the/ - және таңдаған форманың дұрыстығын дәлелдеңіздер:

1) What is this?- It’s … book;

2) Whose book is this? – It’s … mine;

3) Do you live in … block of flats or … house?;

4) Is your house far from … university?;

5) Where is your university located? - In … Lomov Street;

6) What faculty do you study at?- I study at … faculty of Philology,

Journalism and Art;

7) Do you have … hobby? - Yes, I have … hobby. I’m interested in

… History.

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болуына ерікті
тексерілу мемлекеттік
медициналық тексерілу
құпия медициналық
ерікті анонимді
Бастауыш тәлім
қатысуға жолдамалар
қызметшілері арасындағы
академиялық демалыс
алушыларға академиялық
білім алушыларға
ұйымдарында білім
туралы хабарландыру
конкурс туралы
мемлекеттік қызметшілері
мемлекеттік әкімшілік
органдардың мемлекеттік
мемлекеттік органдардың
барлық мемлекеттік
арналған барлық
орналасуға арналған
лауазымына орналасуға
әкімшілік лауазымына
инфекцияның болуына
жәрдемдесудің белсенді
шараларына қатысуға
саласындағы дайындаушы
ленген қосылған
шегінде бюджетке
салығы шегінде
есептелген қосылған
ұйымдарға есептелген
дайындаушы ұйымдарға
кешен саласындағы
сомасын субсидиялау