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Ұсынылған әдебиеттер

1. Аракин В.Д. Очерки по истории английского языка. – М., 1975.

2. Аракин В.Д. История английского языка . М., 1985.

3. Брукнер К. История английского языка. М., 1977 . Т. 1-2.

4. Расторгуева История английского языка М., 1999

Lecture 2. The Word Stock of the English language and its development.

  1. The Old English Word stock and its specific features: Indo-European, Common Germanic and Native words.

  2. The evolution of the word stock under the influence of borrowed words.

3. The Middle English word stock and its characteristic features.

Дәріс тезистері
The English language belongs of the Germanic subdivision of the Indo – European family of languages.

At the beginning of the 5th century of A.D. Germanic tribes occupied vast territories in western central and northern Europe. The tribes and dialects they spoke at the time were generally very mush alike, but he degree of similarity varied.

Its common to speak of the East Germanic group of dialects mainly spoken in Central Europe – gothic , Vandolk, Vurgundian, North Germanic group of dialects - Old Norwegian, Old Danish, old Swedish, old Icelandic and the West Germanic group of dialects - the dialect of Angles, Saxons, Frisians, originally spoken in western Europe.

OE scribes used in two kinds of letters: the Runic alphabet and the letters of the Latin alphabet. The Most of the OE material – OE manuscripts – is written in the Latin script. The use of Latin letters in English differed in some points from their use in Latin, for scribes made certain modifications and additions in order to indicate OE sounds.

Depending on the size and shape of the letters modern philologists distinguish between several scripts. The variety used in Britain is known as the Irish. Out of the altered shapes of letters in the scripts – d, f g, and others – only a peculiar shape of g, is preserved in modern publications. In the OE variety of the Latin alphabet i and j were not distinguished; there were no u and v ; the letters k, q, x and w were not used until many years later. A new letter was devised by putting a stroke through d – d or ð , also the capital letter – D to indicate the voiceless and voiced interdental [θ ] [ð]. The letter a was used alone either as a part of a ligature made up of a and e - ǽ; likewise in the earlier OE texts we find the ligature____ ( o + e ), which was later replaced by e.

The most interesting peculiarities of OE writing was the use of some runic characters, in the 1st place, the rune called “thorn” which was employed alongside the crossed d, ð to indicate θ and ð - it is usually preserved in modern publications as a distinctive feature of the OE script. In the manuscripts one more rune was regularly used - “ wynn’ for the sound w. In modern publications it is replaced by w.з

Like any alphabetic writing, OE writing was based on a phonetic principle: every letter indicated a separate sound. This principle, however, was not always observed, even at the earliest stages of phonetic spelling. Some letters indicated two or more sounds, even distinct phonemes, e.g. з stood for 4 different phonemes; some letters, indicating distinct sounds stood for positional variants of phonemes – a and - æ. A careful study of the OE sound system has revealed

That a set of letters s, f and _____ stood for two sounds each: a voiced and voiceless consonant. And yet, on the whole, OE spelling was far more phonetic and consistent than Mod. E spelling.

The letters of the OE alphabet below are supplied with transcription symbols, if their sound values in OE differ from the sound values normally attached to them in Latin and other languages.

In reading OE texts one should observe the following rules for letters indicating more than one sound.

The letters f, s and _____stand for voiced fricatives between vowels and also a vowel and a voiced consonant; otherwise they indicate corresponding voiceless fricatives:
OE f ofer (over) NE over d,__ OE o er (o:__er) NE other

selfa (selva) self feohtan (feoxtan) fight

s risan(ri:zan) rise __t (____t) that
The original stem suffixes were formed both by vowels and consonants. Thus there were 2 groups of declensions in OE: the vowel declension (strong declension) a and the consonant one (weak).

The following classes of pronouns were to be observed in OE:

Personal, possessive, demonstrative, interrogative, relative and indefinite. The declension system was not the some for all classes. It has at least two subsystems: the dedension of personal pronouns of other pronouns. Although the grammatical categories of such subsystem were the some i.e. gender, number, case, the number of categorial composing those categories was different.

singular, dual and plural. F.e. Ie (I) with (two of us) we (we). The other pronouns had 3 gender, 2 number forms, but unlike personal pronoun they had 5 case forms: the Nom, The Akk, the Dative, the genitive and the instrumental.

The paradigm of the adjectives is similar of that of the noun and the pronoun i.e. it comprises gender, 2 number forms: the Number, Case.
Өзін-өзі тексеруге арналған сұрақтар
1/ What main specific features has the Old English word stock?

2/ What can you say about the influence of borrowed words into the vocabulary system of the English language ?

3/ What main characteristic features has the Middle English grammatical system?

4/ How many case forms were there in ME grammatical system?

Ұсынылған әдебиеттер

1. Аракин В.Д. Очерки по истории английского языка. – М., 1975.

2. Аракин В.Д. История английского языка . М., 1985.

3. Брукнер К. История английского языка. М., 1977 . Т. 1-2.

4. Расторгуева История английского языка М., 1999
Lecture 3. The evolution of the phonetic system of the English language.
1. The characteristics of Old English phonetic system (vowels, consonants and stress) in

comparision with Modern English phonetic system.

2. Phonetic characteristics of Middle English period.

3. The change of vowels and consonants. New diphthongs. The in the system of orthography.

Дәріс тезистері
There were the following vowel phonemes in Old English:

Monophthongs diphthongs

a x e I o u y ea eo

- - - - - - - - -

a x e I o u y ea eo
As we see in OE there existed an exact parallelism between long vowels and corresponding short vowels. Not only monophthongs but even diphthongs found their counterparts whish differed from them not only in quality but also in quantity.

All OE vowel phonemes can be traced back to common Germanic vowel phonemes. Old English monophthongs are, as a rule a burgher developed of some Common Germanic monophthongs.


[ ]from Common [a] dags

[u] cusans, etc.

Some OE monophthongs developed from Common Germanic diphthongs:

So we see all OE vowels are or Common Germanic origin, though with some changes, as a result of which the diphthong may be originated from monophthongs and vice versa.

The changes that look place in the prehistoric period of the development of the English language and which explain the difference between OE and CY vowels are of two types:

Independent and assimilative. The most important and assimilative changes are breaking and palatal mutation. The process of breaking took place in the 6th century.

It objected 2 vowels [ ] and [e] when they were followed by the consonants [r] [i] [h] generally followed by another consonant palatal mutation occurred somewhere during the 6 -7 centuries. The qualitative change of OE vowels that experts call palatal mutation or I – mutation objected Germanic words where a vowel in a stressed syllable. Almost all vowels, booth diphthong and monohthongs became further forward and higher, or more palatal and more narrow, with the exception of [e] and [i] which could go no further. This may described as a kind of vowel harmory - a natural process objecting many modern languages. As a result of palatal mutation new phonemes of entered the vowel system in OE – the vowel phoneme [y] and the vowel phoneme [ y ], the result of the mutation of [u] and [u] respectively.

The old English consonant system consisted of some 14 consonant phonemes denoted by the letters.

P b m t f d n s r I p ( ) c h

The consonant system in OE manifested the following peculiarities

    1. The relatively small of consonant phonemes – 14

    2. The absence of affricates and fricatives whish we do not find in the language such as

    3. Dependence of the quality of the phoneme upon its environment in the word

All vowels in the unstussed position underwent a qualitative change in ME and became the vowel of the type of[ә ] or [e ] unstressed.

This phonetic change had a bar – reaching effect upon the system of the grammatical endings of the English words which now due to the process underwent qualitative and quantitative changes. 3 long and 2 short monohthongs and all the diphthongs underwent changes and there appeared 4 new diphthongs. Besides qualitative changes mentioned above vowels under stress underwent certain changer in quantity, called lengthening and shortening of vowels and whish left traces in grammar and word – stock. Due to it vowel interchange developed in many cases between: different forms formed from the some root.

The most important change in the consonant system that can be observed if we compare the OE and the ME consonant system will be the development of the fricative consonant and the affricate from OE palatal consonants or consonant combinations.

Special notice should be taken on the development of such consonant phonemes that had voiced and voiceless variants in OE, such as [f-v] [Ө]- [ә] [s-z]. They became different phonemes in ME.

Vowels in the unstressed position already reduced in ME to the vowel of the vowel of the [ ] type are dropped in New English if they are bound in the endings of words. The vowel in the endings is sometimes preserved – mainly to phonetic reason. All long monohthongs in NE underwent a change that is called “The great vowel shift” . Due to this change the vowels became more narrow and more front.

When a long vowel was followed in a word by the consonant “r” the given consonant but the resulting vowel is make open than the resulting vowel in such cases when the long vowel undergoing the shift was followed by a consonant other than “r”.

Some qualitative changes took place with some short monohthongs [u] >[^] in ME [but] in ME [b^t]

Two of 4 ME diphthongs changed in NE [ai] – [ei], [au] contracted to [ ] lawe – [ ] –law- [ ]

Quantitave changes of vowels in NE period were due to the vocalization of consonants [r] and [h].

The changes that affected consonants in ME are not very numerous. They are as follows:

1.Apperance of a new consonant in the system of English phonemes [ ] and the development of the consonants [ ] and [ ] from palatal consonants.

ME [ ] in borrowed words, where the sounds [ ] whish appeared in ME developed in native words.

2. Certain consonants disappeared at the end of the word of before another consonant. The sound [r] farm, far

3. The fricative consonants [s] [Ө] [f] were voiced after unstressed vowels or in words having no sentence stress.

Өзін-өзі тексеруге арналған сұрақтар
1/ How many vowel phonemes were there in the Old English phonetic system?

2/ What types differences there exist between OE and ME phonetic system?

3/ What is “The Great Vowel Shift” ?

4/ How many consonant phonemes were there in OE phonetic system?

5/ What changes took place in the system of consonant phonemes

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