Thematic plan of discipline
Section I.Introduction in the course “Social pedagogy and self-
The mastery of basic terms and concepts in social pedagogy and self-
knowledge in the professional foreign language.
Section II. “Professionally-oriented foreign language as a
practical subject”
1. The restriction and deprivation of parental rights.
2. The interaction of social worker (social pedagogue) with a
3. The maintenance characteristic social pedagogies science on
foreign language.
4. The work of social worker (social pedagogue) with different
Approximate themes of seminars (practical training)
Approximate themes of IWST
Approximate subjects of course papers and terms.
The list of the recommended literature.
The content of the discipline
Section I. Introduction in the course “Professionally - oriented
foreign language”
The relevance of the objectives of the course content.
Relevance include the discipline “Professionally oriented foreign
language” in the compulsory component of the
basic discipline of the
modern state of literature on social pedagogy on foreign language.
Subjects, purpose, tasks of the course.
Sections of the course.
Basic terms and concepts in social pedagogy (work) on the
professional foreign language.
Professional terminology. Basic terms and concepts in social
pedagogy (work) on the professional foreign language, their
application in the theory and practice.
Section II. Professionally - oriented foreign language as a
practical subject.
The restriction and deprivation of parental rights.
The restriction of parental rights. The deprivation of parental rights.
Restoration of parental rights. Laws, regulations and methods of
work of the social teacher (social work). Interaction with the courts,
schools, local authorities.
The interaction of social worker with a teachers.
The interaction of social worker with a psychologist in education.
The interaction of social worker with a special educator in education.
The interaction of social worker with a the speech therapist in the
education. The interaction of social worker with a classroom teacher,
adviser in education. Interaction of social worker with the teachers of
3. The maintenance characteristic social pedagogies science on
foreign language.
Subject, purpose and tasks of social pedagogies. Subject sections of
social pedagogies. Modern problems and tendencies of development
of social pedagogies in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
4. The work of social worker (social pedagogue) with different
The work of social worker with boys. The work of social worker
with girls. The work of social worker with teenagers. The work of
social worker with the graduates. The work of social worker with the
primary school age.
Approximate themes of seminars (practical training)
1. The terms and concepts in social pedagogic (social work)
2. The history of social pedagogic (social work)
3. The social pedagogic as science (social work)
4. The restriction and deprivation
of parental rights
5. The activity of social worker (social pedagogue) for children with
special education needs
6. The support for social workers (social pedagogue) in education
7. Interaction of social worker (social pedagogue) with teachers
Approximate themes of IWST
1. Assistance to children from poor families
2. Delinquent children
3. The scheme of concepts and terms in the self-cognition
4. The presentation with video and photo «Material and technical
resources for children with special educational needs»
5. Interaction of social workers (social pedagogic) with experts in
inclusive education.
Approximate themes of IWS
1. Analysis of Education Development Strategy of Kazakhstan
2. Modern problems and tendencies of social pedagogy and self-
cognition in Kazakhstan
3. Composition of the sample professional documents
in a foreign
social pedagogy (social work)
Approximate subjects of course papers
The part of the course work should be given on foreign language.
Themes are given by teacher.
List of recommended literature
1. MacDonald, A. & Adachi, R. (2001). Regulation of social work
practice in Canada. Retrieved September 29, 2007
2. Brumfit S., Johnson K. “The Communicative Approach to
Language Teaching”. Oxford, 1981, 234p.
3. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:
CambridgeUniversityPress, 2004.- 260 p.
4. Professional Task-based Guide to the programme "Modern
Foreign Language Education: methodology and theory: Master
programme. Foreign Language Teacher Training / Compiled: by
Prof. S.S. Kounanbayeva.-Алматы: AblaiKhanKazUIRand WL,
2011.- 350 p.