3. Extending ideas into note form: These ideas are rewritten into notes. Then the students
can draw the imaginative pictures. For this activity the students can work in pairs.
4. Picture mind map: Then the pairs of students come to the magnet board to fix the
imaginative pictures of their own version around the highlighted phrase ―Life in the desert‖ and
―Life in the tropical forest‖. So, this activity can build a foundation of a composition.
5. The first drafting: The pairs of students are combined into a group. Students prepare their
first drafts working together. But for each of the students their tasks are prepared beforehand for
not to repeat each others‘ words. e.g. Write about plants; write about animals; write about
climate; write about vital activities. Active vocabulary may be helpful for students.
6. Editing: Students exchange their first draft for improved peer feedback.
II While-writing stage: The students in groups start writing compositions. For this the
students have prepared first drafts, and their task is to combine their drafts to get a whole
composition. Here the art is in combining each part of the composition. In order to get a smooth
transition between each part the students should use word connectors, as: however, nevertheless,
on the one hand … and on the other, etc.
III Post-writing stage:
1. The students read their compositions in front of the class while a peer correction is held.
2. The most creative composition can be published in the school‘s yearbook or class
portfolio at least.
So, these effective activities are thoroughly described. They are writing a drama, building
up a story, short story writing, and composition writing. In these activities students enable the
creativeness. Any of these activities is organized in smooth transition which could enable writing
process work better. The approaches to writing are from Process to Product.
Writing tasks are varied and made more creative and a conclusion can be made that
students love writing because of interesting tasks. We both benefit: students because learning to
write is enjoyable for them, teachers benefit because they feel the need to improvise, to make
writing more attractive to students and think of and look for more creative tasks. In conclusion, if
teachers are eager to be more creative and inno vative, they can find various activities to improve
writing skills, despite of poor textbooks or manuals. The teacher always seeks for new
information and introduces the novelty into his/her methodology, as he/she is an investigator.
Hence, they should take into consideration the following facts:
1) to create tasks in accordance with students‘ level of English and interest;
2) to teach writing starting from skill building exercises to process based;
3) to get started form pre-writing techniques to proof reading;
4) to let students do peer checking;
5) to combine reading and writing tasks.
After having elaborated on the lessons in the ESL classroom, and suggested some ways for
teachers to help students self- sponsor their writing, be creative and competent, we would like to
say that the writing activities should be structured in ways that help students learn to produce
cohesive and coherent discourse on their way to become self-sponsors of their own writings. The
primary focus of writing practice "should not be the word, the phrase, or the sentence, but the
larger elements and processes that must be integrated and synthesized for effective written
Thus, summing up the results of observation, we have come to a conclusion that one of the
most important requirements for designing effective and creative writing tasks is to think of
coherent, connected activity sets, which include pre-writing, during-writing and post-writing
activities. Connected activity sets help students complete the writing task successfully and foster
the process of writing.
1. T.Ayapova, Z.Abildayeva, Zh.Tutbayeva ―English‖ for 7
grade. Third edition, Almaty
―Atamura‖ 2012. 255p.
2. Arnold J. Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press, 2009, 425p.
3. Nunan D. Syllabus Design, Oxford University Press, 2006, 360p.
4. Ray Katie Wood. Wondrous Words: Writers and Writing in the Elementary
Classroom. Urbana, IL: National Council of Teachers of English, 2005, 478p.
5. Steele V. Product and process writing. Retrieved on 5th Sept., 2004, 367p.
https://writing-speech.dartmouth.edu/teaching/first-year-writing-pedagogies- methods
design/ teaching-writing-process.
7. www.teachingenglish.org.uk/product-process-writing-a-comparison
8. http://www.k5chalkbox.com/teaching- writing-to-children.html
Ағылшын тілі сабақтарында оқушылардың жазу қабілетін арттыруда шығармашылық жазу
техникасын пайдалану ӛте тиімді. Осыған орай, шығармашылық жазу тапсырмаларын
құрастырғанда мұғалім тарапынан ӛнімге бағытталған жазу процесін ұйымдастыру әдістемесінің
жүзеге асырылуы қадағалануы тиіс.
Использование техники креативного письма очень эффективно в развитии письменных
навыков у студентов на уроках английского языка. Таким образом, в составлении заданий для
креативного письма учитывается руководство осуществлений методики организаций процесса
письма направленный к результату учителем.
Using creative writing technique is very effective in developing students‘ writing skills at the
lessons of English language. Thereby, in working out the creative writing tasks the implementation of the
organization from process-to-product approach to writing is taken into account by the teacher.
УДК 372.881.1
Б 72
Абдрахманова З.Б., Бекбенбет А.Б.
Таразский государственный педагогический институт, г. Тараз
информационный и философский. В настоящее время под словом « Интернет» имеется в
виду Всемирная паутина и доступная в ней информация, а не физическая сеть.
Преобладающим языком Интернета является английский. Язык является одним из первых
признаков деления Интернета, наряду с делением по государствам, регионам и доменам
первого уровня. Сейчас самая популярная часть интернета это веб (WEB) - паутина или
устарешее слово World Wide Web – Всемирная паутина.
Во второй половине 60-х годов в докладе японской группы по научным
исследованиям впервые был озвучен термин ―информационное общество‖. Так был
назван один из вероятных вариантов развития человечества, связанный с новыми
компьютерными и информационными технологиями. Основным признаком нового
информационного общества было определено наличие в изобилии высокой по качеству
информации и необходимые средства для ее распределения.
Второй, не менее значимой функцией интернета является осуществление
коммуникации между его потребителями. Следовательно, речь идет о качественно новых
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