Программа по специальности 5В011500 основы права и экономики educational program of the speciality 5В011500 basics of law and economy

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1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge in the theory of state and law

  2) is able to analyze the state-legal phenomena and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a combination of legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.


1) a written critical legal analysis of the socio-political situation in the country;

2) testing
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Civil law


Сoncept of civil rights, its place in the law of the RK. The system of civil law. Subject and method of civil regulation. The concept of civil legal relations. The subjects of civil law. The objects of civil rights. Legal facts in civil law. Concept and types of transactions. Representation and Power of Attorney. Dates in civil law. The responsibility for civil law. The concept and content of property rights. The concept, content and system of property rights. The property right of citizens (natural persons). The right of ownership of legal entities. The right of state property. Private property rights. Concepts, types and the main features of non-property rights.

 Protection of property rights. Protection of consumer rights. Protection of intellectual property rights. The concept of copyright. Concept and types of obligations, the enforcement of obligations. Civil contract, certain types of contractual obligations (contracts of sale or sale of the enterprise, exchange, donation, procurement, contracting, supply of energy and other resources, property rental (lease), tenancy, contract, trust management, storage, freight forwarding, insurance, mortgage, recruitment, a joint venture, etc.). Non-contractual obligations (obligations of the injury from the unjust acquisition of property or savings, competition obligations); hereditary right, copyright, patent right.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in civil law

  2) the ability to analyze civil relations and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a combination of legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.


1) a written critical legal analysis of the socio-political situation in the country;

2) testing
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)




Modernmethodsofassessment of learningoutcomes. The place and role of assessment in the educational process. Problems of assessment activity.
Themodelofthetechnologyofcriteriaassessment. Principlesofassessment. Criteriatables – subject authorities.

Formativeassessmentandsummative (internalandexternal) assessment.

Moderationoftheresultsofsummative assessment.

Age-related criteria of assessment of learning outcomes. Self-assessment and mutual assessment.

Pedagogical problems of portfolio. Functions and structure of portfolio.

Expected results

- toknowthemoderncondition of methods and means of diagnosing students’ achievements;

- todescribethecontentofateacher’swork on assessing students’ learning outcomes;

- todetermineoptimaltechnologiesofassessingthe results planed, taking into account the requirements of normative documents and objects of control;

- toapplytheinstrumentsofassessment, which are consistent with the objectives and content of education;

- tousecriteriaassessmentformakingdecisions concerning further education;

- toplanlearningoutcomes, todevelopandapplysubjectauthoritiestoindependent assessment of students;

- to apply modern ICT facilities to organizing assessment of learning outcomes.


- tocompletethedevelopmentofthecriteriatable, withdetaileddescriptionofthelevelsofstudents’ achievementsoneachcriterionandthe number of points corresponding to it;

- toprepareareporton students’ achievements within a certain period of time, containing a set of skills developed.


2.1.1; 2.1.5; 2.2.2; 2.2.4; 2.2.5; 2.2.6; 2.2.7; 2.2.12;

2.3.1; 2.3.2; 2.3.3; 2.3.5; 2.3.7; 2.3.10.


Principles of Marketing


Theoretical foundations and concepts of marketing. Economic conditions and terms of marketing. The essence of marketing. Principles and functions of marketing. The concept of marketing research, their role and necessity. Rules and procedures for marketing research. The marketing environment.
Product and product policy. Segmentation of the market behavior of consumers. Requirements and their classification. Types of consumers. Characteristics and factors influencing the purchasing behavior of consumers. Pricing and pricing policies. Marketing services and non-profit activities.
Marketing planning, control and strategic planning. International marketing.
Communication policy and advertising. Sales policy.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge in the principles of marketing.

2) is able to analyze economic data and processes in a market economy with market research
3) is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business


1)a written critique of the marketing environment.

2) the solution of economic problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results
3) the group presentation

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Fundamentals of Criminal law


Subject, the concept, objectives and the system of criminal law. Criminal-law relationship. Criminal policy, its content and meaning. Principles of criminal law. Criminal liability and its grounds. Criminal law, the content of the criminal law, the criminal law in time and space. The concept of crime. The concept of crime, types of crimes, elements and attributes of a crime. Circumstances excluding crime and punishable offense. Stages of the offense. Complicity in the crime. The multiplicity of crimes. The concept and purpose of punishment, and the system of punishments. Probation. Exemption from criminal liability and penalties. Peculiarities of criminal liability of minors. Problems of criminal responsibility of minors in modern criminal law of RK. Basic directions on prevention of crimes committed by juveniles. Compulsory medical measures and the concept of the value of the special part of criminal law. Scientific basis of qualifying crimes. Crimes against the person. Crimes against the family and minors. Crimes against constitutional and other rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Crimes against the Peace and Security of Mankind. Crimes against the constitutional order and national security. Crimes against property. Crimes in the sphere of economic activity. Crimes against the interests of the service for commercial and other organizations. Crimes against public security and public order. Crimes against public health and morality. Environmental crimes. Transportation crime. Corruption offenses and other crimes against the interests of public service and public administration. Crimes against public order. Crimes against justice and order enforcement. Military offenses.

Learning outcomes:
1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in criminal law
2) is able to analyze criminal-law relationships and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a combination of legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.

1) a written critical legal analysis of crime

2) testing

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)




The science of finance in the economic sciences, theoretical foundations, the use of finance in social reproduction. The nature and the need to finance. The organization of the financial system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fiscal policy and financial framework. Financial management, financial planning, its relationship with socio-economic planning. An objective causality and conditions of financial control. Finance businesses, as the lead element of the financial system, their role in the reproduction process. Public finances, their place and role in the system of financial relations. The composition of public finances. Government revenue and expenditure classification. The state budget as the main link of the financial system, its functions. Public funds socio-economic importance, their role in the development of society. The essence and importance of public credit as part of the public finances. Public financial management of the economy and its need. Finance in the system of foreign economic relations. Financial markets as a form of organization of financial relations.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in finance

2) the ability to analyze economic data and financial processes in a market economy
3) is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business finance


1) a written critical financial analysis of micro-macro-economic situation

2) the solution of financial problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results
3) the group presentation

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Government regulation of the economy


Government regulation of the economy. The periods of the relationship between the economy and government. Methodology and general characteristics of the system of state regulation of the economy. The goal, subjects and objects, forms and methods of state regulation of public economy. Levels of regulations. Administrative and economic methods of regulation of the state. Planning and forecasting the economy. Socio-economic programs of RK. Regional economic policy. The development of clusters. The institutional framework for state regulation of the economy: global experience and RK The development of the processes of integration and globalization, and the changing role of the state in regulating the economy.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge in the state regulation of the economy

2) is able to analyze macroeconomic processes in a market economy


1) a written critique analysis of the macroeconomic situation

2) testing

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.2.14.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


History of economic studies


Subject and method of history of economic studies. The periodization of the history of economic studies. Economic thought of the Ancient Orient and Greece. Background of mercantilism. Political economy of Adam Smith and David Ricardo. The economic doctrine of the capitalist epoch. The Political Economy of Marx, Engels, Lenin. Theory of imperialism. Neoclassicism. Keynesianism and neo-Keynesianism. Neoliberalism. The theory of "pre-industrial", "industrial" and "post-industrial" societies. History of the Caspian problems in external policy of Kazakhstan. The history of Kazakhstan's cooperation with international financial institutions. The historical aspect of international technical cooperation of Kazakhstan. The history of the development of industrial parks and venture businesses.

Learning outcomes:

1) to understand and to be able to independently analyze the basic economic doctrine

2)to be able to use the methods of scientific analysis when working with different sources of information on the history of economic thought
3) to own and use in practice the acquired knowledge to be economically literate citizen of the country


1) make a critical review of the published literature on a one of the topics of discipline

2) write an essay based on a comprehensive analysis of one of the areas of economic thought

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Law in Kazakhstan


Theoretical and methodological basis of the study of the theory and practice of Kazakh law. The development of the Kazakh customary law in the fifteenth and the eighteenth century. The development of the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan State system of Kazakhstan. The President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its legal status, powers, specificity. Basis of the legal status of the individual in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamental rights, freedoms and duties of citizens of Kazakhstan. Constitutional basis of property and business in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The legal basis for the organization of public service in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The development of contract law. Fighting Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The development of procedural law. The Republic of Kazakhstan - a member of the world community

International cooperation of Kazakhstan in the fight against crime The role of Kazakhstan in addressing global problems

Learning outcomes:
1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge for the local law
2) is able to analyze the state-legal phenomena and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a set of Kazakhstani legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.


1) a written critical legal analysis of the socio-political situations in the country;

2) testing
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Economics of Enterprise


Modern industrial structure of the economy of Kazakhstan and its main course. Enterprise as an object of management. The economic and social efficiency. Raw material, fuel and energy resourses. The main capital and working capital. Manpower and remuneration. Investment and innovation policy of the company. Science and Technology Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Costs of production and sales. Marketing and production activities of the enterprise. Ensuring competitiveness. The economic strategy of the company. Profits and profitability. Finance companies.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in business economics

2) the ability to analyze economic data and financial processes in a market economy


1) a written critical financial analysis of micro-macro-economic situation

2) the solution of financial problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


The organization of entrepreneurial activity


The organization of business
The economic essence of entrepreneurship. The basic principles and functions of business. Organizational and legal forms of business. The organization of the new company. Organization and development of own business: the search for business ideas, business process - plan. Choice of the legal form of the resident. Entrepreneurship and market infrastructure. The business activities of small businesses. The development of entrepreneurial firms. Planning a business. Control system. Business risk. Marketing and management in the activities of the entrepreneur. Accounting and reporting firm. The financial aspects of the business. Analysis and evaluation of entrepreneurial activity. Business ethics. RV business. Business in Kazakhstan: the formation and development. Government regulation of business.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge in the organization of business

2) the ability to analyze the business in a market economy


1) a written critical analysis of the economic situation of business

2) testing

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Methodology of teaching the principles of law


Methods of teaching as a synthesis of theory and experience. Subject matter and methods of teaching the fundamentals of the problem right. The main categories of teaching methods. Programs, textbooks and teaching aids as a reflection of the content of the discipline. Principles of learning and the combination of different teaching methods and forms of organization of the educational process in secondary schools. The development of forms of learning in secondary school. The methodology of the lessons, the categories of evaluation. Methodological characteristics of specific sections of the foundations of law. New educational technologies and their implementation in the educational process. Introduction to the methodology of educational work. Classification of methods of education. Educational facilities. Pedagogical techniques and the impact of technology in education. The class teacher in the modern school system. Planning educational activities. Methods and forms of organization of extra-curricular activities.

Learning outcomes:

1) to be able to use modern methods of teaching and to schedule classes based on the knowledge of law and other disciplines of law

2) to be able to form their own judgments, estimates of legal phenomena in a professional manner, be able to activate the innovative work
3) possess the skills of public speaking, correct and logical design of your thoughts, participate in legal discussions at a professional level

  1. a public lesson on the basics of law, with the use of modern teaching technology
    2) the group presentation



Methodology of teaching the principles of economics


Methods of teaching as a synthesis of theory and experience. Subject matter and methods of teaching the fundamentals of the problem right. The main categories of teaching methods. Programs, textbooks and teaching aids as a reflection of the content of the discipline. Principles of learning and the combination of different teaching methods and forms of organization of the educational process in secondary schools. The development of forms of learning in secondary school. The methodology of the lessons, the categories of evaluation. Methodological characteristics of specific sections of the foundations of law. New educational technologies and their implementation in the educational process. Introduction to the methodology of educational work. Classification of methods of education. Educational facilities. Pedagogical techniques and the impact of technology in education. The class teacher in the modern school system. Planning educational activities. Methods and forms of organization of extra-curricular activities.

Learning outcomes:

1) to be able to use modern methods of teaching and to schedule classes based on the knowledge on the fundamentals of the economy and other economic disciplines

2) to be able to form their own judgments, estimates of economic events on the professional level, be able to activate the innovative work
3) owns the skills of public speaking, correct and logical design of your thoughts, participate in discussions on the economy at the professional level

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