Программа по специальности 5В011500 основы права и экономики educational program of the speciality 5В011500 basics of law and economy

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Basic knowledge of the main fundamental branches of psychological science from antiquity to the present.

The course covers topical issues of formation, development of theoretical and methodological foundations of modern design and the operation and development of the human personality, summarizing research experience of psychological sciences.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and understands the fundamental facts and regularities of psychology;

2) has theoretical and methodological fundamentals, methods, and techniques of psychological research;

3) understands and is aware of main regularities and the structure and functioning of the individual, society, activity.


1) the ability to think logically, to represent, analyze psychological situations, make the right decisions;

2) know the theoretical material and be able to adequately apply in practice;

3) be able to use the knowledge, skills in the field of psychology in the educational space.

Competences: (2.1.2; 2.2.8; 2.3.1; 2.3.2; 2.3.4)


Research Methods


Purposes and problems of the course "Research Methods".

Concept "research methods".

Philosophical and general scientific methods of scientific research. Partial and special methods of scientific research in ecomomic and legal sphere.

Principles of selection of methods of research.

Methodological basis of methods of research. Choice of methods of research.

Learning outcomes:

1)to have complete idea of system of methods of research as a ways of obtaining scientific information and creation of scientific theories.

2) to put into practice research methods.

3) to know the logic of designing of research, and main stages of research.

4) to own research approaches of modern scientific researches.

5) to carry out independent scientific researches.

6) to analyze, interpret and make out the results of ecomomic and legal research.


1) performance of research works in the field of pedagogics and psychology according to research structure.

2) representation of the results of ecomomic and legal research at the student's scientific and practical conference.

3) development of programs, psycho-pedagogical recommendations of research according to professional requirements.

Competences: (2.1.5, 2.1.8 ,2.2.3)


Practice – 1


Training and Orientation Practice
Familiarize students with the activities of teachers of educational institutions, providing students educational and methodical documentation for the passage of pedagogical practice. Determination of base practices, conduct the installation of the conference, the organization of meetings with the administration of educational institutions on the objectives and content of practice. Familiarizing with the programs and textbooks of 12 years of education on the basics of law and economics. Conduct trainings on how to organize and conduct training and educational work on the fundamentals of law and economics, introduction to teaching techniques. Learning and generalization of experience of distinguished educators.

Learning outcomes:

1)to know the system of knowledge on how to organize, conduct training and educational work on the principles of law and economics

2) to use the methodology and methods of pedagogy in professional teaching and scientific- research activities.
3) studying and summarizing the experience in the design and implementation of the educational process at the school.


1)modeling and analysis of pedagogical situations

2) The abstract of articles about the problems of the educational process in modern foreign and domestic educational publications
3) preparation of conspect forms of training and learning activities of students in the classroom
4) preparation of conspect and analysis of the experiences of teachers-innovators of the national system of secondary education

Competencies: (2.1.2,2.1.3,2.1.3,2.1.5,2.1.7,2.1.8,2.2.8,



Practice – 2


Educational Practices

Introducing students to the teaching profession itself in educational institutions. Introducing students to the structure and documentation of educational institutions. Implementation of the unity of theory and practice, learning teaching techniques.

Learning outcomes:

1) to know and have the knowledge system of teaching profession in educational institutions.

2) the ability to analyze, use and process scientific and educational information using modern information technologies;
3) knowledge of modern teaching technologies;


1) preparation of conspect of forms of training and learning activities of students in the classroom

2) the presentation demonstrating proficiency in modern teaching technologies

Competencies: (2.1.2,2.1.3,2.1.3,2.1.5,2.1.7,2.1.8,2.2.8,



Practice – 3


Professional Practice

Introduction to the curriculum, the schedule of the educational process, and working with the model curriculum on the basics of law and economics. Visit and Analysis training in their specialty. Develop and conduct lessons on the basics of law and economics, their introspection. Skills in teaching and educational activities, skills, use of modern educational technology in the educational process in educational institutions.

Learning outcomes:

1) to know and possess instructional documentation on the basics of law and economics

2) the ability to design, conduct and analyze the lessons on the basics of law and economics
3) to possess relevant pedagogical competences in order to enhance the professional and personal significance in educational work with students.


1) Develop a summary of lessons on the basics of law and economics at school

2) The presentation of an open lesson with the use of modern educational technologies and their critique analysis.

Competencies: (2.1.2,2.1.3,2.1.3,2.1.5,2.1.7,2.1.8,2.2.8,2.2.12,



Age physiology and school hygiene


General regularities of growth and development of children and teenagers. Physiology and hygiene of the nervous system, the highest nervous activity its age features. Physiology and hygiene of touch systems. Physiology of glands of internal secretion and sexual education. Age features and hygiene of the musculoskeletal device. Age features of vegetative systems. Hygienic requirements to buildings, classes, the air environment, illumination of educational rooms and the equipment of schools. Bases of formation of a healthy lifestyle at children and teenagers.

Learning outcomes:

1) regularities of development, neurophysiologic mechanisms of training and education; physiological features of separate systems and organism as a whole during the different periods ontogenes;

2)to be able: the differentiated approach in the solution of teaching and educational tasks depending on specific features of an organism of children; to apply hygienic requirements to educational process;

3) to own: methods of an assessment of physical development of children, bases of experimental approaches and the methods applied in age physiology and school hygiene.


1) conversations, colloquiums, work with individual tasks

2) protection of reports and papers from the list of tasks for SRS

3) total testing

Competencies: (2. 1.2, 2.1.3,2.1.5, 2.1.7)


Foreign language- В2


The extensive papers and lectures on a familiar theme. News and reports on current events. Articles and reports on contemporary issues and modern prose. Active participation in discussion on a familiar theme, explaining and persist in his/her opinion. Expressing all the arguments "for" and "against" on a topical issue. Writing essays, reports, letters highlighting the events and experiences that are important

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student

1)understands the detailed reports and lectures on familiar topics, news and reports about current events;

2) reads and understands articles, reports on contemporary issues;
3) can express his/her point of view on important issues, using arguments "for" and "against."
4) understands the main ideas of literary texts;
5) writes an essay or report highlighting important issues or arguments


1) choose the correct answers to questions

  on the reports and lectures on a familiar topics, news and reports on a current event;

2) Take an active part in discussions on a familiar to him / her problem, justify and defend their point of view;

1) Write an essay or report, covering issues or arguing a point of view "for" or "against."

Copetences:(2.1.5, 2.1.7, 2.1.9, 2.2.7, 2.2.10)


Inclusive Education


Inclusive Education as important phenomenon of social and educational policy. The regulatory support of inclusive education. Models, forms and types of inclusive education. Psychological and pedagogical problems of education and upbringing of children with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive education. Psychological and pedagogical technology of Education the children with disabilities and their families. Interaction with special teachers and psychologists in the organization of inclusive education process.

Learning outcomes:

1) describe the basic principles and values of inclusive education

2)explain the need for inclusive education of persons with disabilities in the logic of changing the value orientation of society and the state

3)analyze the educational needs of each child, depending on his age, sensory and intellectual abilities

4)design the inclusive education environment and it’s didactical content for co-education of children with disabilities and normal development

5)discuss with interdisciplinary team of experts the different educational methods and technologies for children with disabilities


1)elaboration a mini-project with the justification of conditions for effective inclusive education.

2)design an outline of extra-curricular activities to prepare general education students for coeducation with children with disabilities.

3)define and visually reflected in the scheme the process of interdisciplinary interaction in the organization of inclusive education process.

Competencies: (2.1.1; 2.1.7; 2.2.2; 2.2.4; 2.2.7; 2.2.8; 2.2.10; 2.2.11; 2.2.13)


Module of required disciplines



Required disciplines component



Economic Theory


Stages of development of economic theory, problems and trends of modern economic theory. The subject, method and function of economic theory. Social production and its factors. The problem of choice. The theory of property, public forms of economy, the economic system. Goods and money. The evolution of commodity-money relations. The emergence of the market as a system of economic relations. Features of the market in post-socialist countries. Privatization. The transformation of money into capital. Essence, the functional form and structure of the capital costs of capital and production costs. Earnings and wages. Feature of agrarian relations. Land rent.
The national economy, its structure and performance. Macroeconomic equilibrium and resource-saving economic growth. Priorities for economic development of Kazakhstan. Cyclical economic development. The economic crises. Feature of the economic crises in the context of globalization. Inflation and unemployment. The need for state regulation of national economy. The world economic system. Kazakhstan in the world economic system.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge on the theory of economic

2) the ability to analyze economic data and processes in a market economy
3) is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business


1) a written critical analysis of the economic situation

2) the solution of economic problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results
3) The group presentation
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Principles of Law


Stages of formation and improvement of the foundations of law. Subject and methods of learning the basics right. Basic concepts of state law and state-legal phenomena. Principles of Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Constitutional law is a leading branch of law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Law enforcement agencies and the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Governance in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamentals of Administrative Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamentals of Civil and family law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The legal basis of business law. The main provisions of domestic law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamentals of Financial Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Labor law and Social Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Fundamentals of environmental and land rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Criminal Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns a set of key concepts and scientific knowledge on the basis of law

2) the ability to analyze the state-legal phenomena and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a combination of legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.


1) a written critical legal analysis of the socio-political situation in the country;

2) testing
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)




Microeconomics as part of modern economic theory. The theory of production and consumption. The essence of the market and its main elements. Market structure and price. Pricing in the factor markets. Competition and monopoly.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in microeconomics

2) is able to analyze economic data and processes in a market economy
3) is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business

1) a written critical analysis of micro-economic situation

2) the solution of economic problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results
3) the group presentation

Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)




General economic equilibrium and economic role of the state. Introduction to Macroeconomics. Macroeconomic models. The main macroeconomic indicators. The measurement of economic performance. The price index. Macroeconomic instability:economic cycles, unemployment and inflation. Balance. Budget Macroeconomic and fiscal and monetary policy. Economic growth and its factors. The theory of international trade. Trade policy. Exchange rate. The budget deficit and public debt management.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in macroeconomics

2) is able to analyze economic data and processes in a market economy
3)is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business


1) a written critique analysis of the macroeconomic situation

2) the solution of economic problems, to find a solution and to analyze the results
3) The group presentation
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Constitutional and administrative law


Сoncept, object, methods, principles of constitutional law. The historical development of constitutional law of the RK. Sources of constitutional law.
      Constitutional law as the core of the national law of the RK. The fundamental role of constitutional law in the regulation of social relations. Priority and the inviolability of fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen. Constitutional order of the RK. The principle of separation of powers into branches in the ROK.
      The people - the source of state power, the ratio of national and popular sovereignty.
      System of government. President of RK. Kazakhstan's parliamentary system. The Government of the RK. Constitutional Council of RK. Local government and local authorities. The electoral system of the RK. The main provisions of the Constitution of RK, changes and additions to its text.
   Administrative Law. The executive bodies of power. The State Service. Administrative offense and administrative responsibility.

Learning outcomes:

1) knows and owns the key concepts and complex scientific knowledge in constitutional and administrative law

  2) is able to analyze the state-legal phenomena and processes in a market economy
3) is able to use a combination of legal knowledge to make independent decisions in the life of society.


1)a written critical legal analysis of the socio-political situation in the country;

2) testing
Competencies: (2.1.2.,2.1.5.,2.1.8.,2.2.12.,2.3.3.,2.3.4.,2.3.6)


Theory of law concept and the essence of the state government


The concept and essence of the government and governmental authority. Types and forms of government. The state apparatus. The functions of the state, the state of society in the political system. Form of government, government, political regime in the RK. The main activities of the state apparatus in the RK. The concept and nature of civil society. Theory and practice of law in the form of the RK. The concept and the essence of law. The forms (sources) law. Legislating. Systematics of the law. The system of law. Concept and features of the law. Legal institutions. Branch of law. The legal relationship. Forms to the right. Legal consciousness, legal culture in the work of a lawyer. Law and order. Legitimate behavior, crime and legal responsibility. The concept of the legal system, the principal legal systems of today. State law means of the society control.

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