Программа по специальности 5В011500 основы права и экономики educational program of the speciality 5В011500 basics of law and economy

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3.4 Module contents

Short names of disciplines series

Disciplines and their main chapters

Number of ECTS


General education disciplines module


RDC 1.1

Required disciplines component



The history of independent Kazakhstan.


Introduction to "The History of independent Kazakhstan." The socio-political situation in Kazakhstan on the eve of independence. Constitutional Law "On the State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (16 December 1991). Recognition of Kazakhstan as full member of the world community. Determining the main directions of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan's experience in the development of constitutionalism: the stages of reforming the Constitution. Multi-vector foreign policy based on the principles of international cooperation, good neighborliness and respect for the territorial integrity of other states. The transformation of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the results of economic reforms. Kazakhstan Development Strategy in the context of globalization of the world economy. The concept of Social Protection of population of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Course on the implementation of measures to provide access to the world level in the development of science and education. Revival and further development of the Kazakh culture, cultures and traditions of ethnic groups living in Kazakhstan .

Learning outcomes:

1) to understand and to be able analyse himself main(major) historical events of socio–economic, political and cultural development of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage;

2)to be able to use the methods of scientific analysis in working with different sources of information on history of independent Kazakhstan.

3) to be able to practice and use the knowledges to be an active citizen of country


1)to make a critical review of the published sources and literature on a topic of discipline

2)to write an essay based on a comprehensive analysis of one of the historical events in the history of independent Kazakhstan
Competencies:(2.1.5, 2.2.10)


Kazakh (Russian) language


   Levels B1-B2; C1-C2 master the state language aimed at improving students' skills appropriate use of vocabulary, scientific terms, syntactic structures in oral and written communication on the future profession, the ability to conduct a conversation in a language environment. For the development of business communication skills necessary to inculcate writing letters, reports, book reviews, essays, teach meaningful reading of texts and a variety of information on their future profession, and the ability to convey their thoughts to the audience. During everyday speech and occupational situations to teach free communication in a variety of conversations, to develop the ability to continue the conversation, a conversation.

Russian language as a means of communication and its role in shaping the social and cultural world view at the level of language proficiency B1 - B2. The syntax of the Russian language on a given thematic material. Functional styles of speech as historically established system of verbal tools used in the field of human communication; variety of literary language.

Learning outcomes:

1)acquire the skills of free communication in kazakh language in the language environment    

2) it knows how to properly use a speech situations terminological vocabulary, syntactic structures in accordance with the future profession in the kazakh language

3)is able to analyze information in their specialty, follow written in the kazakh language

4)the development of lexical and terminological minimum specialty in the russian language

5)the development of communication skills, the development of reading and listening in the russian language

6)an introduction to the compilation of texts from different stylistic job in the russian language

1) oral speech situation analysis in the kazakh language

2)writing an essay, written conversations, text in the kazakh language

3)presentation of the pair work in the kazakh language

4)the presentation of linguistic information and the structural and semantic analysis of text in the russian language

5) implementation of creative writing assignments in the russian language

Competencies:( 2.1.5, 2.1.7, 2.1.9, 2.2.1,2.2.4,2.2.7, 2.2.10)


Foreign language B1


Prepared and unprepared dialogue and monologue-speech.

Сommunication in most situations likely to arise while travelling in an area where the language is spoken. The reaction to the partner’s utterance in accordance with function variants of a dialogue ( dialogue and exchange of information, exchange of opinions and etc.), sphere of communication and speech topics. Micro narrations (about events, dreams, hopes and etc.) in accordance with the mentioned speech topics and the sphere of communication. Presentation a native country and culture in English using simple stable word-combinations, response-patterns as an element of English-speaking countries’ speech etiquette. Reading a foreign language text based on everyday language frequency material and professional communication. Writing essays on themes which are familiar to and represent a personal interest of a learner.

5)writing a formal letter using the appropriate forms of speech etiquette; writing CVs and resumes.

Learning outcomes:
At the end of the course the student

1)participates in a dialogue on a familiar/topic of interest without preparation (eg. "family", "hobby", "job", "traveling", "current events");

2)can briefly substantiate and express opinions, intentions, and tell a story or describe the plot of the book and his attitude towards it;
3) understands texts which are compiled in the language material on the theme ;

4) finds and understands relevant information in everyday material (letters, brochures and short official documents);

5) describes his/her experience, expressing own attitude towards in the form of a simple related text.

1) to express point of view on a certain topic of everyday life (family, hobbies, work, travel, current events);
2) to talk about home country and culture in English;
3) to understand the content of foreign language text;
4) to write a letter describing the events of life and impressions.

Competences: (2.1.5 ,2.1.7 ,2.1.9,2.2.7, 2.2.10)


Computer Science


History of Computer Science. Development of Computer Science as an academic discipline. Theoretical and practical prerequisites of science. Communication of a Computer Science with professional disciplines of the chosen speciality. Ways of processing and storage of information. Expert systems and artificial intelligence. Network and computer systems, its specials and structure. The use of new ICT and Internet in the interactive data. E-Learning.

Learning outcomes:

  1. to know and master the basic of Computer Science$

  2. master the modern ICT;

  3. the ability to analyze, synthesize, use and process scientific information with new ICT;

1)independent work with electronic data with ICT:

  1. the ability to analyze, interpret and create own mathematical models:

  2. the ability to analyze, separate and interpret real numeric data as diagrams, graphics, tables, and put it into project and researching activities.

Competencies: (2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.5, 2.2.1, 2.2.8, 2.2.10)


Art Education


Basic knowledge of the major milestones of the formation and development of art and art culture from antiquity to the present. The course covers all kinds of art that provides an overview of the evolution of moral and aesthetic world of the Kazakhs, the elements of rituals and their significance for contemporary Kazakhstani citizens (1.1.2, 1.2.8, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 1.3.4).

Learning outcomes:

1) to know and understand the moral and aesthetic foundations of Kazakh traditional and contemporary art in all its diversity;

2)to know the main terminological and methodological tools;

3)to understands and is aware of his own importance in the preservation and transmission of cultural memory

1) the ability to think logically, and understand the specifics of the spiritual and aesthetic mentality of the Kazakhs;

2) to know the theoretical material and to use it properly;

3) be able to use the material for educational purposes

Competencies: (2.1.2; 2.2.8; 2.3.1; 2.3.2; 2.3.4)


Economics and Business


Economics as a science. The problem of choice in the economy. Social production and its factors. Essence, the functional forms and structure of the capital. Costs of production. Revenue from production factors. The concept and content of the business. Types of entrepreneurship. The theory of property rights, public forms of management. Commodity, money. Social-economical system. The appearance of the market as a system of economic relationship. Generation of income in conditions of market economy.

The financial system in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The state's role in business development. Macroeconomics and its main indicators. Resource-saving economic growth. Cyclical nature of economic development. Inflation and unemployment. Kazakhstan in the world economic system

Learning outcomes:

1) know and master the key concepts and complex of scientific knowledge in economics and business

2) the ability to analyze economic data and processes in a market economy
3) is able to apply complex skills for independent decision-making in business

1) written critical analysis of the economic situation
2) solution of economic problems, to find a solution and to analyze the result
3) The group presentation



Philosophy of education


The place and role of philosophy in education.

Philosophy of education : origin and subject’s sphere. Aims, tasks, functions of philosophy of education.

Philosophy of education as branch of scientific knowledge: directions, conceptions, perspectives.

World-wide tendencies of development of education.

Philosophy of education of the West and East.

Contemporary situation of education in republic of Kazakhstan.

Fusion of Kazakhstan in international educational area. Paradigm of philosophy of education in republic of Kazakhstan .Valued- purposeful priorities of education.

Conceptual bases of the system providing in strategy of development of education. Strategies of personal growth as priorities of educational activity. Education as area of socialization and self-fulfilling.

Informatization, globalization and continuity of education. Philosophy of informative civilization.

Humanizing and liberal education.

Standardization in education. Philosophical aspects of quality and standardization of education.

Scientific aspects of philosophy of education.

Learning outcomes:

to form in next teachers to come:

  • philosophical culture,

  • idea about modern tendencies and contradictions in development of education in the context of forming of innovative society, and also idea about the modern reference-points of development of education in the modern world,

  • ability independently acquire knowledge about development of education by means of informative technology,

  • ability to conduct professional activity, taking into account the features of socio-cultural situation of development of education,

  • abilities to design the model of optimal development of the system of education on the basis of the methodologically reasonable use of concepts : "educational paradigm", "socio-cultural type of education",

  • Knowledge and application of new philosophy of upbringing and educating of rising generation in professional activity.


  • defence of projects,

  • implementation of creative tasks,

  • multimedia presentations,

  • preparation of essay,

  • designing of the educational systems.

Competences :

PC 2.2.8., 2.2.11

PC 2.3.2, 2.3.3., 2.3.4., 3.2.8, 3.2.9


Module of professional disciplines



Required disciplines component




Pedagogical profession and its features. Pedagogics in a system of sciences about the person.Formation and development of pedagogical science. Axiological bases of pedagogics. Methodological bases of pedagogics. Essence and content of scientific and pedagogical research. Methods of pedagogical research. Tendencies of development of modern world educational space. Complete pedagogical process. Features of the organization of complete pedagogical process in 12–years’ and low-complete schools. Goal-setting in pedagogic. Personality as education subject. External and internal factors of socialization and development of the personality. Family as subject of socialization and education of the personality. Essence of education. World outlook as a main body of the being formed personality.Regularities and principles of education. Methods, means and forms of the education.Didactics in a system of pedagogical sciences.Training process as a complete system. Laws, regularities and principles of training. Methods and means of modern training.

Forms of the organization of educational process. Lesson as a main form of education. Diagnostics and control during the training. Modern pedagogical technologies of training.

Learning outcomes:

1)understanding of the high importance of a pedagogical profession in modern society,

2) implementation of professional activity in the conditions of transition to 12- years' training,

3) planning of pedagogical process in the various educational organizations on the basis of theoretical provisions of pedagogical science,

4)ability to form the personality taking into account regularities of development of the personality, age and specific features,

5) design and organization of process of formation of the personality,

6)organization and formation of children's team,

7)knowledge and practice application of fundamental ideas, laws and regularities, the principles of training process and education,

8)ability to choose optimum methods and training forms in professional activity,

9) possession of ways and receptions of activization of cogitative activity of the trainee, and also ways of the organization of independent work of pupils,

10) knowledge and application of modern technologies of training and education in professional activity,

11) ability to trace result of development of an educational program by the child, to reveal his achievements and a problems, to select tools of correction of elimination of problems during of the training.


1)modeling and analysis of the pedagogical situations,

2) performance of creative improvement tasks of pedagogical process in the educational organizations,

3) solution of the pedagogical tasks,

4) ессе preparation

5)analytical processing of a pedagogical texts,

6) messages preparation,

7)defence of projects and research works,

8)multimedia presentation,

9)drawing up tables and schemes,

10) planning of the pedagogical situations,

11) development of abstract plans of a lesson.

Competences: (2.2.8, 2.2.11)


Educational rhetoric


Rhetoric as oratory. Pedagogical rhetoric as a part of the general rhetoric. Formation of the communicative and rhetorical skills of future teachers. General rules of speech. The value of the argument, the role of speech and language standards. Professionally important rhetorical genres (oral / written) and the rhetorical situation of communication. The technology formation of public speaking. Dialogue speech culture of a teacher. Principles of educational debate. Types of pedagogical speech. The innovational methods and techniques of teaching art of rhetoric to teachers. Teachers’ speech etiquette and branding culture.

Learning outcomes:

1)rhetorical mastery of knowledge about the nature, rules and norms of communication and communicative speech (rhetorical) skills;

2) the development of creative active speech personality;

3) the knowledge of the students as the ideal essence of the speech component of culture and pedagogical ideal as a model teacher communication.

1)written and oral assignments based on the analysis of video recordings;
2)analysis of permanent observation targeting the speech in different communicative situations;

3)demonstration of the students received oratory skills to a professional-oriented topics

4)speech and communicative activity of the student in the classroom during the teaching practice.

Competences: (2.1.3; 2.1.4, 2.1.6, 2.2.4; 2.2.6; 2.2.7)


Pedagogical management


The development and establishment of management as a science. Scientific and methodological basis of pedagogical management. Intraschool management as a system. The laws and principles of school management on the basis of management. Control functions of pedagogical management. Methods of control. Information technology in the management of the school. Leadership styles in management. Ethics and culture management. Marketing. Methodological work in educational organizations. Competitiveness in organizing education.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of this course students will be:

1)to own theoretical knowledge of bases of pedagogical management in education according to modern requirements;

2)to project and carry out different types of administrative activity;

3)to use skills of system approach to the organization of intra school management;

4)to estimate quality of administrative activity in system of the organizations of education;

5)to apply the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice of management of educational process of comprehensive school.


1)modeling the structure of management of modern educational institution;

2)illustration the theoretical provisions with educational practice examples;

3)preparation the presentations about effective and modern system of training the managerial personnel in education;

4)performance of creative writing.

Competences:(2.2.8, 2.2.11,2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.3.4)




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