Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар
педагогикалық университеті Хабаршы №3 (51), 2014 ж.
Communicative language teaching(CLT), also known as the Communicative Approach,
emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of learning a language. Despite a
number of criticisms
it continues to be popular, particularly in Europe, where constructivist
views on language learning and education in general dominate academic discourse. Although the
'Communicative Language Teaching' is not so much a method on its own as it is an approach.
In recent years, task-based language learning (TBLL), also known as task-based language
teaching (TBLT) or task-based instruction (TBI), has grown steadily in popularity. TBLL is a
further refinement of the CLT approach, emphasizing the successful completion of tasks as both
the organizing feature and the basis for assessment of language instruction [4].
Direct method (education).
The direct method, sometimes also called natural method, is a method that refrains from
using the learners' native language and just uses the target language. It was established in
Germany and France around 1900 and are best represented by the methods devised by Berlitz
and de Sauzé although neither claim originality and has been re-invented under other names. The
direct method operates on the idea that second language learning must be an imitation of first
language learning, as this is the natural way humans learn any language - a child never relies on
another language to learn its first language, and thus the mother tongue is not necessary to learn
a foreign language. This method places great stress on correct pronunciation and the target
language from outset. It advocates teaching of oral skills at the expense of every traditional aim
of language teaching. Such methods rely on directly representing an experience into a linguistic
construct rather than relying on abstractions like mimicry, translation and memorizing grammar
rules and vocabulary [5].
According to this method, printed language and text must be kept away from second
language learner for as long as possible, just as a first language learner does not use printed word
until he has good grasp of speech. Learning of writing and spelling should be delayed until after
the printed word has been introduced, and grammar and translation should also be avoided
because this would involve the application of the learner's first language. All above items must
be avoided because they hinder the acquisition of a good oral proficiency.
The method relies on a step-by-step progression based on question-and-answer sessions
which begin with naming common objects such as doors, pencils, floors, etc. It provides a
motivating start as the learner begins using a foreign language almost immediately. Lessons
progress to verb forms and other grammatical structures with the goal of learning about thirty
new words per lesson.
Teaching methods stress PPP (presentation (introduction of new material in context),
practice (a controlled practice phase) and production (activities designed for less-controlled
My purpose here is to explore the interactive methods of teaching English that have
attracted the attention of the teachers in recent years, to show reason for interest in them, in what
they are exploring, in what they accomplish, the principles and ideas that guide them.
There is also shown some of the interactive methods of teaching which give the foreign language
teacher the possibility to master some new techniques of communicative methods of foreign
language training. Teacher has to organize different forms of activity at the foreign language
classes that is individual, pair, group and team.
The objectives of this article are: to identify the different learning styles, to explore how
interactive teaching strategies support all learners, to share practical ideas for whole class
Казахский государственный женский
педагогический университет Вестник №3(51), 2014 г.
1. Richards Jack C., Theodore S. Rodgers. Approaches and Methods in Language
Teaching. Cambridge UK, 2001.
3. Kevin Yee. Language Teaching Methods, 2000.
4. Van Hattum , Ton. The Communicative Approaches Rethought, 2006.
5. Levy M. Context and conceptualization. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
Сейдақова А.Е.,
магистр, аға оқытушы,
(Алматы қ., Қазақ мемлекеттік қыздар педагогикалық университеті)
Мақалада шетел тілін оқытудың инновациялық әдістері қарастырылады. Сонымен,
шет тілін оқыту үрдісінде студенттердің коммуникативтік белсенділіктерін арттыру үшін
шетел тілдерін оқытудың қазіргі кездегі инновациялық әдістерін тиімді пайдаланатын
болсақ, бұл бізге шет тілін үйрету үдерісін анағұрлым жеңілдетіп, білім сапасын
Түйін сөздер: ғылым, әдіс, интербелсенді, тіл, оқыту.
Сейдакова А.Е.,
магистр, старший преподаватель,
(г. Алматы, Казахский государственный женский педагогический университет)
В статье рассматриваются инновационные методы обучения иностранным языкам.
Итак, если мы будем эффективно использовать современные инновационные методы
обучения в процессе обучения иностранному языку для повышения коммуникативной
активности студентов, то это значительно улучшим процесс изучения языка и его
Ключевые слова: наука, метод, интерактивный, язык, обучение.
UDC 811.111-111
G.M. Soltanmuratova,
S.A. Satimbekova, senior teachers
(Almaty, Kazakh State Women’s
Teacher Training University)
Abstract: Nowadays there is a great variety of methods of teaching foreign languages
Some have had their heyday and have fallen into relative obscurity; others are widely used now,
or have small following, but contribute insights that may be absorbed into the generally accepted
mix, still others are just appearing to be adapted and approved by teachers in various teaching
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