2 ҚР Ғылым Академиясының мұрағаты. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 10 іс. - 1 б.
3 Бұл да сонда. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 12 іс. - 7 б.
4 Культура и быть казахского колхозного аула / Отв. ред. академик АН КазССР А.Х.
Маргулан, к.и.н. В.В. Востров. – Алма-Ата: Наука, 1967. – 304 с. – С.5.
5 Сабитов Н. Культура и быт казахского колхозного аула // Вестник АН КазССР. -
1950. - № 10 (67). - С. 51-60.
6 ҚР Ғылым Академиясының мұрағаты. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 56 іс. - 1 б.
7 Бұл да сонда. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 56 іс. - 1 б.
8 Бұл да сонда. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 548 іс. - 4 б.
9 Бұл да сонда. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 548 іс. - 6 б.
10 Бұл да сонда. 11 қор, 2 тізбе, 7 іс. - 23-33 б.
11 Масанов Э.А. Очерки истории этнографического изучения казахского народа в
СССР. Алма-Ата: Наука, 1966. –322 с. - 307-310 с.
12 Покровский С.Н., Нусупбеков А.Н., Дахшлейгер Г.Ф. Развитие исторической науки
в Казахстане //Октябрь и наука Казахстана. (Сборник статей). Алма-Ата: Наука, 1967. – 471-
497с. - С.480.
13 Сабитов Н. Этнографическая экспедиция в Меркенский район Джамбулской области
// Советская этнография. – 1953. - № 3. – С.196-200.
14 ҚР Ғылым Академиясының мұрағаты. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 94 іс. - 36 б.
15 Н.Сәбитовтың жеке мұрағаттық қоры. Ӛ.Қабыловтың хаты. 28.01.1955 ж.
16 Бұл да сонда. От секретаря парторганизации колхоза ―Красный Октябрь‖,
Меркенского района. 24.12.1954 г.
17 Бұл да сонда. Собщение зав.отдела этнографии Института истории, археологии и
этнографии АН КазССР. Об итогах работы этнографической экспедиции 1953 г.
18 ҚР Ғылым Академиясының мұрағаты. 11 қор, 1 тізбе, 116 а. іс - 13-14 б.
19 Н.Сәбитовтың жеке мұрағаттық қоры. Краткая аннотация на монографию
―Социалистическое преобразование казахского колхозного аула (этнографический очерк)‖.
Объем 6 п.л. Н.Сабитов 18.ХІ.1954. - С.1-2.
20 Бұл да сонда. Краткий отзыв на рукопись Н.Сабитова ―Социалистическое
преобразование казахского колхозного аула‖. Объем 112 стр. машинописи. Действительный
член АН КазССР Н.Т. Сауранбаев. 25 декабря 1954 г. - С.1.
21 Корбе О.А. Программа этнографического изучения казахского колхозного аула //
КСИЭ. Т.6. - С.37-38.
Мақалада белгілі шығыстанушы, библиограф, дін және мәдениеттанушы, алғашқы қазақтың
маман этнографы Нығымет Сәбитовтың Қазақстан этнографиясына қосқан үлесі мен ғылыми
мұралары талдауға алынып баяндалады.
В статье анализируется научные наследие и вклад наэтнографическую науку Казахстана
видного востоковеда, библиографа, религоведа и культуролога, а также первого профессионального
этнографа казаха – Н.Сабитова.
The article analyzes the scientific heritage and contribution to the science ethnography of Kazakhstan
prominent orientalist, bibliographer, religious and cultural scholar studies, as well as the first professional
Kazakh ethnographer - N.Sabitova.
UDK 372.881
P 26
Pernebayeva A.K.
Taraz State Pedagogical Institute, Taraz city
English Language Teaching is very important because of the global status of English. English
Language Teaching is a process that requires great efforts on the part of all the participants. It has
been said that we cannot really teach the language, we can only create conditions in which it will
develop spontaneously in mind in its own way. Writing is an intricate and complex task; it is the
most difficult of all the language abilities to acquire. Teaching English writing to Kazakh learners
has many challenges. Therefore, they are more prone to committing errors. Traditional
methodologies do not help a lot. Unless the teacher is able to create an interest in the minds of the
learners, he can‘t expect the desired results.
A good teacher teaches, a better teacher explains, and the best teacher inspires. If a teacher
keeps on teaching following the traditional method, the classroom activities become passive and
monotonous. Therefore, the teacher should try new methods other than the traditional methods of
teaching and make the students be better achievers.
The use of English is more widespread because of the business-environment revolution.
Nowadays, English is used by all people worldwide because of the ongoing advances in technology
such as internet, and other businesses. English also plays an important role in education and
students are expected to use it effectively. English is necessary for all professions nowadays.
However, teaching English in the Kazakh world is challenging. Many students are able to
understand the language, but most of the students face the problem of communicating their ideas
effectively. The problem is the lack of both: the adequate stock of English vocabulary and creativity
in writing. It is evident that writing is the biggest challenge for many students. Therefore, many
associations exert their effort to improve learning English. Still, it is a very tough mission for
teachers to teach English creatively so that students could become independent learners and benefit
a lot from the innovative teaching techniques adopted by the teacher.
The basic means of learning a foreign language is a language environment, and all other
means are auxiliary. Since school learning process is aimed at the practical mastering a foreign
language, and today writing as an aspect of speech competence is of great importance. Mastering
the written speech allows a man to actually use the knowledge of a foreign language, being wherein
out of the language environment, communicating with native speakers through modern means of
communication. The opportunity to write personal and formal letters, the necessity to fill the
questionnaires, blanks of documents, etc. motivate students to take an active acquisition of written
communication in the target language [3, 145p].
Teaching writing is hard and often frustrating. Mary Williams refers to writing as ‗the single
most complex learning task faced by any child‘ [4, 15-25p.p.]. As it is obvious from the statement,
for decades, teachers have assigned writing, graded it, and watched pages covered in red ink stuffed
into the backs of notebooks, never to be read again. Writing was the most ignored of the language
skills. Traditionally when students wrote in L2 the purpose of writing activity was to catch grammar
spelling and punctuation errors. The writing was carefully controlled or guided. In more advanced
classes students were assigned compositions or other kinds of texts to write. The focus in this type
of writing was primarily on language structures. Students got good marks if they wrote texts with as
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