4. Алтынсарин, И.Собрание сочинений в 3-х томах: Т.1. – Алма-Ата, 1975. – 359 с.
5. Бендриков К.Е. Очерки по истории народного образования в Туркестане (1865-1924 гг.). – М.: АПН,
1960. С. 201-204.
6. Айни С. Собрание. Т. 13.- Душанбе : Ирфон, 1977.-432 с.
7. Осмонов О.Дж. (История Кыргызстана с древнейших времен до наших дней): Учебник для вузов. – Б.:
2005. – С. 460.
UDC 378.184
Abenova Saulet Urazbekovna
L. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
1 course PhD candidate
Scientific consultant professor Dlimbetova G.K.
professor Silvia Abad Merino
University of Cordoba
Аннотация: Главной задачей волонтерства является развитие стремления к активной
деятельности по охране окружающей среды. Экологическое волонтерство позволит нам сов-
местить теорию с практикой. Мы предлагаем новые пути для обновления сознания совре-
менной молодежи с учетом особенностей и тенденций развития современной экологической
Ключевые слова: экологизация образования, волонтерство, экологическое
волонтерство», «Зеленая» экономика.
Аңдатпа: мақала Қазақстан Республикасының «жасыл экономикаға» көшу
тұжырымдамасын іске асырудың бір жолы ретінде экологиялық волонтерлік даму мәселесіне
арналған. Экологиялық бірлестіктердің даму кезеңдері сипатталған. Олардың құрылымы
көрсетіліп, ұйым қызметінің мақсаты анықталған.
Кілт сөздер: білім беруді экологияландыру, еріктілік, экологиялық еріктілік,
еріктілер бірлестігі, экологиялық сана, «жасыл» экономика.
The Republic of Kazakhstan embarked on the path of a “green” economy by adopting a
concept and concrete plan of activities for its implementation. All changes concern different fields
of our country, starting from energy and industry up to Housing and Utility Infrastructure, forming
a rational attitude to energy resources in the society, universal culture of energy saving and “green
growth”. The updated documents propose measures on further effective use of water resources, re-
newable energy, and improvement of waste management system, development of sustainable high-
performance agriculture and reduction of air pollution. Almost all international documents on sus-
tainable environmental development consider issues of investment in the improvement of training
and education. Taking into account the Concept adopted by Kazakhstan on the transition of the Re-
public of Kazakhstan to a “green economy”, there is undoubtedly a need to include the principles
and approaches of this concept into all aspects of education.
According to this Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the transition to a green econ-
omy, one of the six principles is “the education and formation of an environmental culture in busi-
ness and among population”, the need to improve the current and develop new educational pro-
grams on the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection in the education system
and staff training [1].
In this regard, the issue of the further environmentalization of education is thrown into sharp
relief. Under the environmentalization of education, we understand promoting the formation of en-
vironmental conscience among people, helping them to assimilate such values, professional
knowledge and skills that would help to overcome the ecological crisis and movement of society
towards sustainable development. The British educators focus their attention on the personal aspect
of environmental education. The basis of the personal aspect - activity of the student, who strives to
realize and make his/her influence ecologically expedient in various types of household and eco-
nomic activities [2].
Therefore, we see the development of environmental volunteering among students of higher
educational institutions as one of the priority areas of education environmentalization. Volunteering
is a very topical issue for modern Kazakhstan. At present, it has passed to a new stage of develop-
ment in our state. On December 30, 201, the law “On Voluntary Activities” was signed that defines
the legal framework for volunteerism in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstanis, and especially
the younger generation of our country, are led to the realization that voluntary work for the welfare
of the state is necessary for everyone and is one of the conditions for the successful life of the whole
By starting to talk about modeling of volunteer activity in the conditions of the University, it
is necessary to distinguish its components. The work on the creation of an environmental volunteer
movement on the basis of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov has
been started. We have included 3 stages in the development of the volunteer association at the fac-
Organizational. At the first stage, the charter of the volunteer association is created.
A plan of the main activities for the academic year is developed and approved. Active work is car-
ried out in order to attract supporters of the environmental movement, to popularize volunteerism
and involve potential participants in volunteer practices. A group of volunteers is formed. A
handout such as “Notes of the Volunteer”, “How to Become a Volunteer” is compiled.
At the moment, a pilot project is being started - educational work on the careful and effi-
cient use of natural resources. Together with the master’s students of other specialties, we created
tablets that we plan to distribute throughout the academic building. The goal is to promote culture
of rational water and energy consumption.
Educative. At this stage, the main problems of ecology in the conditions of the Fac-
ulty, University, city are discussed. Volunteers listen to the theoretical minimum about foreign and
Kazakhstani environmental volunteer organizations. Various master classes, psychological trainings
with already experienced volunteers will be held.
Practical. The activities of volunteer associations need both the involvement and
support of volunteers, and in the proper organization of their work. M.V. Pnevnaya notes the fol-
lowing components: “When examining the internal structure of volunteering, its main elements can
be singled out: subject, object, activity and its goal” (Fig.1) [3].
As subjects we have both our students and the academic teaching staff of the University.
The object may also be students, for whom the educational work will be conducted, as well as the
nearby territory of the university.
The goal of an environmental volunteer association is to promote the preservation of the
natural environment via educational and practical activities. We will promote the self-realization of
environmentally conscious students and the consolidation of the student community around the
principles of environmental protection. It should be an organization that will unite around like-
minded people, activists of students of different specialties. The aim is to influence the students’
attitude to the environment, to try to change the life of the university within the framework of the
concept of sustainable development through scientific and educational activities.
The next element of the structure of environmental volunteering is its activities. It can be
shown in a variety of forms and types.
1) Educational work on the issues of ecology and environmental protection with the goal of
educating public environmental conscience.
2) Helping active students in the implementation of their innovative ideas and projects.
3) Implementation of practical environmental measures on the territory of the university.
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