Туғызбашайтан\\дауылын] 2\\8
Мұнда үшінші жолы ғана ауытқып кетіп отыр. Сосын екінші тармағының айтылу
ырғағы басқаларынан бөлек. Әйтсе де, өлеңді сегіз буындыға болуы керек. Бұл жөнінде
Ахмет Байтұрсынов былай дейді: «Сондай-ақ сөздің өлең болып, көңілге ұнап, реттілігінен
туатын қасиет сөзді айтқан кезде сағаттың шық –шық жүргені сияқты, тамырдың бүлк-бүлк
соққаны сияқты дауыстың бір түрлі ырғақ – ырғағы болады... Сөйтіп дауыс ырғақ – ырғағы
сөздерді бірдей буынға бөледі. Сондықтан сөз табиғи негізінде қамыс сияқты бунақ – бунақ
буыны бар нәрсе болып шығады. Өлең ырғағы жорға жүрісінің тайпалуы, теңселуі сияқты
екінші өңді ырғақ болады. Бұл ырғақ сөйлемдердің ішіндегі буын спнының бірдейлігімен,
кестелерінің реттілігімен, сөздердің әуездес ұқсастығымен келетін ырғақ[3;192 бет]А.Б буын
және бунақ сандары сақталмаса, өлең ақсайтынын айтып отыр.Сондықтан өлеңге талпынған
әр жас ақын өлең құрылысын толық меңгеріп, дұрыс қолдана білуі керек. Ал өлеңдегі шабыт,
ұйқастардың сәттілігі ақынның сезіміне байланысты туатын қасиеттер.Ол - басқа мәселе.
1.Ахметов.З. Өлең теориясы.Алматы 2009 жыл
2. ШҚМУ баспасы, Өскемен 2010 жыл
3.Байтұрсынов.А. Тіл құралы. Қызылорда, 1925 жыл
S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk
Reading an ordinary newspaper, looking through the everyday-articles, have you ever thought
of how it difficult it could be to write this simple, at first sight, article? How many styles and
methods of writing exist in this sphere? The article of what genre are you reading right now? Quite
difficult to understand in the beginning, right? The aim of my article is to make it a little bit clearer,
to comprehend what genre of publication you are reading every day and, of course, put some useful
knowledge into heads of the readers.
The theory of genre have been being developed since the time of Aristotle, but still is being
discussed. It does not mean, that theorists are not incompetent, but this theme is complicated with
its variability. According to the famous statement of M. Bakhtin: “The genre is always right and
always wrong, alwaysold and always new at the same time”. The genre lives in the present, but
always remembers its past, its beginning. It is capable to provide unity and continuity of creation
Looking through the works of the famous people in the sphere of publication, it is possible to
see how differently this unity is indicated. For Jury Tynyanov genre is not constant, motile system.
VadimKozhinow said that genre was historically stable, firm formation. NikolayVoron claims, that
genre is a type of composition into the unity specific features of its form and content. AndreyAnikin
considers genre as a content structure that becomes timeless features and properties. The
sociological research of Irina Lysakova is dedicated to the problem of the genres of newspapers.
Author claims, that there is not one general genre-stylistic typology of a newspaper texts in science,
as an integral part of the general theory of newspaper genres. [4. p. 38–125].
Theoretical and practical journalism distinguish three groups of newspaper genres:
informative, analytical, artistic-publicistic. All genres, included in these groups, are considered as
publicistic, but they are not equal in typological relation. Firstly, artistic-journalistic genres
(artpublication) - a phenomenon typologically transitional, intermediate between journalism and
fiction. Secondly, the name "analytical genres" is not accurate. After all, the scientific article -
analytical genre too, but not the newspaper. The title "analytical genres" in the newspaper sphere is
actually an abbreviation of the full name of "analytical and publicistic genres". The majority of
Russian researchers believe that the newspaper combines genres such as notes, reports, interviews
and reportage.
In its turn, according to the statement of Stam, the content in English newspaper can be
divided into three groups: news, non-news matter and advertising. [3. p. 72]. “News” includes data,
reports and articles. In “non-news” group you can find problem articles, entertaining content and
features. Advertising is almost in all newspapers. What is more, the scientist IlyaGalperin make a
statement, that a newspaper also includes “brief news”, “announcements”, “headlines” and
“editorials”. [1. p. 391-392].
With the birth of the first Russian newspaper “Vedomosti” in 1702, newspaper genres started
to appear gradually. Genre as a stable form of a publication, went a long way of formation and
development in Russian publication, and then in journalism of soviet and post-soviet period.[2].
The first genre was a “note”. The fact is a foundation of it. Further the “correspondence”
appeared, only after – “article”. In the second half of the 18
century Russian press tries to report
the facts and analyze life situations to understand them. Jounalists tried to show pieces of life to
prove the correctness of its conclusions and cause some reactions of readers. The forms of “sketch”
gradually appear, “feature article” a bit later and then “reportage”. Elements constituting the genre
arose, evolved gradually over decades, and sometimes centuries. Genres improved, enriched with
new qualities. Genres acquired a particular literary form. Today, every genre of newspaper
journalism has its own characteristic, stable peculiarities. Some theorists of journalism, copying
western colleagues trying to introduce innovations, to simplified Russian journalism genres to a
minimum. It should be noted that Western journalism and Russian journalism had its own
peculiarities of development, its traditions. Nowadays, journalism, continuing the tradition of pre-
revolutionary newspapers, pays attention to the work with genres. Genres, of course, are influenced
by modern society. Genres arebeing complicated, averaged, even die, or removed into the "stock".
Then, years later, the society will ask again for genre put into this "stock".
As for the English newspaper’s history, the first English newspaper was established in 1622
under the name of The News of the Present Week. It published the latest news of the thirty-year war
that took place at this time in France. In fact, from this time the story of an English newspaper
It must to be noted, that at these time, at the dawn of the newspaper, the difference that exists
between the styles of newspaper information acted much sharper than nowadays. This difference
was even of special forms. The fact is that at the end of XVII and the beginning of the XVIII
century, in addition to the London newspaper, and later other newspapers, there were also some
magazines. The fact is that at the end of XVII and the beginning of the XVIII century, in addition to
the London newspaper, and later other newspapers, there were also some magazines. There were
severe differences of the functional nature between magazines and newspapers. The newspaper
contained only the bare information, news of the day in the literal sense of the word, and did not
comment on them; magazines, on the contrary, did not contain any information about the news of
the day, but placed comments on the news published in the newspaper. [1. p. 355]. It is known that
this difference is largely erased in contemporary English newspaper, which gives the most diverse
information about events inside and outside the country, as well as comments, the form of a leading
article, review, satires, and others.
Since the middle of the XVIII century English newspaper approximately gets the form that it
has now. It contains information about the events of the inner life of the country and abroad, a large
number of all kinds of advertisements (offer of services, selling, buying, hiring workers and so
forth.), and articles that commented on the day's events.
With the changes associated with the emergence of a new media, there is a reorganization
within the system of publicistic style, in particular, within the system of newspaper genres.These
changes are not revolutionary, but evolutionary in nature, in which many of the trends have arose in
seventies and eighties years and are being developed in the late nineties. This evolution does not
affect only the periphery of the system of newspaper genres, but its core. The core of the
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