UDC 330
Challenges and prospects of economic development of the Republic of
Bildebaeva AB, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Almaty Academy of Economics and Statistics,
Industrial output in January-December 2010 increased by 7% compared to the same
period in 2009.
In the mining industry in January-December 2014. produced to 3.7269 trillion. tenge,
which is 7% higher than in January-December, 2013. due to increased production of iron ore
agglomerated (24.5%), lead-zinc (18.2%) and manganese (13%); ore pellets (13.1%); of coal
(11.5%); crude oil (6.8%); lignite (6.1%); natural gas (natural) (2.8%); gas condensate (0.4%).
However, the reduced production of copper-zinc ores (17.5%) of gold (14.9%), non-
agglomerated iron (8%), chromium (6%) and copper (0.8%) .
Oil and gas industry. In the whole country in 2014 produced 64.8 million. Tons of oil and
gas condensate (105.5% - by 20139). Exported 57.1 million tons of oil. Including by pipeline
KTK- 24.4 million. tons, Atyrau-Samara pipeline - 15.6 million. tons in CIS countries; Atasu-
Alashankou - 2.2 mln. tons; Aktau port - 9.9 million. tons; Orenburg - 2.4 mln. Tons, delivery on
PPCP - 3.9 mln. Tons.
Refineries of the Republic in 2014 processed 11.7 million. Tons of oil (104.6% compared
to 2013).
In September 2014, completed the reconstruction of Atyrau oil refinery, which will
produce gasoline and diesel, corresponding to modern European standards Euro-3 gasoline,
Euro-4 diesel fuel.
Gas industry. The activity is carried out in accordance with the Program of development
of the gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2008-2012.
The country has three gas processing plants with a total design capacity of processing
about 8 billion. Cube, meters of gas per year, transmission system stretching over 10 thousand.
km with an annual throughput of about 150 billion. cube. m, three underground gas storage
(UGS) with a total capacity of about 4 billion. cube. meters of gas.
In the manufacturing industry in January-December 2014 compared to the corresponding
level of 2013, industrial output increased by 7.3%.
As part of the sustainable economic growth of Kazakhstan to solve a number of problems
by reforming the system of state planning, fiscal and monetary policy, financial sector
development, regulation of natural monopolies, development of competition and
entrepreneurship, as well as the implementation of corporate governance principles.
Improving the effectiveness of economic policy will be implemented through the
introduction of management systems, results-oriented.
The government will develop and implement targeted performance indicators and
efficiency of state, branch (sectoral), regional and budget programs, as well as every public
authority. It will be
sent to the system of planning, coordination and control.
Will be accepted normative legal acts that will allow the system to function effectively
state planning in market conditions, improve the quality of public services, to orient the activities
of public bodies to achieve strategic objectives.
The Government will ensure the creation of conditions favorable tax and investment
climate, business development, increase its efforts to reduce administrative barriers, improve
productivity of the economy.
Will be improved methods of state regulation of the economy, with a focus on reducing
bureaucratic interference in business development. Relationships with enterprise will be built on
the principles of partnership, fairness and transparency. Along with this, it is planned to take
measures to strengthen the institution of private property as the foundation guarantees the rights
and freedoms of citizens.
State planning will be focused on support and management processes to ensure the
growth of the country's competitiveness.
In this connection, will develop a strategy for sustainable growth of competitiveness of
the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as a number of regulations on state planning, regulating the
issues of strategic, medium-term and budget planning, monitoring, control and responsibility of
all actors planning activities of government on the final results.
Will change the requirements for maintenance, development and approval procedures, the
implementation of state, branch (sectoral), regional and budget programs.
Be adopted regulations on:
implementation of strategic
planning in public bodies;
assessing the activities of state bodies for achieving results;
improving the system of state statistics, allows you to monitor the effectiveness of the
state, branch (sectoral), regional and budget programs and the progress in achieving the strategic
goals of the state, avoiding duplication of state statistical reporting.
Will be improved methodology for developing economic forecasts.
To develop a special mechanism to evaluate the impact of the proposed decisions by
public authorities on the level of competitiveness of the economy.
Government will continue to improve budget planning.
The main objective of this work will be the introduction of budget planning, results-
Such a system will allow to assess the quality of public services, the degree of
achievement of the strategic goals and objectives, and will also be used as a tool to improve the
performance of government agencies.
This implies a gradual transition to the budget, results-oriented, and the introduction of
contractual obligations to the model of "principal-agent" in the first place, with the
administrators of budget programs. Measures will be taken to provide greater autonomy to
administrators of budget programs in the use of public funds.
Will be implemented accountability system, open to the public, as well as established a
system of internal and external controls.
Direction of budget spending will be interlinked with the strategic (software) documents
the country and have clear priorities to diversify and strengthen the competitiveness of the
economy. Inefficient spending will be reduced.
Will be introduced methodology for assessing and monitoring of investment projects
financed by the budget, strengthened requirements for their preparation.
To conduct prudent fiscal and monetary policy rate of growth of the state budget will be
interlinked with the growth of the economy.
In order to reduce economic dependence on the primary sector and to reduce the non-oil
budget deficit will improve the mechanism for the formation and use of the National Fund.
In determining the amount of budget funds for the planning period will be considered the
degree of achievement of the established indicators and efficiency of execution of budget
Attention will be paid to the improvement of inter-budgetary relations.
The main provisions of the draft of the new system of intergovernmental relations in the
medium term will be to identify indicators to calculate the objective needs of the regions in the
financing with the equivalent of the volume and quality of services across the country.