4 (74) 2017 |
Адам әлемі 93
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tradicionnyh religij’. URL http://www.akorda.kz/ru/speeches/external_political_affairs/
nazarbaeva-na-otkrytii-iv-sezda-liderov-mir_1341999186. 30.05.2012.
‘Vystuplenie Svjatejshego Patriarha Kirilla na IV S#ezde liderov mirovyh i
tradicionnyh religij’. https://forum.optina.ru/topic/1880. 30.05.2012.
Mihajlov, Ju. 2007. ‘Pora ponimat’ Koran: Sbornik statej’. M., Ladomir, 240s.
Бижанов А. Елдегі діни ахуал – мемлекеттің, қоғам мен жеке азаматтың
конституциялық жауапкершілігі өрісі
Мақалада қазақстандық қоғам үшін аса маңызы бар – радикалдану мен діни
экстремизм қаупінің өсуіне байланысты ұлттық рухани қауіпсіздікті қамтамасыз
ету мәселесі көтеріліп отыр. Әлемдегі діни ахуал күрделену үстінде, радикалдану
үдерістері конфессияаралық және дінаралық келісімнің ең сәтті деген үлгілерінің
өзін ойран етуде. Осындай жағдайда тұрақты діни ландшафты ұстап тұрудың және
қоғамды біріктіруді қамтамасыз ететін діни ахуалды сақтаудың жаңа механизмдері
қажет. Мақала авторы дін атын жамылған экстремизмге қарсы тұруда
қоғамдық және діни ұйымдардың бірлесіп әрекет ету қажеттігін ерекше атап
Түйін сөздер: Дін, экстремизм, бірігу, мемлекет, қоғам.
Bizhanov A. Religious Situation in the Country is the Field of Constitutional
Responsibility of Government, Society and Citizen
The article raises the significant problem for the Kazakhstani society – provision
of national spiritual security due to the promotion of the threat of radicalization and
religious extremism. Religious situation in the country becomes sophisticated, the
processes of radicalization deconstruct even the successful models of poly-confessional
and inter-religious consent. In such conditions, new mechanisms for maintaining the
sustainable religious landscape and preserving the religious situation are necessary,
which provide the consolidation of society. The author of the article states the importance
of integrating government, public and religious organizations in opposing the religion-
based extremism.
Key words: Religion, Extremism, Consolidation, Government, Society.
Бижанов А. Религиозная ситуация в стране – поле конституционной ответственности...
Адам әлемі | 4 (74) 2017
УДК 232.8
Hovhannes Hovhannisyan (Yerevan, Armenia)
Abstract. The article analyzes one of the main theological currents of the IV
century – the Christological concepts of Apollinarianism. The author shows the
history of theological perceptions of Christ’s divine and human natures, starting with
the gnostic systems and the monarchical movement to the theological solutions of the
famous theologians of the Antioch school. The Christological disputes were the result
of the philosopical perceptions of the previous centuries on the concept of Logos. The
article analyzes the concepts of Christology of Apollinarianism on the unification of the
divine and human natures of Christ, and shows the disagreement of Universal church
to those approaches. The decisions of the council of Alexandria on 362 are also within
the research focus of the author. The article also analyzed the critical approaches to
the theology of Apollinarius and showed that the Alexandrian and Cappadocian schools
of theology were the first to condemn the Christological solutions of Apollinarius. At
the end of the article, the author briefly shows the position of the Armenian Apostolic
Church regarding the subject matter.
Key words: Logos, Divine And Human Natures, Apollinarius, Christology,
Heterodoxy, Dogma.
From the 50s of the IV century, the conflict between monophysitism and
dyophysitism became an integral part of inter-church relations. Historically these
names have been given to the traditional Christian churches, which blamed one
another as heretical movements and break away from each other. This situation
was preserved until the mid-20th century, when long-awaited dialogue began
among the traditional Christian institutions. And despite these positive trends,
even in contemporary period some theologians and church scholars can assert that
the anti-Chalcedonian Churches, including the Armenian Apostolic Church, are
monophysite [Kartashev 2002, p. 202]. And since the apologists of Chalcedonian
approach perceive the monophysitism as Apollinarianism and Euticheanism,
the most effective method of rejecting those approaches is the comprehensive
study of anti-monophysite and anti-Apollinarian orientation of the Christological
doctrine of the Armenian Apostolic Church.
The analysis of the Armenian theological literature shows that the doctrine
of Apollinarius was completely unacceptable and condemnable for the Armenian
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