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Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: The study of the theoretical foundations of ore mining methods , beneficiation , preparation of raw materials for metallurgical and metallurgical processing of raw materials of ferrous, nonferrous and rare metals .

Summary: This course is an introductory part of the industry and helps the student to master the basic terms and definitions in the industry , the general principles of development processes , as well as construction and operation of the main metallurgical units .

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: the classification of metals, ores and minerals; the main base, the types and prevalence of minerals ferrous and nonferrous metals in the earth's crust; the essence of key terms and concepts in the field of metallurgy; species and the theoretical foundations of the enrichment process and preparation of raw materials for metallurgical redistribution; the theoretical foundations of pyro, hydro and electrometallurgic processes; technological schemes of ferrous, non-ferrous and rare metals; construction and operation of the main metallurgical units; operating parameters and indicators processes.

be able to: use the knowledge gained from the course "General Metals " to address contemporary issues of raw material processing of ferrous , non-ferrous and rare metals and the extraction of valuable components .

Postrekvizity: "Metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals", "Metallurgy of light metals", "Metallurgy of Rare Metals", "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metals".
2. OKPPS 3214.1 Fundamentals of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: Learning the basics of complex polymetallic use, as well as secondary raw materials.

Summary: Non-ferrous metallurgy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is diverse raw materials, complex technological schemes, large volumes of produced man-made material to be processed efficiently with the extraction of valuable components.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: basic technological processes of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials.

be able to: use the skills of working with technical literature and the results of new technical solutions composing a term paper on the relevant topics.

Postrekvizity: "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy", "Dust condensation in metallurgy", "Processes of technological and processing of secondary raw materials"
3. GTMB of Geotechnology in metallurgy (3 credits)

Prerequisites: "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Ecology and steady development".

Aim of study : acquisition of students of knowledge in area of metallurgy in the conditions of geotechnological methods of development of ore metallurgical raw material.

Short maintenance: the Geochemical processes in the earth's crust. Forming of minerals and deposits of the coloured and black metals. Methods of geotechnology. Possibilities of extraction of metals geotechnological methods. Choice of method of geotechnology for extraction of metals in accordance with nature and state of ore supplies. Underground, downhole and grouped lixiviating. Influence of nature of reagent on extraction of metals. A role of bacteria is in geotechnological processes. Organization of the grouped lixiviating and examples of his realization in practice. Organization and application of the underground and grouped lixiviating for extraction of the coloured metals in Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad.

Expected results: ability to analyse quality of ore raw material, determined with the most suitable method of his processing; on the diagrams of Purbe to estimate probability of lixiviating of valuable component; to expect some technological indexes and parameters, related to the processes of lixiviating, extraction, persorption, electrolysis, besieging.

Essential Post-elements: "Theory and practice of division and affinage of metals", "Processing of persistent metallurgical raw material".

4. ERTN Ecologically compatible technologies of metallurgical production (3 credits)

Prerequisites: "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry", "Ecology and steady development".

Aim of study : acquisition by the students knowledge in area of, related to creation ecologically of clean metallurgical productions.

Short to content: Impact metallurgy on an environment. Basic factors of affecting environment. Consumption of resources. General principles of creation ecologically of clean metallurgy. The basic requirements produced to ecologically clean to the Steel production. Creation ecologically to clean metallurgy. Comparison description of different ways of metallurgical production. Ecologically strategy at creation process. Elemento streams and form of technogenic of mestorojdeni. Those but gene resources. Evaluation ecological эффективности about and technological. Sistem ecological to monitoring. System ecologicall management.

Expected results: ability to conduct the comparative analysis of existent low-waste and ecologically clean technologies of the complex processing of polymetallic raw material; to apply the methods of estimation of ecolo-economic efficiency of the developed technologies; to conduct the calculation of ecological balance.

Essential Post-elements: "Technology of metallurgical processes", "Theory and practice of division and affinage of metals".

5. PSMP 3215 Preparation of raw materials for metallurgical - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: The development of basic technological methods of preparation of raw materials to the metallurgical processing.

Summary: The equipment for drying and crushing of ores and concentrates for metallurgical repartition. The technology of drying, grinding and briquetting ores and concentrates.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: the technology of the processes of crushing , grinding , drying , granulation and briquetting of polymetallic raw materials .

be able to: use of raw materials preparation work skills to the metallurgical solutions to contemporary issues polimettalicheskogo processing raw materials

Postrekvizity: "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy", "Processes and devices in the iron and steel industry", "Autogenous processes in metallurgy"
6. SSPRM 3215.1 Current state and prospects of development of metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds".

The purpose of the study: the students acquire knowledge in the field of construction , principle of operation and the use of devices and components of hydrometallurgical technologies.

Summary: Features and classification of hydrometallurgy devices. The equipment for the leaching of ore and technogenic raw materials: tanks, reactors, Pachuca, autoclaves, percolators, agitators. Features heap and underground leaching. The equipment for the extraction of metals gravitational extractors, mixer settlers equipment, centrifugal extractors, hardware circuits and stages of extraction processes. Ion exchange equipment for the extraction of metals. Crystallization and precipitation from solutions, their instrumentation equipment. Electrolysis and apparatus for the electrolytic production of metals and alloys from aqueous electrolytes. Apparatus equipment electroplating processes and produce electrolytic coatings . Evaporation , distillation, and their instrumentation equipment. The equipment for sewage treatment methods galvanokoagulyatsii, precipitation, adsorption, ion exchange, electrodialysis, etc.

Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline, students should have an understanding of the hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes, to be able to make balance calculations and make the choice of optimal equipment for the realization of hydrometallurgical processes.

Postrekvizity: "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises of designing".
7. GіdM Hydrometallurgy. 3 credits

Prerequisites of discipline : Physical chemistry, Theory of metallurgical processes.

Aim of study : to Form a system idea about theoretical bases, technologies and apparatus of modern hydrometallurgical methods of complex extraction of metals from ore raw material and metallurgical middlings, to prepare a student to independent work on the analysis of technological processes and choice of methods of perfection of technology.

Short maintenance: the Basic processes and operations in a hydrometallurgy. Flowsheets of processes of lixiviating. Noncorrosive and oxidizing leaching of metallurgical raw material. Technologies and apparatus of the oxidizing lixiviating for processing of selective and collective sulfide materials. Hydroelectric Metals processing of sulfide materials. Practice and equipment of processes of extraction and persorption.

Expected results: Receipt of knowledge about conformities to law, technologies and apparatus of hydrometallurgical processes;- about the methods of intensification of hydrometallurgical processes, methods of walkthrough of modern level of technologies; abilities to choose and ground hydrometallurgical technology of processing of certain metallurgical raw material and her apparatus registration; to offer to the way of perfection and creation of effective hydrometallurgical NT.

Essential Post-elements of discipline : Special disciplines, diploma project (work).

8. ТРМ Coatings on metals technology (3 credits)

Prerequisites: Mathematics, Physics, Ecology, Chemistry, Theory of metallurgical processes.

Aim of study : acquisition of students of knowledge and abilities in area of theory and technology of receipt of coverages on metals.

Short maintenance: Classification and setting of coverages. Structure of gas-thermal coverages. General description of gas jet (gazotermicheskih) methods of overcoating. Methods of causing of inorganic coverages. Receipt discovery method of gazo bartersof spraying. Receipt discovery method to the electrode of spraying. Causing discovery method of mi of plasma spraying. Receipt discovery with using electronic and ionic bunches. Receipt discovery from of howl of phase method of the chemical besieging. Bases of receipt of electrodeposits. Methods of control of properties of gas-thermal and electrolytic coverages.

Expected results: As a result of study of discipline students must be able to do the choice of method of overcoating depending on his functional setting; to know the methods of receipt and control of quality of coverages on metals.

Essential Post-elements: Production of composition and powder-like metals, Processes and vehicles of powder-like metallurgy.

9. PMChM 3216 Processes ferrous metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: The study of the basic processes of ferrous metals.

Summary: The processes of preparation of iron ore for smelting, reducing metal smelting in blast furnaces and steelmaking. Preparation of raw materials comprises the agglomeration by sintering, pelletization and briquetting. The blast furnace process is considering the recovery process, slag and iron making. The redistribution of iron into steel is carried out in steelmaking units.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must.

know: metallurgical technology , ways to solve theoretical and practical problems.

be able to: analyze complex metallurgical processes , plan new production processes.

Postrekvizity: "Processes and devices in the iron and steel industry", "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises".
10. OFP 3216.1 Fundamentals of ferroalloy production - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Basic scientific research", "Metals and their compounds", "Physical Chemistry", "Engineering Graphics", "Electrical Equipment".

The purpose of the study: The study of the main provisions of ferroalloy production of metals: aluminum, magnesium, titanium, chromium, manganese, vanadium, rare earths and their alloys. The course "Metallurgy ferroalloy" provides knowledge about the physical, mechanical, chemical and technological properties of ferro-alloys and alloys based on them, introduces students to modern methods of their preparation.

Summary: The basic position receiving ferroalloys and their alloys. The principles of alloying, industrial alloys, the application of ferroalloys and their alloys. Results obtain the most common alloys for structural analysis of the status of various alloys.

Expected outcome: After mastering this discipline student must

know: - the basic laws that determine the properties of alloys on the basis of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, alloys, principles of doping; - The methods of obtaining industrial alloys non-ferrous and ferrous metals, the behavior of materials in processes of the basic operation or use; - The basics of technology for ferrous and non-ferrous metals and their alloys.

be able to: - identify common pattern producing industrial metals and alloys, and their basic physical and chemical characteristics; - Informed choice of chemical composition, method of preparation and reception modes of the main industrial alloys for specific operating conditions; - Carrying out a comprehensive study of the phase and structural state of alloys on the basis of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, assessing the quality of alloys.

Postrequisites: "Theory and steelmaking process technology", "Processes and devices in the steel industry".

11. ІSM The measuring and certification is in metallurgy (3 credits)

Prerequisites: "Physics", "Mathematics", "Bases of right", "Engineering graphic arts", "Ecology".

Aim of study : acquisition of students of knowledge in area of measuring in metallurgy, certifications metallurgical to the products, analysis of quality of products, and also acquaintance by methods and measuring facilities.

Short maintenance: Systems of metrology and certification on state, mejgosurdarstvom and international levels. Physical size and her units. Classification of measuring facilities, metrology description and setting of norms. Check and calibration of facilities of measurements. Bases metrology to material well-being. Concepts of certification, aim and objects of certification. Basic principles of certification and kinds. Financing and carried out works, documents on certifications. Control of quality certificated about . A structure of organization is the conducted certifications and their functions. System ecological to the certification. Certification of the systems of quality. Control system of quality products, methods of estimation, attestation. On the basis of the technical adjusting to provide qualities of products.

Expected results: comparative analysis of methods of estimation and attestation of products of metallurgical production; analysis of basic principles of ecological certification; ways of certification of new materials and technology; calculations of methods of check; calculations of determination of measuring error.

Essential Post-elements: " Okruzhashchy environment and labour protection", "scientific researches and innovations in metallurgy", "Special heads of metallurgical production".

12. CRMMP Control, regulation and upkravkkleniye metallurgical protsesksakm (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Mathematics", "Theory of metallurgical processes".

Studying purpose: to study methods of measurement of engineering variable metallurgical procedures; principles of action and device of technical means of control of the most important technological parameters; work of standard elements of management systems; to get acquainted with bases of the theory and technology of regulation of continuous metallurgical processes.

Summary: It is aware the main data on a teokriya of regulation and systems a regulikrokvakniya are stated; management systems and s control pecific metallurgical proktsess are considered. The basics of the theory, a prinktsipa of creation and work standard and automatic systems an upravklekniya are covered, the main methods of measurement and modern devices of control of the most important technological parameters the metalklurkgicheskikh of processes, such as are described: tempekraktukra, pressure and level, quantity and expenditure, composition of substance. The design and the principle of action of automatic rekgulyator are given.

The expected results: ability to use measuring equipment; to develop the elementary function charts; to make management decisions in the analysis and designing of monitoring systems, regulations and managements.

Post-details: "Processes and devices of metallurgy", "Physical and chemical researches of metallurgical processes".

13. SHOUTING Organization and planning of experiment (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Chemistry", "Mathematics", "Physical chemistry"

Studying purposes: To create at students of knowledge and skills of high-quality planning and carrying out metallurgical experiment, modern scientific research.

Summary: In the ditspilena sections are considered: methodological bases of scientific knowledge and creativity; organization and carrying out pilot studies. Methods of theoretical and empirical level of researches. Handling and the analysis of data, their registration in the report. Technology of work with literature. Equipment of a laboratory experiment. Oznokomleniye processes and devices for carrying out experimental works. Check of reproducibility of experiences. Methods of handling of results of experiment. Bases and planning methods of experiment. Planning of experiment of the first order and complete, fractional factorial experiments. Optimization. Gradient planning method of experiment. Essence of a method simplex planning.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students will have an idea about the basic principles of the organization and planning of experiment, about mathematical methods of handling of experimental data. Will have skills of use of research methods: to determine the purpose, to push a problem, to create a hypothesis of possible methods of the problem resolution, to choose procedure of collection and handling of necessary data, to collect, to process and analyze the received results, to conduct high-quality and quantitative researches on a specialty profile.

Post-details: "Theory of metallurgical processes", "Physical and chemical methods of research of metallurgical processes", Theses.

14. TWER 3218.1 Technologies of accomplishment of experimental works (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Mathematics", "Physics", "Chemistry"

Studying purpose: Acquisition by students knowledge and skills of carrying out experimental works in the field of metallurgy.

Summary: Fundamentals of safe engineering in case of a vypolknekniya laboratory and research ра¬бот. Methods of work with ware and reaktikvakm. Rules and calculations for preparation of solutions of various proiskhozhkdeniye. Oprekdeleny concentration of solutions of acids and shcheklochy. Work with a nakgrekvatelny oborukdokvaniye and with oborudokvakniky under pressure. Prakvila of work and raskchekta on a prigoktovklekniya of mixes of solid and liquid substances. Sampling and sample preparation. Rakbokta with orkgaknichesky rekagenkta. Znakomkstkvo with an anakliktichesky obokrukdovaniye. Osobenknoskti of a vykkkpolkneniye of isksledovaniye in a metallurkgikcheksky industry.

The expected results: Mastering students of accomplishment of analytical calculations for the main metallurgical conversions, technology of work with chemical ware, laboratory stock and the equipment, and also main skills on accomplishment of experimental works in the field of a feast and a hydra of metallurgy.

Post-details: Physical and chemical methods of research of metallurgical processes. Receipt of protective coatings. Theory and practice of refinement and separation of metals.

15. ONIM 3218.2 Basic research in metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Chemistry", "Physics", "Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: The study, based on research in metallurgy.

Summary: The definition of "science". Stages of development of metallurgical science in Kazakhstan. The organization of scientific research in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Forms of research and NIRS, their significance. Methodological foundations of scientific knowledge. Processing and storage of scientific information. Stages of research. Sampling and sample preparation, production of metallurgical experiment. Types and classification of scientific documentation. Errors, mistakes and their exclusion, a correlation analysis of the experimental data. Making scientific documentation, presentation of research results. The efficiency and the introduction of scientific developments. Areas of research in metallurgy.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: the stages of research, the efficiency and the introduction of scientific developments and the direction of research in metallurgy.

be able to: work with laboratory facilities and conduct scientific experiments, as well as to draw scientific documentation.

Postrekvizity: "Heading the research work on light and rare metals", "Course research work on heavy non-ferrous metals".
16. VTM 3218.3 Nanotehnology in metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Physics", "Chemistry", " Metals and their compounds"

The purpose of the study: to acquaint students with the state of research in nanotechnology as they take the next step in the development of nanomaterials and their use in society.

Summary: Today, nanotechnology - is one of the new trends in science and engineering, which could become the main engine of a competitive industry , especially when the conditions for operational implementation of nanotechnology to create high-quality market new products and services .

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: basic physical and chemical laws of formation of nanopowders and nanomaterials .

be able to: work with modern otpiko - electronic equipment .

Postrekvizity: "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises of designing"
17. ТерМР Heat Power system of metallurgical processes (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Physics", "Mathematics", "Electrical equipment"

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of technical thermodynamics and heattechnical processes; acquaintance with designs of furnaces, heat exchangers and heatgenerators; ability to make calculations of burning of fuel, characteristics of a heat transfer.

Summary: basic concepts and determinations of a working body and its key parameters, analysis of fundamental laws of thermodynamics, thermodynamic processes, differential equations of thermodynamics, expiration and drosselirovaniye of gases and vapors. Mutual transformation of warmth into work, interrelation between thermal, mechanical and chemical processes which are made in thermal and cooling machineries. Heatgeneration at the expense of a chemical energy of fuel and the electric power. Basic provisions of the theory of heat exchange. Transfer is warm heat conductivity. Transfer is warm convection. Heat exchange by radiation. Mechanics of zhizhkost and gases. Bases of the theory of similarity and modeling. Bases of the general theory of furnaces. Energy equipment. Use of secondary energy resources.

The expected results: as a result of studying of discipline students will know fundamental laws of thermodynamics and to be able to put them into practice; acceptances of calculation of burning of fuel, a heattechnical equipment to have skills of creation of thermal balance of a heattechnical equipment; to calculate thermal losses of metallurgical furnaces and aggregates; to be able to choose energy-saving technologies.

Discipline post-details: Theory of metallurgical furnaces, Igneous metallurgy, Processes and devices of powder metallurgy, Hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes.

18. MLM 3303 Metallurgy of light metals - 3 credits

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