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Prerequisites: "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy", "Metallurgy of light metals", "Metallurgy of Rare Metals".

The purpose of the study: The study of the theory and practice of modern methods of treating ores and concentrates, intermediate products containing light and rare metals, preparation methods, selection and validation of hardware and technological scheme, study the main factors drawing metallurgical calculations, the implementation of pilot studies.

Summary: Physico-chemical properties of light and rare metals and their compounds; sources of raw materials and the use of the area; laws transport of gaseous and liquid substances; Methods of separation of inhomogeneous systems of filtration, sedimentation, etc .; Theory and Practice weight- and ion exchange processes, extraction, distillation, distillation, melting, crystallization, etc., used for the production of light and rare metals.

Expected results: To acquire knowledge and skills on raw materials sources of light and rare metals, methods of making and refining light and rare metals on an industrial scale, drawing metallurgical calculations, analysis of modern scientific achievements in the field of metallurgy of light and rare metals, the use of special and reference literature.

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).

2. KNIR TCM4310.1 Course research work on heavy non-ferrous metals - 4 credits

Prerequisites: "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy", "Metallurgy of heavy non-ferrous metals", "Autogenous processes in metallurgy"

The purpose of the study: The study of the theory and practice of chemical and physical processes, structural units, regime parameters and indicators, ways of further development of technologies for processing of raw materials of heavy non-ferrous metals, methods of preparation of metallurgical calculations , experimental studies of the techniques.

Summary: Properties and applications of heavy non-ferrous metals; sources of raw materials; traditional and new methods of producing heavy non-ferrous metals; autogenous processes of roasting and smelting of sulphide materials; technological schemes and theoretical foundations of the main value-added ; construction and operation of the main and auxiliary units; operating parameters and indicators processes .

Expected results: To acquire knowledge and skills in the analysis of modern scientific achievements in the field of traditional and new technologies of production of heavy non-ferrous metals; study of process flow diagrams, structural steel components and operating principles; preparation of metallurgical calculations, the use of special literature and reference.

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).

3. RTRM Processes and technology of reefficient metallurgy (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Theory of metallurgical processes, Technology of metallurgical processes

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge of methods and technologies of conversion of draft metals and cast iron with receipt of finished products from metal and hire.

Summary: Concepts "repartition" and "reefficient metallurgy". Types of repartitions. Processes and technologies of repartitions. The reefficient metallurgical entities and their placement in the CIS and RK. Processes and technologies of the 2nd repartition – conversion of cast iron in steel, refinement of draft metals, production of alloys, methods of conversion of draft metals and metal scrap. Processes and technologies of the 3rd repartition – handling of metals pressure for the purpose of receipt of metal products of the set forms and the sizes; main types of handling by pressure — rolling, pressing, forging and stamping. Processes and technologies of the 4th repartition – additional handling of hire — cold rolling of strip and sheet metal, profiling of a strip (production of bent profiles), calibration, drawing, drawing protective coatings, and also production of a hardware. Conversion of reefficient slags.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students shall be familiar with types of metallurgical conversions and technologies, nobility and be able to predict methods of conversion of draft metals with receipt of hire and finished products from metals.

Post-details: Writing and protection of the thesis (project).

4. PSSN Receiving alloys of a special purpose (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Theory of metallurgical processes.

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of materials research oskn of receipt of alloys, the theory and technology of receipt of refractory metals and a proizkvodkstvo on their basis of various high-temperature materials, acquaintance with a nokvy perskpektivny method of receipt of modern materials – a mechanical legikrokvaniye.

Summary: Features of technologies of receipt of net refractory metals. Tendencies of development of metallurgy of refractory metals in the 21st century. Prospects of use of refractory metals. Receipt of alloys on the basis of refractory metals by methods of direct synthesis and recovery. Receipt of alloys on the basis of refractory metals by sedimentation methods from a gas phase, electrolysis and by means of plasma. Theoretical bases of processes of a mechanical alloying. Organization and course of process of a mechanical alloying. Influence of the reagents controlling process. Technology of foundry alloys. Receipt of the baked materials and alloys.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students will learn to choose and prove the technological scheme of receipt of specific metal or an alloy; based on the analysis of engineering procedure to offer ways a technology sokverkshenkstkvokvakniya; to make the comparative analysis of various methods of receipt of special makterial and alloys.

Post-details: Writing and protection of the thesis (project).

5. PPTVS 437 Processes processing of technogenic and secondary raw materials - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "The technology of metallurgical processes ", "Fundamentals of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials"

The purpose of the study: The study of processing of technogenic and secondary raw materials.

Summary: Questions and secondary processing of technogenic raw materials of some heavy non-ferrous , precious, light and rare metals . The main sources of the scrap and waste , their classification and characterization . Modern circuit design of main and auxiliary equipment for the preparation of scrap and waste for metallurgical repartition. Modern pyro- and hydrometallurgical methods of processing of secondary raw materials and man-made , the basic technological scheme and equipment design processes main heavy , rare , light and precious metals from lumpy waste , slag , dust , sludge , industrial solutions and a number of other secondary and industrial waste.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: the technology of processing of secondary raw materials and man-made , modern circuit and equipment processes.

be able to: work with the literature and analyzing methods for recycling of secondary raw materials and man-made .

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).

6. PT437.1 Production Thiosalts - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Metallurgical process technology", "Fundamentals of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials", "Current state and prospects of development of metallurgy"

The purpose of the study: "Metallurgy of nonferrous metals Thiosalts " involves the study theoretical education laws Thiosalts itehnologii non-ferrous metals based on the physicochemical properties Thiosalts .

Summary: Thiosalts Metallurgy has the technology of processing of complex polymetallic raw materials , it allows to selectively recycle shred hard materials and man-made materials , allocate each metal into marketable products . On stage pyro and hydrometallurgical processing is an allocation of heavy , small , precious and rare metals .

Expected results : The discipline "Metallurgy Thiosalts non-ferrous metals " allows you to explore the theoretical laws of formation Thiosalts non-ferrous metals and processing technology of complex raw materials , aimed at addressing the problem of complex extraction of non-ferrous metals .

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).
7. HMRM Processing of persistent metallurgical raw materials (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: Theory of metallurgical processes

Studying purpose: To gain a system impression about losses of metals with overburden breeds, with trudnoobogatimy ores, enrichment tails, etc. and methods of extraction of metals from this type of ore raw materials, the otkvechayushchikh to ecological requirements. Ability to critically estimate the existing methods of conversion of ore raw materials and to offer solutions of a problem of more complete use of ore raw materials.

Summary: Characteristic and analysis of trudnoobogatimy ore raw materials, tails of enrichment and other technogenic ore fields. Classification of trudnoobogatimy raw materials. Main methods of enrichment. The combined enrichment methods – activation + magnetic separation + flotation. Compact leaching of copper and gold-bearing ores. Neutralization myshyaksoderzhashchikh of waste of metallurgical production. Cleaning of technological drains. Application of sorption processes for additional recovery of metals of the diluted solutions.

The expected results: ability to analyze the existing methods of conversion of raw materials, to estimate ecological impact of technogenic waste of metallurgical production, to determine ways of overcoming of the negative phenomena connected with not additional recovery of metals from ores.

Discipline post-details: Special rates, Degree designing.

8. PPKM 437.3 Production of powder and composite materials (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes", "Physics".

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of znakniya in the field of technology of composite and powder materials of spetsialkny appointment and their practical application

Summary: Receipt of magnetic materials, polukprokvodknik, dielectrics and materials with a sverkhkprovodimost on the basis of powder and composite materials. Obtaining the pokroshkovykh of materials and products from them, the sravknimykh on hardness with diamonds. Types of upkrochknitel. Matrixes on a basis the spektsikalknykh of alloys. Benefits and shortcomings pokroshkovykh and composite materials. Osknovny properties and methods of obtaining arkmikrovannykh carbide fibers kompokziktsionnykh of materials. Refractory and zhakrokprochkny materials and their application in the industry. Tribotechnical matekrikakla. Poklukcheniye of firm alloys on an osnokva the poroshkkokvykh of metals. Materials for an atomkny tekhknika.

The expected results: receipt by students of abilities to be guided in the existing metallurgical processes from the point of view of their technological effectiveness and feasibility, to be guided in methods of receipt of special materials, to understand features of hardware registration of processes.

Post-details: writing and protection of the thesis (project).

9. OPMP438 Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises - 4 credits

Prerequisites: "Technology of metallurgical processes", "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy" , "Processes and devices in the steel industry"

The purpose of the study: Learning the basics of design metallurgical enterprises .

Summary: Fundamentals of metallurgical facilities , taking into account the requirements of normative documents regulating the high level of standardization and unification of design solutions . Fundamentals of technological design of objects , providing choice, payment and placement of technology and equipment. Fundamentals of architectural design to the organization planning and development area industrial area in the city structure , industrial buildings and building structures .

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: principles of design metallurgical facilities .

be able to: carry out the planned analysis of a company .

Postrekvizity : writing a thesis ( project).
10. MMP438.1 Modelling of metallurgical processes - 4 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Metallurgical Process Technology", "Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy", "Processes and devices in the steel industry".

The purpose of the study: The study of the methodology of modeling processes, methodologies for mathematical description of the chemical and physical processes, fluid dynamics, heat transfer, preparation of algorithms of processes for the research and development of technology.

Summary: The concept of models and modeling systems and their characteristics, the theory and the similarity criteria for process modeling; identification methods, methods of developing information databases and visualization models.

Expected results: The acquisition of knowledge and skills to develop mathematical models of processes, analysis of metallurgical production technology, processing methods.

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).

11. TPRRM Theory and practice of refinement and division of metals (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes", "Technologies of metallurgical processes".

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of znakniya in the field of physical and chemical oskn of the most significant methods of a razdekleniye and purification of metals and their practical application.

Summary: Methods the razkdeklekniya, concoction and cleaning of metalkl (an eksktrakktion, an ionic exchange, electrolysis and an electrodialysis, crystallization from rastvokr and fusions, cleaning and separation of mektalkl using methods of vacuum and gazokfazkny metallurgy etc.), apparaturkny registration of processes, engineering raskcht sposokb of purification of metals. Examples of an iskpolkzovaniye of methods of separation and rafinikrokvaniye of metals in practice металлурги¬че¬ско¬го productions (production especially chiskktykh of metalkl and connections, obtaining tukkgokplavkikh, rare and radioactive mektalkl, etc.). The Osokby vnikmaniye is given to zakkoknomerknost the tekhnoklokgicheskikh of processes of a razkdeleniye and rafiknikrokvaniye of metals.

The expected results: receipt by students of abilities to be guided in methods of cleaning and concoction of metals; to predict a raskpredeleniye of components in heterogeneous systems depending on their properties, to make the reasonable choice and engineering calculation of methods of purification of metals on blueprint stage.

Post-details: thesis

12. SGMP Special heads of metallurgical production (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Theory of metallurgical processes, Technology of metallurgical processes, Power system of metallurgical production.

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of processes and technologies in case of production of separate non-ferrous, rare and precious metals and alloys on their basis.

Summary: Special heads of aluminum production: alyumosoderzhashchy raw materials and methods of its decomposition, decomposition alyuminatnykh of solutions and receipt of hydroxide of aluminum, kaltsination of hydroxide of aluminum and receipt of alumina, electrolytic receipt and refinement of aluminum, obtaining alyumosoderzhashchikh of alloys. Special heads of production of beryllium: methods of receipt of metal beryllium, receipt of beryllium by an electrolysis method, characteristic and properties ftorberillatnykh of electrolytes, electrochemical processes and methods of their initiation and inhibition. The combined technologies of non-ferrous metallurgy. Extraction and electrolysis methods of conversion of non-ferrous and rare metals. Special heads of production of precious metals: hydrometallurgical schemes of extraction of precious metals from ore and technogenic raw materials, a refining of precious metals.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students will seize knowledge in the field of metallurgy of aluminum and beryllium, will get acquainted with perspective technologies of metallurgical production that will allow them to be able to analyze features of production technologies of metals and to choose optimum schemes of production of a row + non-ferrous and precious metals.

Post-details: Writing and protection of the thesis (project).

13. CCPRM 439 Current state and prospects of development of metallurgy - 4 credits

Prerequisites: "The technology of metallurgical processes", "Processes of technological and processing of secondary raw materials", "Fundamentals of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials."

The purpose of the study: the students acquire knowledge in the field of construction, principle of operation and the use of devices and components of hydrometallurgical technologies.

Summary: Features and classification of hydrometallurgy devices. The equipment for the leaching of ore and technogenic raw materials: tanks, reactors, Pachuca, autoclaves, percolators, agitators. Features heap and underground leaching. The equipment for the extraction of metals gravitational extractors, mixer settlers equipment, centrifugal extractors, hardware circuits and stages of extraction processes. Ion exchange equipment for the extraction of metals. Crystallization and precipitation from solutions, their instrumentation equipment. Electrolysis. Evaporation, distillation.

Expected results: As a result of studying the discipline, students should have an understanding of the hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes, to be able to make balance calculations and make the choice of optimal equipment for the realization of hydrometallurgical processes.

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).

14. PKM 439.1 Dust condensation in metallurgy - 4 credits

Prerequisites: "The technology of metallurgical processes", "Processes of technological and processing of secondary raw materials", "Fundamentals of complex processing of polymetallic raw materials"

The purpose of the study: The purpose of discipline is to study the teaching of technology and equipment for dust removal and condensation in metallurgical production.

Summary: The course "Dust condensation in the industry" aims at studying the acquisition of knowledge and skills in working with equipment for dust removal and condensation in metallurgy.

Students should know teoretichiskie and technological patterns of dust- particles with recycled materials pirometallurgichiskih processes depending on the humidity, temperature, gas flow, size and technological parameters in the condensation of metal vapors and their compounds.

Expected Results: In the study of discipline students master the skills of working with technical literature, followed by synthesis and the ability to draw conclusions on the existing technical solutions for dust removal and condensation of metal vapors and their compounds, with the further application of this knowledge in the implementation of the latest technologies in production.

Postrekvizity: writing a thesis (project).
15. AOGMP Hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Theory of metallurgical processes, Technology of metallurgical processes, Power system of metallurgical production.

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of designs, the principle of action and use of devices and aggregates of hydrometallurgical technologies.

Summary: Features and classification of devices of hydrometallurgy. The equipment for leaching of ore and technogenic raw materials: tubs, reactors, Pachuca, autoclaves, perkolyator, propagandists. Features of compact and underground leaching. The equipment for extraction extraction of metals: gravitational extractors, mixing and settling equipment, centrifugal extractors, hardware schemes and cascades of extraction processes. The equipment for ion-exchange extraction of metals. Crystallization and sedimentation from solutions, their hardware equipment. Electrolysis and the equipment for electrolytic receipt of metals and alloys from water electrolytes. Hardware equipment of processes of galvanotechnics and receipt of electrodeposited coatings. Evaporation, distillation and their hardware equipment. The equipment for sewage treatment by methods of a galvanokoagulyation, sedimentation, sorption, an ionic exchange, an electrodialysis, etc.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students shall have an idea of hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes, be able to make balance sheet calculations and to make the choice of the optimum equipment for implementation of hydrometallurgical processes.

Post-details: Writing and protection of the thesis (project).

16. RARM Processes and devices of powder metallurgy (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Physical chemistry", "Powder metallurgy".

Studying purpose: acquisition of a studenktakma of znakniya in the field of receipt of powders of metals and alloys crushing of initial materials in a firm and liquid state, recovery of chemical compounds, electrolysis of fusions and solutions and other chemical and metallurgical methods, and also acquaintance with designs the tekhnologikchekskikh of apkpakkrakt and the equipment.

Summary: Production of metal powders by mechanical methods (cutting and crushing). Production of metal powders by mechanical methods (crushing and grind). Spraying and granulation of the melted environments. Receipt of powders of iron by recovery methods. Receipt of powders of tungsten and molybdenum by recovery methods. Carbonyl method of receipt of powders of metals. Production of metal powders electrolysis of water solutions. Production of metal powders electrolysis of the melted environments. Production of metal powders cementation and intercrystalline corrosion. Production of powders of metals by chemical and metallurgical methods. Receipt of powders in plasma, an autoclave method, the evaporation condensation method. Receipt of powders of metalsimilar refractory connections. Examples of production of powders of metals by chemical and metallurgical methods. Properties of metal powders and methods of their determination.

The expected results: ability to analyze technological proktsessa, svyakzankny with transfer of a maskkksa and warmth in technological systems, in that chiskl with participation движу¬щих¬ся phases; matching and calculation of sources of an enerkgiya, creation of thermal and material balances of technological agrekgakt and calculation of their main sizes.

Post-details: writing and protection of the thesis (project).
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