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Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Metallurgical Process Technology", "Preparation of raw materials for metallurgical repartition".

The purpose of the study: The study of the main technologies for the production of light metals.

Summary: The methods of opening of ores, concentrates , industrial products containing light metals. Processing of light metal hydro- and pyrometallurgical methods compounds concentration , separation to obtain pure compounds and their further processing means of rectification, electrolysis, and thermal processes.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: physico - chemical properties , applications , features technology for light metals , sources and basic processes of processing of raw materials .

be able to: analyze the methods for producing light metals .

Postrekvizity: "Heading the research work on light and rare metals", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises of the design"
19. MTCM 3303.1Metallurgiya heavy non-ferrous metals - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "Metals and their compounds", "General Metals", "Technology of metallurgical processes"

The purpose of the study: The study of the main methods of obtaining non-ferrous heavy metals.

Summary: Technological and theoretical foundations of metallurgical production processes copper, nickel, lead and zinc. The properties of these metals and their compounds, raw materials preparation for the metallurgical processing. Pyrometallurgical and hydrometallurgical processing methods: roasting, smelting converting, fire refining, leaching, purification solutions, electrolysis, and their hardware registration. Methods of processing of industrial products and new technologies to increase the complexity of the use of heavy metals in the non-ferrous metals.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: physico - chemical properties , applications , features, technology of heavy non-ferrous metals , and the main sources of raw materials recycling processes .

be able to: work with literature and analyze the processes of production of heavy non-ferrous metals .

Postrekvizity: "Heading the research work on heavy non-ferrous metals", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises ", " Autogenous processes in the industry"
20. PyrM Pyrometallurgy. 4 credits

Prerekvizita: "Power system of metallurgical processes", "Physical chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes".

Studying purpose: Forming at students of the systematized knowledge of bases, the tekhknologicheskikh features and hardware registration of the main the pirometallurgiikcheskikh of processes – roasting, melting of ore and secondary raw materials, etc.

Summary: Structure of fusions. Various processes of conversion of mineral and technogenic raw materials. Development of pyrometallurgical processes and equipment for its implementation. The operating and projectible processes, reasons for the choice of processes, forecasting indicators of these or those specific processes and the directions of development of technologies of conversion of ore and technogenic raw materials. Metals and periodic law. Oxidizing roasting. The chlorinating roasting. Subliming and recovery roasting. Equipment for roasting. Metallurgical fusions. Oxidizing mine melting. Recovery mine melting. Recovery сульфидирующая mine melting. Reflective melting. Electric melting. Autogenous processes. Refinement. Special swimming trunks.

The expected results: Knowledge acquisition about regularities, technologies and the equipment of pyrometallurgical processes; about methods of their intensification, methods of the critical analysis of modern level of technologies; abilities to choose and prove pyrometallurgical technology of conversion of specific metallurgical raw materials and its hardware registration; to offer ways of enhancement and creation of new effective pyrometallurgical technologies.

Discipline post-details: Theory of metallurgical furnaces, Processes and devices of powder metallurgy.

21. ТКМ Technology of composition materials (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Theory of metallurgical processes.

Aim of study : acquisition by the students of knowledge in the areas of receipt of composition materials, acquaintance with classification, methods of determination and properties of composition materials.

Short maintenance: Determination and classification of composition materials. Basic concepts of mechanics of composition materials : module of resiliency, durability, destruction, chemical, thermal and mechanical stability. Components used for the production of composition materials : matrix and reinforcing materials and their receipt. Production of metallic composition materials : methods and mechanism of receipt, choice of method depending on the functional setting. Production of polymeric composition materials. Carbon-carbon and ceramic composition materials. Methods of determination of properties of composition materials. Application of composition materials.

Expected results: As a result of study of discipline students will know about the types of composition materials, choice of method of their receipt and control of quality and properties of composition materials.

Essential Post-elements: Processes and vehicles of powder-like metallurgy, Production of powder-like and composition metals.

22. MLM 3304 Metals Rare Metals - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Technology of metallurgical processes"

The purpose of the study: The study of the main ways to obtain rare metals.

Summary: The concept of "rare metals" , the technical classification of these metals , the estimation of their role in modern technology. The position of rare metals in the periodic table of elements DI Mendeleev and features of the technology of rare metals . Physico-chemical properties, applications, raw material sources of rare metals . Main processes of raw material processing comprising a rare metals, to give a finished product in the form of pure chemical compounds or metals.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: physico - chemical properties , applications , features, technology of rare metals , the sources and the basic processes of processing of raw materials .

be able to: work with the literature and analyzing methods for producing rare metals .

Postrekvizity: "The course of scientific - research work on light and rare metals" , "Processes of technological and processing of secondary raw materials"
23. MRSM 3304.1 Metallurgy radioactive and accompanying metals - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Metallurgical Process Technology", "Current state and prospects of the industry"

The purpose of the study: The study of the main technologies for the production of radioactive and accompanying metals.

Summary: Problems of theoretical and applied research related to the field of processing of raw materials containing radioactive elements, as well as the production of clean technologies and related radioactive metals, such as uranium and RMZ.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: physico - chemical properties , applications, features, technology of radioactive and accompanying metals, the sources and the basic processes of processing of raw materials .

be able to: analyze the methods for the preparation of radioactive and accompanying metals.

Postrekvizity: "The processes of processing of technogenic and secondary raw materials", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises", "Dust condensation in the industry".

24. EMCM 3304.2 Electrometallurgy non-ferrous metals - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Technology of metallurgical processes."

The purpose of the study: The study of the basic processes of obtaining pure metals and alloys.

Summary: Theoretical and technological foundations of electrochemistry and electrometallurgy of nonferrous metals, electrolysis of water in the molten media, physical and chemical laws of the processes occurring in electrochemical systems, the basics of electrolytic and electrodeposition.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student should know the theoretical bases of reception pure metal by electrolysis; be able to analyze process parameters and electrolytic plating.

Postrekvizity: "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises of designing"
25. PAMChM 3305 Processes and devices in ferrous metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Metallurgical Process Technology" , "Processes ferrous metallurgy"

The purpose of the study: The study of the theoretical foundations of metallurgical processes and key machines in the manufacture of iron and steel.

Summary: The discipline "Processes and devices in the steel industry" examines existing and new production processes and devices ferrous metals and their chemical compounds.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline, the student must

know: basic processes ferrous metals , equipment and operation of vehicles used in the implementation of these processes ;

be able to: analyze and calculate the processes , perform design , energy , thermal calculations of processes and devices .

Postrekvizity: "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises design", the writing of the thesis (project).
26. РAM 3305.1 Processes and devices in the non-ferrous metallurgy - 3 credits

Prerequisites: "General Metals", "Technology of metallurgical processes"

The purpose of the study: The study of the basic processes and metallurgical production machines.

Summary: Theoretical patterns of hydro, thermal and mass transfer processes of metallurgy; hardware design of these processes; production process analysis and the necessary calculations.

Expected outcome: After mastering the discipline the student must

know: fundamentals of hydro, thermal and mass transfer processes and their equipment.

be able to: make technological calculations and analyze the basic metallurgical processes.

Postrekvizity: "Modelling of metallurgical processes", "Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises design" , the writing of the thesis (project).

27. AOGMP Hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Theory of metallurgical processes, Technology of metallurgical processes, Power system of metallurgical production.

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of knowledge in the field of designs, the principle of action and use of devices and aggregates of hydrometallurgical technologies.

Summary: Features and classification of devices of hydrometallurgy. The equipment for leaching of ore and technogenic raw materials: tubs, reactors, Pachuca, autoclaves, perkolyator, propagandists. Features of compact and underground leaching. The equipment for extraction extraction of metals: gravitational extractors, mixing and settling equipment, centrifugal extractors, hardware schemes and cascades of extraction processes. The equipment for ion-exchange extraction of metals. Crystallization and sedimentation from solutions, their hardware equipment. Electrolysis and the equipment for electrolytic receipt of metals and alloys from water electrolytes. Hardware equipment of processes of galvanotechnics and receipt of electrodeposited coatings. Evaporation, distillation and their hardware equipment. The equipment for sewage treatment by methods of a galvanokoagulyation, sedimentation, sorption, an ionic exchange, an electrodialysis, etc.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students shall have an idea of hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes, be able to make balance sheet calculations and to make the choice of the optimum equipment for implementation of hydrometallurgical processes.

Post-details: Writing and protection of the thesis (project).

28. MP 3318.2 Metallurgical furnaces. (3 credits)

Prerekvizita of "Physicist of II", "Mathematics of II", "Theory of metallurgical processes", "Power system of metallurgical processes".

Purpose of studying of discipline: forming at students of the systematized knowledge of main types of fuel and its burning, classification and a general characteristic of operation of the furnaces, of materials used in a pechestroyeniye yavklyatsya, the course program has provided studying of elements and designs of a number of the furnaces used in non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy.

Summary: Classification and general characteristic of operation of furnaces. Classification of furnaces and modes of their work. Classification of operating modes of furnaces. Heattechnical characteristics of operation of furnaces. Thermal balance and fuel consumption. Fire-resistant and heat-insulating materials, construction elements of furnaces. Classification and general properties of ogneupor. Working properties of fire-resistant materials. Heat-insulating materials. Construction elements of the furnace and materials. Utilization of secondary energy resources. Heattechnical bases of various methods of utilization of heat of flue gases. Chilling of furnaces and combustion gases. Purification of combustion gases. Chilling of furnaces and combustion gases. Purification of combustion gases. Metallurgical furnaces. Fuel furnaces of ferrous metallurgy. Fuel furnaces of non-ferrous metallurgy. Furnaces of ferrous metallurgy with heatgeneration due to burning out of impurity of metal. Furnaces of non-ferrous metallurgy with complete or partial use of a chemical energy of raw materials. Thermal and temperature operating modes of the furnace for roasting of sulphidic concentrates in the boiling layer. Thermal and temperature operating modes of furnaces for melting on matte (autogenous processes). Electric furnaces.

The expected results: the student shall be able to apply the gained knowledge in case of the solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to design oven aggregates; to use the software for development of drawings of aggregates.

Post-details: Degree designing.

29. Powder metallurgy (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Physical chemistry, Theory of metallurgical processes.

Studying purpose: acquisition of a studenktakma of znakniya in the field of production of powder materials, acquaintance with their main svoykstvo and methods of obtaining.

Summary: Classification of methods of a polukcheniye of powder materials. Mechanical methods of a polukcheniye of powder materials. The reducers used in powder metallurgy. Receipt of powders by methods высокотемператур¬но¬го vosstaknovkleniye of chemical compounds of metals. Examples of obtaining poroshkokvykh of metals by methods of vysokoktemperaturny recovery of chemical compounds. Receipt of powder materials recovery from solutions. Recovery of gaseous chemical compounds of metals. Production of metal powders electrolysis. Method of thermal dissociation of carbonyls of metals. Properties of metal powders and methods of their control. Methods of formation of powder materials. Agglomeration of powder materials.

The expected results: As a result of studying of discipline students shall acquire knowledge of methods of powder metallurgy, properties and types of powder metals, methods of quality control and properties of powder materials, to be able to make the choice of the necessary equipment and methods of receipt of powder materials.

Post-details: Processes and devices of powder metallurgy, Production of powder and composite metals.

30. RARM Processes and devices of powder metallurgy (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Physical chemistry", "Powder metallurgy".

Studying purpose: acquisition of a studenktakma of znakniya in the field of receipt of powders of metals and alloys crushing of initial materials in a firm and liquid state, recovery of chemical compounds, electrolysis of fusions and solutions and other chemical and metallurgical methods, and also acquaintance with designs the tekhnologikchekskikh of apkpakkrakt and the equipment.

Summary: Production of metal powders by mechanical methods (cutting and crushing). Production of metal powders by mechanical methods (crushing and grind). Spraying and granulation of the melted environments. Receipt of powders of iron by recovery methods. Receipt of powders of tungsten and molybdenum by recovery methods. Carbonyl method of receipt of powders of metals. Production of metal powders electrolysis of water solutions. Production of metal powders electrolysis of the melted environments. Production of metal powders cementation and intercrystalline corrosion. Production of powders of metals by chemical and metallurgical methods. Receipt of powders in plasma, an autoclave method, the evaporation condensation method. Receipt of powders of metalsimilar refractory connections. Examples of production of powders of metals by chemical and metallurgical methods. Properties of metal powders and methods of their determination.

The expected results: ability to analyze technological proktsessa, svyakzankny with transfer of a maskkksa and warmth in technological systems, in that chiskl with participation движу¬щих¬ся phases; matching and calculation of sources of an enerkgiya, creation of thermal and material balances of technological agrekgakt and calculation of their main sizes.

Post-details: writing and protection of the thesis (project).

31. PPKM 437.3 Production of powder and composite materials (3 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes", "Physics".

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of znakniya in the field of technology of composite and powder materials of spetsialkny appointment and their practical application

Summary: Receipt of magnetic materials, polukprokvodknik, dielectrics and materials with a sverkhkprovodimost on the basis of powder and composite materials. Obtaining the pokroshkovykh of materials and products from them, the sravknimykh on hardness with diamonds. Types of upkrochknitel. Matrixes on a basis the spektsikalknykh of alloys. Benefits and shortcomings pokroshkovykh and composite materials. Osknovny properties and methods of obtaining arkmikrovannykh carbide fibers kompokziktsionnykh of materials. Refractory and zhakrokprochkny materials and their application in the industry. Tribotechnical matekrikakla. Poklukcheniye of firm alloys on an osnokva the poroshkkokvykh of metals. Materials for an atomkny tekhknika.

The expected results: receipt by students of abilities to be guided in the existing metallurgical processes from the point of view of their technological effectiveness and feasibility, to be guided in methods of receipt of special materials, to understand features of hardware registration of processes.

Post-details: writing and protection of the thesis (project).

32. PCMI Physical and chemical isslekdokvaniye of metallurgical processes (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Physics", "Mathematics", "Chemistry", "Physical and colloidal chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes".

Studying purpose: acquisition by students of znakniya in the field of the analysis of metallurgical products and mastering physical and chemical methods of the analysis of metallurgical processes

Summary: It is aware the main fiziko-himikcheksky methods of research the metallurkgikchekskikh of products, methods of measurement of high temperatures, viscosity, density, a poverkhknostkny tension of fusions are studied. Methods of measurement of elektrikcheksky conductivity, pressure of vapors of metalkl and their connections Rasksmatkrivatsya; methods of research of ravknovesiya of chemical reactions in the metalklurkgikcheskikh systems. Along with teoretikcheskikm bases of methods of the analysis have this the description of the installations and devices applied to isksledovaniye in laboratory and the proizvodstkvenknykh conditions. The particular interest is vyzykvakt by physical characteristics of a liquid metalkl and slag which are in vzaimoksvyaz with structure and a condition of phases.

The expected results: abilities: to apply methods of the analysis of metallurgical processes to specific conditions of practice of steel works and combines; to take temperature, viscosity, density, electric conductivity and a superficial tension of fusions; pressure of vapors of metals and their connections; content of gases in metallurgical phases; nonmetallic inclusions.

Post-details: "Theory and practice of separation and refinement of metals", "Special heads of metallurgical production".

33. CDM Corrosion and protection of metals (4 credits)

Prerekvizita: "Physics", "Chemistry", "Physical and colloidal chemistry", "Theory of metallurgical processes".

Studying purpose: to give to students of knowledge of interaction of metals with the environment surrounding them, about the mechanism of this interaction; to teach use of physical and chemical regularities for forecasting of corrosion resistance of metals, to apply the corresponding methods of protection.

Summary: Classification of corrosion processes. Bases of the theory of chemical corrosion of mektalkl. Films on metals. The law of growth of a pokriskty (not protective) film on metals. Growth of a continuous (protective) film on mektall. The diffusion mechanism in protective films. Electrochemical corrosion of metalkl. Elektkrodny potentials of metalkl. Termokdiknamika of elektrokhimicheksky corrosion of mektall. Polarization. Secondary processes and products of electrochemical corrosion of mektalkl. Corrosion processes with kislokrodkny and hydrogen depolarization. Calculation of an electrochemical corrosion protsessk. Passivity of metals. Atmospheric korkroziya. Classification of methods of a zashchikta. Methods of protection against a chemical korkroziya. Methods of protection against elektrokhimicheksky corrosion.

The expected results: ability to estimate corrosion resistance of metallurgical materials indicators and in points; to determine and calculate probability and the mechanism, speed of corrosion of constructional materials in gas, liquid technological environments, to establish influence on it of internal and external factors; to make the reasonable choice and engineering calculation of methods of protection against corrosion on blueprint stage.

Post-details: "Special heads of metallurgical production", "Bases of designing of the metallurgical entities".

Academic degree for bachelors:


Name of the module

Cycle of discipline

Code of discipline

Name of discipline

Amount of credits






Course research work on light and rare metals







Course research work on heavy non-ferrous metals






Processes and technology of reefficient metallurgy






Receiving alloys of a special purpose








Processes processing of technogenic and secondary raw materials







Production Thiosalts






Processing of persistent metallurgical raw materials






Production of powder and composite materials








Fundamentals of metallurgical enterprises







Modelling of metallurgical processes






Theory and practice of refinement and division of metals






Special heads of metallurgical production








Current state and prospects of development of metallurgy







Dust condensation in metallurgy






Hardware equipment of hydrometallurgical processes






Processes and devices of powder metallurgy



1. KNIR LRM 4310 Course research work on light and rare metals - 4 credits

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