Атты VII халықаралық Ғылыми-əдістемелік конференция жəне қазақ психологиялық ҚОҒамының І қҰрылтай съезінің

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Полученные данные позволяют полагать, что уровень этнокультурной идентичности повышается 

с ростом выраженности показателей осмысленности жизни. А с возрастанием уровня этнокультурной 

идентичности увеличивается насыщенность жизни. Таким образом, результаты нашего исследования 

дают  основание  утверждать,  чтоособенности  смысложизненных  ориентаций  в  зависимости  от 

этнического самосознания и его уровней варьируются и дифференцируются, проявляясь в различии 

особенностей  целенаправленности,  насыщенности,  осмысленности  и  контролируемости  жизни 




1.  Собкин, В.С. Старшеклассник в мире политики. Эмпирическое исследование / В. – С. Собкин. – М.: 

ЦСО РАО, 1997. – 318 с. 

2.  Панькин А.Б. Формирование этнокультурной личности: Учеб.пособие. – М.: Изд-во Московского 

психолого-социального ин-та; Воронеж: Изд-во НПО Модэк, 2006. – 280 с. 

3.  Коран. Перевод смыслов и комментарии Иман Валерии Пороховой.– 10-е изд., доп. – М.: РИПОЛ 

классик, 2010. – 800 с. 







Жалпы психологияның өзекті сұрақтары 

Актуальные вопросы общей психологии 




Alpysbayeva A., Mun M.V. 

(The Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty,Al-Farabi Kazakh National University) 




Adolescents’ body image is a crucial factor of their health and wellbeing. The term body image has 

strong roots and dimensions. Until nowadays, there were many researches were done about importance of 

body image, the causal factors of body image and about its influence on general human psychological and 

physiological well-being. Beauty and physical attractiveness have always been highly valued human 

attributes, assumed to be connected with happiness, intelligence, and success [Rennels, 2012]. Body image is 

the part of human physical attractiveness, which is about how you see yourself when you look in the mirror 

or when you picture yourself in your mind. The concept of body imaged was emerged by Austrian 

neurologist and psychoanalyst Paul Schilder. When we say body image, many psychological and social 

researches focus on negative body image, which is defined as distorted perception of your shape, some parts 

and features of your body [2]. Negative body image or body dissatisfaction, is a discrepancy between a 

person’s perceived body and their ideal body [Halliwell & Dittmar, 2006], which it is important to study 

because it leads to negative self-focused affect and unhealthy body-shaping behaviors [Cash & 

Pruzinsky,2002]. Negative body image is mostly emerged during teenage years of human being. In general, 

many teenagers regardless of their culture, religion or educational level, worry about how do they look. “Am 

I too fat? Too skinny? Am I beautiful or handsome?” are known as a common, uncontrollable thoughts and 

self-criticisms among teenagers. Therefore, for several decades, teenagers are associated with body image 

dissatisfaction as a group [Bearman, Presnell, Martinez & Stice, 2006]. There were many researches were 

done about emergence of body dissatisfaction and its influence on psycho-physiological factors of human 

being. Different kind of scientists from all over the world they discussed about how social norms, individual 

personalities and how psychological state of people influence on body image, especially on body 


In their studies Murray, Rieger and Byrne (2013) investigated mediating role of self-esteem and body 

importance in the relationship between stress and body dissatisfaction in adolescent males and females [5]. 

They measured level of stress and perception of body image of American adolescents. As a result, they found 

out that stress is the main cause of body dissatisfaction. However, I their research body dissatisfaction was 

not found as a predicting factor of stress. In a different study conducted by Bell, Lawton and Dittmar (2007) 

the impact of thin models in music videos on adolescent girls’ body dissatisfaction was measured [6]. They 

investigated how mass-media, general social model or norm about body image influenced on teenage girls’ 

negative body perception. They tested three groups of samples were two of them was experimental group 

and one of them was control group. One of the experimental group was exposed to three music videos, 

another experimental group was exposed to same music but did not see the video. The last control group was 

not given any kind of music or video, instead they were given a list of twenty neutral words to memorize. 

Later, by The Body Image States Scale their body dissatisfaction level was evaluated [BISS; Cash et al., 

2002]. As a result, they found out that the members of the group whom were shown both music and video 

was more dissatisfied with their body comparing to the members of the group that were exposed only to 

music. The group members that were exposed only to words showed less body dissatisfaction comparing to 

two experimental group members. The results of study can conclude that there is a high influence of media 

and social norms on personal body image among teenagers. The relationship of body image dissatisfaction 

with self-efficacy and depression was studied by Kostonski and Elanora in 1998 [8]. In their study that was 

conducted with 516 samples, they found out that body dissatisfaction is negatively correlated with self-

esteem but positively correlated with depression in both males and females. Cultural norms and values, 

socio-economic status and education level also play a huge role in creation of body image [Oloo, Ribadu and 

Ribadu, 2016]. In a longitudinal cross cultural observation of United States and Guyana teenagers, the huge 

influence of socio-economic factors, educational level and social norms on body image perception was 


There is a cultural and stereotypical influence on body ideal and body perception in every society. Body 

image perception may vary according to the ideal body image promoted by social media, society and cultural 

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